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  • in reply to: My ex seems happy on Facebook? #48170
    • Total Posts: 7

    @between1standa I like you’re insight would you mind sharing some advice to my recent post/situation?

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #48167
    • Total Posts: 7

    @finntoga I appreciated your earlier advice so much and took it to heart I haven’t reached out for advice since until now. . It’s been over 30 days now I feel better and from what I know he’s doing great too. I still miss him v and smile everyone he comes to mind. I’m super happy for him that he’s doing great he’s a good guy and deserves to feel good. Neither of us have contacted since the bcuz began so now I’m wondering should I contact him or just leave him Bree unless we ever if we cross paths again?

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46926
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    @finntoga thank you so much i appreciate and value your awesome insight! We were friends for 8 months and just more recently we started getiing closer and then feelings crept up on us. I dont think either of us intended on getting feelings it just happened. i never said i wanted a relationship i told him i was open to whatever happened because it felt so natural between us i didnt want to rush it or label it but i never said i didnt want one either i just didnt want to pressure him towards anything then one day he tells me hes falling for me and the last time he had such a strong feeling for someone was his ex of 3 yrs andthathes not ready for that feeling because he doesnt want to gethurt and if things went wrong he doesnt like the feeling of loosing someone he feels so strongly for. i have never been in “love” so idk how he feels but he toldme that he thinks he hasnt dealtwithhis feelings from that which idk how long ago it was i think it was about 2 to 3 yrs ago. and thatswhen i told hImwe could just keep it at friends and he said he cant because his feelings cant be separated from our friendship which is the same forme but he was a great friend i didnt want to loose. He isa great guy but the blocking thing took me bysurprise because iwe never talkedon social media ever andthe one day i posted anything was pics of my friends graduation he blocked me and i have no clue why we were never mad or resentful, never fought we were always happy and sweet to one another? Idk but i do miss having him around. He works at my groups pizza place, we go to school together, same major, and its just sucks to not have a friend over feelings

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46651
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    I am open to having something with him we are both very hesitant to try to estblish something because we were too afraid of the possibility of being hurt and things going wrong. He told me the last time i saw him 11 days ago that hes put a wall up so i cant get in (i guess to his heart?) We Both were open about how we liked eachother and about how we were scared. Things were going sooo good it was just scary like too good to be true. i thknk 30 day nc is needed so we can sort out our own personal issues that stop us from each other. does nc work?

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46635
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    Right? It was very confusing because we never were mad or resentful towards eachother and we were able to communicate and understand one another no problem… what would you suggest after no contact 30 days?

    in reply to: NO CONTACT Obsessing over what to do #46621
    • Total Posts: 7

    NewMe15 thank you for the advice but you misunderstood. we never talked about getting serious things were getting serious without us even knowing it and then one day he told me he is falling for me and cant be involved with that right now when i told him i understood and respected how he felt he told me he cant be my friend because he will keep having feelings for me that hes not ready for. My main concern is that i lost him as a friend and he is a really good guy and i lost the possibility of having something more. We both really like(d) eachother on a friend level and deeper level but he said he cant be my friend anymore and i just dont understand. I do understand that hes not ready for anything serious but to not be my friend hurts

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