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  • in reply to: long distance relationship #40903
    • Total Posts: 14

    You tend to shoot down some of us*

    in reply to: long distance relationship #40902
    • Total Posts: 14

    Actually you are being negative plus that wasn’t a good impression in first post
    you did plz reread what you say to others be4 you post anything and how we all feel.
    I am only being honest on what you said cuz it’s wrong and you know that so I don’t tend to lie about it. And about my issue well yea I did
    I admit I said some things wrong due to that but this was be4 and I know I am working on myself to be better and if I didn’t care about him why would I even give my time to text him explaining what my behavior and apologized as well that’s
    being human isn’t it? We aren’t perfect we do mistakes
    But at least I care enough that I explain myself but I am wasn’t the one that had issues he had many as well and ofc i have support and cared enough you don’t know whole story and I tend to shoot some of us down in a bad way recognize your mistakes when you talk to ppl
    and how they are feeling right now I am sorry if I was
    Acting strict but I am honest
    The way your acting on post isn’t good so recognize what you say. Thanks

    in reply to: Long Distance Relationship #40886
    • Total Posts: 14

    @Nedim oh no problem I am also using phone to type here
    lol and I see well good she didn’t say anything about the
    guy she is with for all you know she might have went shopping for herself xD (i know am being girly) but is what I would do ofc! Just enjoy talking with her when your able to I doudt she will
    forget about you that easy o still think she on a rebound relationship so it will take time to see who she really will miss =)

    in reply to: Long Distance Relationship #40884
    • Total Posts: 14

    Oh and no worries I been working on myself ofc from past few days and weeks afterthe brake up I got my first car (so proud of myself) and gone out to the movies and places so doing fine but still have here and there missing feelings for my
    ex woundering if he will miss
    me ect but hey ok still working on my self and NC. Oh
    And forgot to say my last convo with him was 1 week ago(he text me I didn’t) saying he received the couples ring (i sent this a month ago be4 brake up) he said thank you and will keep this as a good memories I told him if he wants he can throw it away or keep I foundit weird a little to keep it after we broke up but
    ok weird huh?
    Sorry if talk a lot just needed this off my chest. XD

    in reply to: Long Distance Relationship #40881
    • Total Posts: 14

    @Nedim and yes I do want to text him back but I feel like
    if I do that at the moment he
    Will not miss me as much as I
    do miss him he did say he needed space for himself so trying to do that and I am trying to give myself space to be independent I been to clingy for a while with him that I forgot how to be happy
    I am so used to being happy while we talk text ect and flirt I just feel like I lost
    my partner for that but best we just have this space now to realize we are missing something I don’t wanna push him to get back together cuz on our brake up day I did ask
    him to fix our issues by talking it out and told him if he loves me enough he should do that if he told me that I do it what is more important then your love wants to fix an issue we are facing? I am an understanding
    person ofc but I guess I am noticing I have jealously issues and say something I don’t mean but feel guilty after and say I am sorry I act like that I guess this time wasn’t good to many build up as being tired of it
    aka he had enough patience hedid say he still loves me just tired of issues. I still
    feel bad but I already text him be4 to be clean what I did and explain he didn’t reply is it bad? Or he just mad? Not sure but I said this be4 sorry it just bothers me if he notice that letting go would be worth it or will he try later cuz he miss me again? I don’t understand men so much but I do know for us it’s really love .

    in reply to: Long Distance Relationship #40845
    • Total Posts: 14

    @Andi well what caught my attention is part about friends with benefit well that’s is totally up to you but even if your ex did slept
    another you don’t need to do the same like she did don’t need to lower yourself like that you are worth a lot than
    that but as I said that’s your choice just careful not to feel guilty after do what makes you awesome =) take your time later on your ex will miss you since its hard to forget ones we did fall in
    love with. Good luck !

    well I noticed you have tried to do your best for now it’s best to just be happy for you first that’s your priority. I hope you guys feel better soon for myself still have a long way to go I don’t know yet what’s
    going on with my ex if he thinking about me or not I been trying to distract myself but it’s hard than I thought I been keeping myself
    always from Facebook but got curious if he text me but going to keep with NC but its
    driving me crazy at the moment if he has text or not I don’t wanna make him think I don’t care but same time can’t let him think I can be pulled in like a fish I guess
    he needs to see I am not a toy but it’s hard we been together almost a year and in
    a day poof from one another he does know I love him dearly but will that count? So we will see …

    in reply to: long distance relationship #40385
    • Total Posts: 14

    Seems to me that way you call”solving” the issue works for you and does seems you need to work on your own issues your not welcome to be negative here to anyone but yourself not everyone is same as you tend to be we are here to talk about our issues on what we are suffering cuz we are human and not broke down by how you may see it way you do I will ask you to leave here your not welcome with words that you say from out of your mouth. Thanks for reading.

    in reply to: Long Distance Relationship #40377
    • Total Posts: 14

    Oh and @Andi and @Nedim thanks for the kind words I did needed them since I am in phase at the moment. I hope to hear from your opinions and ofc I’ll tell you mines towards the what you post ^^ oh and I am working on myself so problem it’s hard yes but giving it a try and about your post Nedim the poem to me seems like she trying to get a point like she wants to be happy with the guy she holds dear to and other is saying there are things to work out like issues between em? If I am bad on explanation sorry that’s whatit saids to me when I read it I could be wrong but in other words since shows you love her just keep trying to bond with her but make sure you work on yourself as well .

    in reply to: Long Distance Relationship #40376
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hehe yea you could be right about good decisions part but I still feel like this could have worked by talking out our issue and ofc fixing it Iam stubborn type but if it’s serious I always tend to listen and resolve it but I think it’s good to have space between us both since we been smothering one another towards bad parts need a chance to cool off I guess and yea he means a lot to me since he been there through my other brake up I had and he was the one I trust to talk to about it saying I am worth a lot he always worries about me and trys to make me smile when I was sad we never met in real life like you guys have with your ex’s cuz we are very apart but we did Skype a lot (i don’t ever show myself how I look like to just anyone and he first bf online to see how I look like ) let’s say we met in an online game but feelings and trust was important to us and ofc we both had big plans to see one another in real life was hard for him to visit me yet due to being a foreigner from Brazil I haven’t meet anyone that strongly towards how I felt for him so yea it’s hard after the brake up but th feelings and trust we had are very real. I am jealous of you guys at least you met em in real life tehe but don’t worry not saying it’s bad just keep trying to fight for the one you love just shows you love em but ofc build a bond slowly so won’t push em to hard they be annoyed. I hope my little story wasn’t to bad on the meaning to this.

    in reply to: long distance relationship #40242
    • Total Posts: 14

    And at the moment he said he needs space even tho he said he loves me but hates the drama and argument. So I am respecting his wish to give him space and to think even I need it as well since going through a hard time and noticing the errors days by day and ofc trying to be happy for me so I am working on myself to be better cuz what I did in the relationship I was needy and insecure a lot and wanna fix that about me since he is important to me is why I wanna get him back but I haveto be happy for me first be4 I do anything just not sure from a guys perspective if what he doing means something.

    in reply to: long distance relationship #40241
    • Total Posts: 14

    Let me rephrase that I sent the stuff be4 we broke up it took a month to get there. And he did decided to let me know when he revived it . He said thanks for gift he loved it and wanted to keep it so not sure why he would but he did and last time I talked to him cuz I wanted todo NC and how am I reeling him in if he the one talk to me first after the brake up ?All I wanna know if this is agood idea to do NC not to betold wrongly by someone =/

    in reply to: Long Distance Relationship #40219
    • Total Posts: 14

    Hi Andi and sure I’ll join convo if you don’t mind and I been reading your posts and nice you got many signs but ofc you need to keep building a bond to be strong it’s hard i know the feeling as for me it’s hard too it’s been 4 weeks now after my brake up I been trying to be on NC for over I think a week now Ayer last convo I had about whole ring gift part I had to be strict on myself to keep NC it’s very hard seriously I noticed after brake up I been hurting myself by talking with him like being normal like nothing happen I do love him but more I keep replying to his messages the more he might not miss me cuz I do miss him but need to show himhe did hurt me and need space to show I am serious about him in a way but idk I kept myself from being on Facebook atm wondering if he text me cuz he misses me or have not text me at all anyways will see and for your post your lucky you meet in real life it’s something than nothing I wish you good luck and keep fitghing for the one you love but make sure she treat you good be4 getting back with her =)

    in reply to: long distance relationship #40158
    • Total Posts: 14


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