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  • in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35344
    • Total Posts: 268

    Yes ofcause there is a chance that this guy migth be the one for her. But i highly doubt it, as he is a rebound. But ahe xould meet the man of her dreams later on.
    Every relationship has their ups and downs. Just because you had alot of bad periods during the end of the relationship it does not have to mean that your entire relationship was a bad one.
    Let some time pass, improve on yourself and let the negative memories she have of you die on their own.

    in reply to: The Next Step #35282
    • Total Posts: 268

    How long is the distance? Not within driving range?

    It sounds like she generally has a possitive attitude towards you. I think you have a shot. But keep in mind, she might also just want you as a backup just in case of a lonely night in the future.

    in reply to: The Next Step #35278
    • Total Posts: 268

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you my friend… ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: The Next Step #35277
    • Total Posts: 268

    That is also a possibility yes… Only one way to find out. Invite her for a friendly cup of coffee and catch up. I am sure you can read a lot more from her body language ect. when you talk to her in person. Then you will know a lot better how she feels. You could end up back together, or you could get hurt… No one knows…
    But take it from me: She is open to the idea!
    I have had 3 ex girlfriends, and they ALL came back and it all started with meeting over a cup of coffee just to catch up. Coffee turn into a movie night and so on.
    And they all started like this… And I was always certain they only did it out of guilt or because they wanted to be “just friends”… And every time I was wrong…

    Ofcause I shouldnt get your hopes up. Afterall I could be wrong.
    But women dont go out for coffee with exยดs without a reason or to “catch up”. There is always a reason for women to keep their ex in their lives…

    in reply to: The Next Step #35272
    • Total Posts: 268

    Sounds like she is indeed open to the idea.
    But I dont think she will come crawling and begging…

    If I were you I would invite her for coffee..
    Make up some excuse. Text her that you will be in her area this weekend, and suggest you meet up forr coffee to catch up.
    This is the time where you man up and take the lead. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Just remember: You can talk about whatever you want, and bring up any topic you want. Except one thing! Do not bring up the topic of you past relationship or the idea of the two of you give it another shot. Let her bring that up. She will let you know when she is ready for that topic. Forcing it on her will only push her away…

    You say you are ok with friendship, correct?
    Are you really??? Like a real friendship with everything that come along with it…
    Can you sit and talk about the new guys she is dating and hear stories about how wonderfull he is??? Can you?

    in reply to: Ex on dating website #35271
    • Total Posts: 268

    i know how you feel.
    Right after the break up my ex also did a lot of things that did not make any sense, and complete opposite of what she said. But now (6 months later) she is becoming normal again, and the things that happend straigth afte the break up no longer seem to matter…
    We do many stupid things and things that doesnยดt make any sense in siturations like this. Try not to read to much into it. There can be a ton of different reasons for it, or there might not even be a reason at all. Perhaps it is to ease his own pain, perhaps some friends has ordered him to do it and tell him it will make him feel better, perhaps he wants to explore his options, cold feet, he needs an ego boost, he thinks the single life is very glamorous (it usually isnt), you may have hurt him at some point and he wants to hurt you back, he wanted to see if you were on the site ect…
    You get my point….
    There could be many reasons, but there is no way for any of us can know for sure. He might not even know himself….

    Take the high road my friend. Dont let him know this gets to you.
    After some time when the break up is no longer fresh things will change, and he will become more “normal”

    Hope this makes sense…. ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Should I break no contact! #35246
    • Total Posts: 268

    Time is your best friend mate. Let things settle.


    Anger/hate or whatever this was, is still a feeling. The worst thing that could happend is him being indifferent. At least he is reacting. Dont worry about it. Take the high road. He will end up takeing it all back later. He just needs time.
    As a guy I would NEVER do this unless there was some really strong feelings involved.

    in reply to: Should I break no contact! #35222
    • Total Posts: 268

    I know how you feel. Sometimes I wish my ex was hurting like hell. Not because I hate her or anything, but because it would make me feel like I mattered and that she did have some feelings for me.
    We need our ego boost every now and then.

    Let me tell you this:
    What you are hopeing for MIGHT be true. She may lay sleepless every nigth thinking of you. But there is a chance it is only temporary. When she gets her ego boost from you she could give you a cold shoulder again like my ex did, and you will end up more hurt then before. Like I did…

    So for your own best: Accept that you will never know for sure. Find some other way to get an ego boost, be happy, improve yourself and live your life ๐Ÿ™‚
    If what you are thinking is true, she will come to you sooner or later when she see this new amazing person.

    in reply to: Ex on dating website #35211
    • Total Posts: 268

    We always seem to have an idea that the single life is so exciting and glamorous. But that is usually never the case. And when you think of him as a single guy and him being on a dating site, you are thinking the exact same thing ๐Ÿ™‚
    You a thinking of him having the time of his life as a single. New girl every night, happier then ever, tons of offer from hot girls ect.

    I have been single for quite awhile now. And I have more experience in this than I like to admit. Single life sucks!! His single life sucks!

    So take it easy. He is not having the time of his life either.

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35194
    • Total Posts: 268

    Looking back, how would you describe your relationship?? Good an healthy, or abusive and bad?

    in reply to: Should I break no contact! #35187
    • Total Posts: 268

    Yes ofcause she has thought of you and your relationship. It is only natural. No matter how it ended and how ugly the break up was, there will always be times when you are reminded of the good times. The only question is: how much!
    It doesn’t nesseseraly mean that she lays sleepless every night because she is constantly missisng you.

    But to turn it around: why do you need to know? How can this information benefit you??
    It can’t… Besides making you feel better for a little while.

    Accept the fact that you cannot know what is going on inside her head, and if you did know there is nothing you can do with the information anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Should I break no contact! #35152
    • Total Posts: 268

    I know how you feel mate. I had the same experience with my ex:

    After 2 months of NC we bumbed into each other at the gym. I acted happy and upbeat ofcause. After this she started snapchatting me some random stuff, I replied. We had this going for 2-3 days… The snaps quickly became very flirting, and then she became cold as ice. WTF? I thought she wanted me back?

    Now 4 months later she is opening up again. She texted me about something random, and she has also started to like some of the things I post on Instagram. Much like you ex is doing.
    This time I am trying not to read to much into it, and I advice you to do the same. You will just end up very hurt like I did.
    I think it is their way of keeping us in their life, or to get their attention fix…

    Some guy on another forum told me: “If she really really wants to reconsile, you will know! There will be no doubt about her intentions. She will not make small hints…. She will be direct!

    in reply to: Ex on dating website #35138
    • Total Posts: 268

    Ignore, ignore, ignore…
    Let him use the dating website if he wants. He might have an idea that now he is single he will get tons of offers from hot girls. But we all know how it is with these websites right? Guys dont get any offers like we imagine.. Only woman does. And he knows that. My bet is that he is freaking out more than you, now that he see you have also joined the site.

    And like you said: You have the control by not looking at his profile…

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #35136
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thats great!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I know you dont see it, but this is a good thing for you.
    One word for you my friend: REBOUND!
    These are rebound guys. And they tend to end faster then they begin. Dont you worry. She will have a period now where she goes from rebound to rebound. Each rebound gets her closer to realising how great a relationship you and her had. I know it is hard to do, but try not to worry to much about it. Let her make all the mistakes she wants.

    Many studies shows that if a couple feel the need to constantly show the world how happy they are on social medias, it means that things might now be as wonderfull afterall….

    in reply to: The Next Step #35135
    • Total Posts: 268

    Iโ€™m so happy that we can at least be friends. Even after looking back on it for so long I still think she is a great person and I still would love to be with her.

    Sounds like she might feel the same way. Now that you had some time apart, all the negative feelings are gone and she remembers how great you were.
    Personally I would say go for it. Invite her over for a cup of coffee and catch up on what has been going on in yours and her life since the breakup.
    But remember: NO NEEDINESS!!

    I have seen many people screw up on this stage. The girls is hook, the girls is interrested in getting back togther ect. Everything is going great, they are flirting ect. Then the guys breaks down and tell her how missirable he has been these last 8 months, and he cannot live without her, and begs her to please come back… Dont be that guy! Dont trip over your own feet, just inches before the finishing line…

    Be cool, be charming and most importantly: Show her all the possitive changes you have made during NC. Dont tell her about them, SHOW her!

    Hope this helps, and I wish you the best with your meeting. PLease keep us updated… ๐Ÿ™‚

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