Boards Reconciliation What to do when she is in a rebound?

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  • #13447
    • Total Posts: 894

    stay strong you seem to be doing great for yourself. 🙂 keep getting stronger and then you can figure out if you want her back afterwards. yes five months seems like a lot but you will come to a point where 1. are you willing to wait whatever amount of time for her (basically waiting for her to change and come to her senses if she even does) or 2. if not are you willing to move on. something you will need to think about. keep becoming stronger. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 29

    Thanks, great advise! It’s been a difficult weekend for me. I ran into my ex sister in law and she told me my ex has a new boyfriend. It’s the guy she was seeing 2/3 months after our breakup. It can’t be too serious, because hes totally different compared to me of what I have heard. I found it funny, but on the other hand I hate someone else is with her. Guess it doesnt change much since I slept with someone else aswell (couldnt resist sleeping with someone after seeing my ex’ behaviour).

    This weekend I rented a box and put all her belonings in it. She refused the pick up her stuff, because she still doesnt have a own place.

    I think her rebound will end pretty soon and she will come back crying. Not sure if I want this to happen. Im holding on thinking about what life we wanted to have together. Thats the only thing why i am not moving on but still keeping hope she will become normal again. I am afraid this will happen again when we get back together (her brother has also done the same things she is doing right now).

    • Total Posts: 5

    I need advice right now. My girlfriend of 8 months are currently on a break, or break up, idk honestly. It started on October 11. She told me it was because she liked someone else for a few months and she lost her love for me. She said she loves me deep down, but she doesn’t feel it now. So I did what any guy would do, I begged, I cried, sent flowers, texted constantly, gave her letters, begging her to take me back and not fall for the guy she likes. She written me a letter a day after our break saying she doesn’t feel right dating me and liking someone else, and that she needed space to figure things out. But she said she wants to be with me in the end, since I’m the guy she truly loves. I still acted desperate and almost two weeks ago, she straight up tells me that we should date other people, and if she misses me, she will come back. I acted calm on that part, and texted her saying I wished her luck, if this is what she wants. I end up texting her asking if she wanted to reunite for lunch about 4 days afterwards to see what’s been happening, so I failed on the no contact of course. So I saw her this past wenesday and she tells me she’s been dating the guy since Monday, so it’s been barely two weeks and she’s already going out with the guy. I feel like I lost this battle. And I felt inclined to tell her that this was a bad idea, but I kept my cool and told her if she’s happy, she should do as she pleases. She also said I drove her away since she said I didn’t compliment on her looks, called her beautiful, and we argued a lot early in our relationship, especially an argument in particular that affected her to this day still. Is there hope that I can win her back? So far, I haven’t spoken to her since wenesday, so it’s day 4 of no contact with her. I won’t accept moving on as an answer. I’ve been in a 3 year relationship before and while that was special, it was also my first love, I managed to get over it after a little while. But the time I spent with this girl is beyond any relationship I could ever dream of. I know she’s the one for me and I can’t bare to lose her. Please, What else should I do? Please help. P.s, the guys she’s currently dating is a friend of hers for 2 years, I was her friend for 4 years before we started dating.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Man I feel for you. But at least you know what the reason for the breakup is…

    This sounds like a classic “Grass is Greener” Syndrome…
    Try reading this article, I am sure it would open your eyes to what is going on:
    Grass is Greener Syndrome

    I know you dont believe it right now, but there is a good chance of winning her back. Go NC first of all….

    And start you own topic and keep us updated so we can give you support 🙂

    • Total Posts: 5

    Thank you for that! It does sound straight on right.

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