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  • in reply to: He agreed to meet with me! What now?? #59771
    • Total Posts: 4

    Ya. I definitely don’t want to lose him by playing games. I just need to make sure he’s sure and he’s not going anywhere. Im just a little scared ya know. And Im hoping that if I mean enough to him, he’ll let me focus through school. And yes it is very good news! Wasnt quite expecting him to tell me he wanted me back! You know preparing for the worst hoping for the best type of thing! This will be new territory because I also am thinking i should wait because I dont want the stress of these last few months of school to negatively affect our mending relationship. I don’t know, I could have all these theories messed up.

    in reply to: He agreed to meet with me! What now?? #59759
    • Total Posts: 4

    So I have an update! I met with him yesterday. We went to a theme park. We took a moment to sit down and relax. I could tell he wanted to say something, he stumbled with his words for a moment. But eventually he said he hoped that i know he still loves me. I had no intentions of talking about “us” but It just kind of came out. So I said, “what does that mean”? He said, “I still want to marry you. You are exquisite and any guy would be lucky to have you. I don’t know why it took my doubts and our break up to happen for me to realize all that”. So naturally I just put my head down and started crying. Scared, happy, confused all in one. We talked a lot. He knows Ive always loved him, but Ive changed a lot and Im a lot stronger and more confident and he noticed that.
    I didn’t let him kiss me and he asked me if we could get back together, but I told him not yet. Going through that breakup was the most painful thing Ive ever gone through and I told him I have no intentions of feeling that way again. He said he understood and we would take it slow.
    Now i wonder how long i should wait. I graduate with my bachelors in August. I wonder if I should wait til I graduate? To focus?

    Everything i ever hoped would happen did. Im so happy and so cautious at the same time.

    Any thoughts?

    in reply to: He agreed to meet with me! What now?? #59458
    • Total Posts: 4

    Thank you! I will definitely post how it went! And yes I don’t think I even want to try to talk about it. It obviously went wrong for a reason and while we need to learn from it, I dont want to go back into the same situation. Okay! Ill try to keep cool! Haha Easier said then done. But ive gotten this far right?

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