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  • in reply to: The Mornings Are The Worst #29767
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins I also found these boards by luck, I had been getting the emails but I didn’t know the board existed. I’m glad it’s here because pretty much every other place is all about telling you to forget it and encouraging you to hate your ex. What happened that you ended up in the hospital?

    That’s what I did last night, I watched some funny movies. I almost hate feeling temporarily better that way though because then I have to remember all over again and it’s horrible. The soup sounds like a good idea, I am also going to order some juices tomorrow. I could probably do one of those weeklong juice detox diets now with no problem whatsoever. I’m scared he really doesn’t love me or miss me anymore. You don’t know how many times he told me all he wants is for me to forget him and move on. The only thing that gives me hope is the way he tried to hurt me so bad with his words, the way he kept saying he didn’t care anymore when he obviously did, I feel as long as he still feels those things he still feels something for me…

    in reply to: The Mornings Are The Worst #29761
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins the same here…I am desperately trying to hide things from my mom because if she knew how I really am feeling she would probably be afraid I am going to kill myself or something… I cry in private, luckily there is only one meal I eat around her but I can still barely fit anything in because my stomach has gotten used to next to no food. I don’t understand why today has been so horrible. I was better yesterday but today since the morning I have been beyond a wreck and I feel like I am going to have a panic attack. How am I going to survive day after day of this.

    in reply to: The Mornings Are The Worst #29758
    • Total Posts: 90

    Thank you guys for responding to me. Thank you for making me feel less alone. And bless you @Merchaunt for that incredible, inspiring post for me, and for all of us. I have been reading it over and over and have copied and pasted it onto a Word document so I can always have it. Guys I am NOT doing well. I am barely eating anything, even when I get hungry, I barely eat a few bites before I feel sick. I’ve lost three pounds this week, down to 107 lbs. In fact I just came back from a nearby church, I drove there in desperation to speak to a priest and I could not – I am going to call tomorrow to make an appointment for a confessional, something I have NEVER done. I’m Catholic but I haven’t been to church probably since I was a child. The guilt and the pain is literally eating me alive. I missed two and a half days of work last week and can’t continue to do so. I have to somehow survive the four days of work this week. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. Today has been horrible. Please keep talking to me, I would really appreciate it

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29605
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins what do you mean she never texted you first…like while you guys were together?

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29561
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins did your ex ever talk to you again? What happened?

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29543
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins thank you for having faith. I am so distraught. I made a big mistake and re-read the last conversation I had with my ex on text. He seems to hate me so much. He said so many times he wants nothing more to do with me ever again. ๐Ÿ™ I feel like if he talks to me again it would be because of a miracle ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29534
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins I am definitely not going to try to contact him on Line… I just want to know if it let me add him if that means he does not have my phone number blocked….I just want hope even if it is very small… ๐Ÿ™

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29508
    • Total Posts: 90

    Based on what I tried on my phones, I think he may have received a notification on his phone when I first installed the app saying that he and I were “friends” now. Which would have been really embarrassing. But the good news is if that is the case, he hasn’t instantly blocked me. Still, all the desperately trying to figure out if I’m blocked here or there caused me to have a near panic attack at work and then I cried hysterically all the way home. It has been a horrific day.

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29459
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins OMG. Well I hope I didn’t just ruin everything, but it appears he does NOT have my phone number blocked! I have two mobile phones and I downloaded Line onto both of them and did an experiment. Like you said, when I blocked one of the numbers and then invited it to a group, it didn’t come up as invited to the group. Well, when I invited my ex to the group, it showed him as in the group! But does that mean he doesn’t have me blocked on Line, or that he doesn’t have me blocked on his phone?? What is the trick so I can try it on my two phones??

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29453
    • Total Posts: 90

    I can’t figure out how to do the trick – I don’t want to send him a message by accident. If I put him to join the group and it just says OK, and it says it invited him to join the group, do I have to press anything else? Also wouldn’t this just mean he doesn’t have me blocked on Line? Or he doesn’t have my actual phone number blocked?

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29430
    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins what app is it?? I just want to determine the severity to which I have been blocked

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29418
    • Total Posts: 90

    Thank you guys. I am trying to see the positive in this but it’s so difficult. It hurts so bad because I didn’t think he would actually go through with it. TBH I thought he would want to see the degree to which I would try to contact him, just so he could get an ego boost from it and ignore me. This makes it feel so final. I don’t know for sure if he has me blocked on other things like his e-mail or phone, it’s only an assumption. I just figured if he blocked me from something as stupid as google plus where he has next to nothing on there, why wouldn’t he block me from everything else as well. With these stupid blocking apps it is impossible to find out if your phone number is blocked, isn’t it?

    in reply to: He Blocked Me and I Feel Sick! #29408
    • Total Posts: 90

    Hi B86, thanks for your response. I have heard that that happens but right now this just feels like the end of the world and I feel hopeless. It feels like such a gesture of hate. If he has me blocked everywhere how would NC even work since he knows I can’t contact him even if I wanted to?

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