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  • in reply to: Shes playing games about meeting up #38809
    • Total Posts: 15

    Well we agreed to meet at 1230pm tomorrow.. super nervous.

    She made an inside joke because I laughed at something she said via text and she stated “you laughed at me, cool you don’t hate me THAT much”

    I don’t want to bring anything up about what happened, that’s all on her. Thoughts ?

    in reply to: Shes playing games about meeting up #38729
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    I responded to her and just said “alright no problem”

    should i try to throw her a bone and let her know when im free? Or else shes gonna keep asking me and if its not convenient for her odds are the meet up won’t happen. her school schedule is busy during the day.

    in reply to: Social Media and an Ex #38410
    • Total Posts: 15

    But why wait a month? I never initiated contact with her once, its always been her. The letter was the only time i initiated contact. If shes playing it off and showing the world that shes interested in this guy, why waste her own time to give me the “reasons” why she left me? isn’t it obvious?

    I just find it odd that she would wait all that time just to meet up and give me whatever preconceived notions so solidify why she left me, when I know and we all know it was for this guy.

    Was it because she didn’t want to hurt me so she hid it?

    Why tell me now that shes broadcasting more on social media of their “fling” then she ever did for me in 6 years! Def a honey moon stage, just find it odd. I feel meeting up with her and listening to hear lie to my face isn’t going to help any chance of getting her back. She has to realize it on her own.

    in reply to: Social Media and an Ex #38382
    • Total Posts: 15

    Thanks Creed,

    I have another update, I got a screen shot from a friend this morning of a picture her new boy toy posted on his instagram account the night after she sent me those texts and called me.

    I guess this guy shes with now is going away to NYC which explains her going to CT, whether thats the truth or not.

    Also the picture he posted she commented “So handsome” with a kissy face.

    I just find it odd she would want to meet up and talk but still is broadcasting publicly how she feels about this kid and still seeing him for sure.

    Makes me feel less like she actually misses me and more like she wants to give me a reason why she left because she never did. ( I basically found things out for myself that I explained in the letter).

    in reply to: Social Media and an Ex #38256
    • Total Posts: 15


    While I was working this evening, she randomly called me but I quickly ended the conversation because I was busy at work and said I would talk to her later.

    About and hour later she texted me stating the following:

    “Hope your shift is going well. Just calling to let you know that im open to talking things through now. (because after I sent that letter she did the whole blocking thing) I havent been receiving your texts/calls if there were any, but if you want to talk, im ready. thats all”

    I mean I was a little taken back by this..Why block me then wait almost 2 weeks to contact me to tell me youre ready to “talk” about things? when I KNOW for a fact shes still with this kid doing god knows what.

    My text response was:

    “Hey sorry, super busy tonight with work. But yeah, I wasn’t texting you or calling but whenever you want to meet up and talk let me know, we can grab a coffee or something”.

    Her Response:

    “Im going to CT this weekend so maybe monday”

    I just gave her the “okay” back.

    Thoughts on this?? Def caught me off guard, I mean just yesterday she was posting snap chat stories with this guy.

    in reply to: Wrote her a letter..her response was indifferent #37651
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    any other thoughts? anyone?!?

    • Total Posts: 15

    If she left you for other men that many times before, I doubt it was anything wrong with what you were doing…

    She obviously is going through some boy crazy phase and keeps jumping from guy to guy. Do you see the pattern here? She NEEDS to have a man in your life. I’m sure she loves you and still thinks about you, but her coming back to you all those times was only to fulfill whatever void she feels when she is single and needs a guy.

    Just because some new guy has a major her rents like and seems happy on social media doesn’t mean anything. Appearances are just that..appearances. When you try to live up to someone else, you lose yourself. Regardless of what shes doing now, she fell for YOU at one point, and dated YOU. You embodied what she wanted in a guy for quite some time, and i can guarantee she wont have what you two had with anyone.

    This isn’t the first time she moved on quick, so don’t be blinded by what this new guy does or how he acts. You can’t change the past. Whether she comes back or not, at least you have closure.

    in reply to: Should dating during NC be brought up #37053
    • Total Posts: 15

    What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. It’s different if he knew you were seeing them or sleeping with them, but if you’re single..because he left you…then I don’t see where that’s his business.

    You weren’t single by choice. He put you in that situation.

    I know my ex is seeing someone and most def. doing the dirt, but if I found out about someone else then I would be pretty pissed, especially 2 weeks after a break up.

    Rebounds are Rebounds, everyone does it. Just don’t let it drag into your relationship if you two end up working things out.

    You know hes going to ask, so either tell a white lie, because the honesty will most likely hurt the relationship

    in reply to: Wrote her a letter..her response was indifferent #37051
    • Total Posts: 15

    I appreciate all of the feedback, thanks so much..

    It most def. is easier said then done. The guy she is now currently seeing is the total opposite of any guy she would ever date or be into. He is a self centered “male model” who does nothing but take pictures of himself with his shirt off for attention..The last person I thought she would be into.

    Regardless, She does have a history of doing things like this, sadly I was the fool and took her back every time. She cheated twice and I took her back, and while being on and off for those 6 years, I tried to move on as well. We met when we were 16, I am now 22 and she is 21.

    Maybe it is just a phase, you’re right. I know she will come around eventually. 6 years is hard to just forget about. I just find it SOOOOO odd that she would respond acknowledging my letter, never respond back to me, and then have her new boy block me, as well as her. Just looks suspicious.

    Like come on now, If I know you two are together, whats there to hide? just be honest about it.. Hardest part, and the reason why I even wrote the letter was for my own closure because she gave me none. I have gone out on several dates and it’s fun, believe me..But she is on my mind always which sucks hah.

    in reply to: What to do???? #36360
    • Total Posts: 15

    You need to ask yourself if it’s really worth it though buddy. What did you learn in the whole no contact period? Will she change? or is this another way of her trying to be in control of the situation and having you as a back burner until you find her with another random guy days/weeks after you two break up again.

    Known your worth.

    in reply to: She wanted a break, still snapchats me every day. #34657
    • Total Posts: 15

    You answered it yourself in your question. I think you made the mistake of even responding to some. I dont know the back story of the two of you, or where you are in relation to how long you two have been done for, But I know from experience, that girls on social media (immature ones) tend to do things like that just to see if you’d respond or give them that attention back. It’ll say more to her if you open and dont answer or just get rid of her completely and not contact her. To her she is looking at you as an easy option, and trust me, you don’t want to be an option to someone you care about.

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