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  • in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60956
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12


    I contacted her today. I think I really fudged up though.

    I made it sound like I was trying to hint at hang out with her. I was just trying to have a light-hearted conversation.

    Her last message was sounded like an excuse, but also sounded like she was actually busy. That wasn’t even my intention though – to ask to subtly hangout.

    I didn’t respond to her last message. I am too disappointed in myself to respond.

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60941
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    Thank you for the help Patricia.

    I have reflected on it. I am not sure that texting her about the talk is a good idea. “We will talk about this,” was her line as she was walking out the door. I don’t actually remember her saying later. I mean, it has been three days after the fact. She didn’t text me yesterday. I didn’t text her. The last contact I had with her was the third text message I sent to her on Tuesday. If she really did want to talk, she can show some initiative.

    I believe she works today as well. I am not sure how smart of a play that would be to text her at work. I have a lot of things going on today with work and classes.

    I think that if I do text her today, I would just text her to see if she even wants to respond. I might not even do that.

    I might just cut communication until next week. I have a lot of fun things going on this weekend. I don’t need my weekend ruined because of my ex.

    I am going to go about my day. If I text her, it will be because I want to. Not because I should. And who knows, maybe I will text her about the talk.

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60933
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12


    One thing I have to ask though before I do this: Are you sure she is still feeling the same way?

    I understand women better than I used. I know that women are very in-tune with their emotions. However, I also understand that a woman can feel one thing one day and then, feel something differently the next day.

    Is it possible that she is not feeling the same desire to ‘talk about this later’ as she did two days ago?

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60931
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12


    Thank you for your response.

    If I sent something along the lines of this: “The other night you said we should talk. If that was true, let’s talk.” How would that sound? I don’t want to ask, or come off insecure. I more so want to state it. I want to be assertive.

    I think I might wait until tomorrow. I pretty sure she has a busy schedule tonight. More so, my anxiety is still pretty hight. I am not sure if it is smart of me to talk to her while I am emotionally disturbed.

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60927
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    Do you suggest then, trying to call her tonight? Or should I wait?

    It is funny, I am seeming to get varying degrees of advice from everyone. A lot of people are saying I need to wait for her to contact. I don’t know how successful that will be. She really has never shown the desire to contact me first.

    Some are saying that I just need to forget her forever. Remove her from my life. Sure, it might come to that. I have always known that is a possibility.

    Patricia, I don’t mean this an insult, but you are the first to tell me that I basically need to have a talk about the ‘relationship’ in earnest. My own hesitation on this is basically it is making me look like I am the one wanting the relationship still. I am nervous that is seems like desperation is oozing out of me by doing this.

    I am just curious: Why do you think she was serious when she said we should talk later? The words seemed empty to me, but it could just be my state of mind.

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60919
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    I had originally thought of trying to reach out to her today. I was going to try to call her. I wanted to see if we could grab a drink or some food. Just to meet. Have fun.

    I am not sure if I should though given what happened yesterday.

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60910
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    Water under the bridge now, but I know she intentionally did not respond to me yesterday. I know because she looked at my snapchat story later in the day.

    How do you suggest I bring this up? I am not really sure how to do it. I don’t want to necessarily talk about ‘us’ and the relationship. I feel like that will only justify her more to reject me again. But, if she truly wants to ‘talk’ I am not sure how to go about doing this. Should I try to engage her with a light text and then ask when a good time to call her would be?

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60902
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    Appreciate the thoughts.

    Just a question: Everything I have ever read has basically told me to NOT talk about where I stand in the relationship. I also feel like I really have not shown her I have changed or really re-attracted her.

    I also cannot help but feel like I was used last night. Something about her wanting to go and then the words she said “We will talk about it later.” It just didn’t seem sincere to me. Then, today, she didn’t bother responding back to me.

    I guess I am not even sure how to best approach this with her. Everything happened so fast. I feel like I lost my insight about the situation.

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60894
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    I simply texted her some lighthearted and playful messages. Basically, the messages I have been sending her for over a week now. Just made reference to a couple of inside jokes we shared.

    To be honest, I didn’t feel like texting her about last night. I didn’t even mention it. Maybe I should have waited a day to even text her. I was just curious to see if she would even respond to me. I got my answer, but it also seems that she isn’t willing to respond to me.

    We don’t talk on the phone. I have tried to call her only one time since we broke up. It didn’t work out for me.

    I figured I have two options right now: Text her tomorrow to test the waters. Or, simply do a mini no-contact for a week to see what happens. Then if she doesn’t respond to me during the one week, text her then.

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60890
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    I texted her. I got two responses to two of my messages immediately. I sent a third message. No response. It has been well over four hours. She is typically the type that texts back immediately (has been for over a week since we started talking).

    Should she not respond, should I try again tomorrow? Or, should I slip into a mini no-contact period?

    in reply to: My Ex and I Had Sex – I Messed Up Horribly #60873
    Black Vulture
    • Total Posts: 12

    Thank you for your response.

    Interesting. You are the first person I have talked to that makes it sound like she was not using me. That her line, “I don’t know what this means. Let’s talk about it later,” was sincere. Not something she was saying to get out of dodge. The reason it sounded like to me was because the way the night ended. She really sounded like she wanted to get out of my place. The second sex session really didn’t help things unfortunately.

    I guess I am just unsure how to take her right now. I am not sure if I should contact her today. I almost feel like she is expecting me to contact her. If this is truly a game, that would ultimately give her the power.

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