Boards Reconciliation What to do????

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  • #35217
    • Total Posts: 262

    Now she called me lastnight and told me she has nothing and her life is going bad and she don’t like staying at her friends moms house and she’s upset because her mom won’t let her move back in and all this stuff. She said she’s turned into a monster and is mean to everybody and don’t know where the old her went

    • Total Posts: 262

    What the heck am I supposed to do? I feel as if it’s too late for no contact

    • Total Posts: 750

    I’m not sure if I can help with your situation, as I am only recently on here myself.
    But with regards to the best mate girl thing…

    My ex had lots of females friends, and that was always fine with me. apart from one of them, they had slept together a few times and then decided they were better off as friends (or so he told me), but she interfered a lot throughout our relationship. I didn’t make him make the choice of me and her, just maybe not involve her quite as much. I guess my point being that I don’t think your ex should be telling you that you can’t have female friends etc etc.

    Hope you get what you are looking for soon.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Try to help her support her. If you want to get back tell her you should try again and you will help her get back to normal

    • Total Posts: 262

    But she don’t want that? One minute she’s all over me and crying and saying she hates her life and posting all these sad quotes and stuff and then the next minute she gives me the cold shoulder and acts like she don’t care and doesn’t want to be in my life? Also I feel as if she’s always lying to me now cause she couldn’t be honest about this other guy? But she did tell me she lied to me about not having feelings anymore?

    • Total Posts: 262


    • Total Posts: 711

    My dear you know… I don’t want to say this because I caused my ex a lot of stress and was a bit unstable… but now since we broke up I haven’t been like that. I am trying to be more calm, centered, balanced… and I have never done any of those things, I haven’t been after him a lot, crying, screaming… I think I am showing him I am getting more and more stable. If she is always like that maybe you need to give her time and try to move on? Make her understand you won’t work unless she calms down? Maybe go to therapy or something? (her)

    This won’t be healthy or good for you if she acts like that…

    • Total Posts: 262

    And today she told me “maybe we should just go our separate ways”

    • Total Posts: 262

    What do I do?? I love this girl to death? Do you think it’s too late for no contact or is she playing hard to get?

    • Total Posts: 262

    Plus I heard from her friend the whole time she was texting me yesterday she was with this other dude? What do I do?

    • Total Posts: 262

    Should I just give up?

    • Total Posts: 750

    I don’t think you should necessarily give up. But you and her definitely need some space between you right now. Or it will just escalate. She is trying to do what she can to get your attention and wind you up. You both just need to take a step back and just chill for a bit!
    do some no contact, 21 days or something, and stick to it. Don’t give in. She will message you a range of things in that time trying to get your attention but she will then eventually calm down.

    • Total Posts: 262

    Yeah that’s what I’m doing but she is just being really immature and stuff!

    • Total Posts: 262

    Like one minute she tells me to delete her number and the next she’s saying she does love me though? And on top of that she texted me today and said ” I’m really glad you can talk so much shit about the person you say you “love” and then said “& then not have the balls to reply, weird”

    • Total Posts: 262

    She just texted me and asked “do you still want to be with me or no?” What do I do???

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