Boards Reconciliation What is going on now?

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  • #23013
    • Total Posts: 44

    hmm..that post is kind of what i was getting at about n/c being dangerous, just put together better…

    now, analyze what you just said. You naturally assumed the worse. Which means it hit a nerve. Now imagine if you were out in public and the “surprise” popped up and there she was with someone else…she’d read you like a book. (I’m not talking negative about you)

    So, there comes a time where you have to put some things in motion that YOU can the end, it’s your life. If she’s opened the door for you to text, then do so. TRY TRY TRY to set up some type of false friendship…that puts you a little closer to where you wanna be. Figure out some ways to remind her about good things…you’re past the n/c rule

    The “love” looks will come, but you gotta break down her walls. If she’s setting dinner for 2, then she’s looking… 1) is her posting stuff like that normal, or odd? 2) think back, did she post a lot of stuff like that when you were together?

    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok, let me give you an update
    I know I haven’t updated this thread in awhile, and I dont know if anyone reads it. But it is a great way for me to get some stuff out of my head. So here we go:

    My birthday came up in the beginning of the new year. The weekend before I made sure to make an update on my Instagram so I was sure she would remember it. I made sure to make it a little mysterious. It was someting like “Saturday we had a great evening together at reurant name, and on Sunday it was time to celebrate with my family…”
    Please note the “we had a great evening”… It was with 2 of my friends, but my ex doesnt know that. I wanted to make her wonder who the heck that was… 🙂
    My ex liked the post, yet I never recieved a happy birthday wish from her…

    Anyways… Time passes by.
    She still likes every picture I post, as long as they are a little related to our hobby (Fitness)… If I post a picture of myself there is no like. I dont like any of her posts. Still ignoring…
    I still remind myself of the first time after our breakup. I would like anything she posted. Yet she never liked anyhing back or gave any attention to me. I remember how I felt back then. In fact: Go back to some of my older posts and you will see how I was freaking out. I wanted so bad to call her up and yell: “YOU SAID YOU WANTED A FREINDSHIP, THEN WHY THE HELL CANT YOU LIKE ANYTHING I POST WHEN YOU CAN LIKE THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING THESE OTHER GUYS ARE POSTING”… Back then I guess I would have given anything to be where I am now. She is the one hitting the like button. Not me…. And I dont have to ask for it…
    So I am trying not to think to much about this part…

    She might be dating
    Last year I suspected her to be dating. Her post indicated a couple of times that she was with a “sweet person” ect. But those kind of posts has stopped. And a few weeks ago she popped up on Tinder again. This means that at some point she had closed down her account, but now opened it again. And again today she updated her status with: “had a great weekend. First I hung out with my friend maria, and later I enjoyed the day with a sweet person”…

    So I guess this is a new guy… Perhaps it was just a first date…
    There is nothing else on her profile that indicates there is any guys in her life.

    Grass is Greener?
    Now that I have some distance and cleared my head, I am now more sure then ever that she left me due to the classic “Grass is Greener Syndrom”. All the signs are there… So I will keep my distance and keep NC. Ofcause I will reply kindly if she texts me.
    Maybe I should give one of her posts a like? Any thoughts on this? Preferly from someone who has knowledge about GIGS…

    • Total Posts: 44


    have you tried interacting with her…being active instead of passive. Remember, at one time you were active with her, and passive is not alpha male (unless you’re dating someone else)

    Ask her to just hang out. If you still want something with her, you need to move forward… or maybe you’re OK with letting it go. No contact only works for so long, until they become numb, or indifferent. Just because she’s still “liking things” doesn’t mean she’s not becoming indifferent. Interact with her and push some buttons…good or bad, you just want a reaction…get her to interact with YOU. You’re in a better place, so it’s time to move forward. Is a friendship at a distance what your heart really wants? If she’s the ONE, start working on bringing her back. Forget Tinder and some of the other things… she’s in the “safe zone” so to speak as well. She’s still part of your life, but from a distance. Start reminding her the grass isn’t greener, and you’re in the better pasture

    • Total Posts: 268

    Hanging out would be a little to big of a step. But you think a like back would be ok? Last time we interracted I got very hurt as you can read in my earlier posts.
    Everything I read on GIGS suggests to stay away and not persue them. Let them come back to us. Persueing will only push them further away.

    • Total Posts: 44

    but you hafta give them something to pursue…which is what RR says about creating a false friendship. That doesn’t mean you’re lying or manipulating. You hafta get back to a point where you once were..where you could talk…and thinking back, in my experience, when you first start “dating”, it’s kind of a false friendship anyway, on both parts. The difference is women have a better ability to compartmentalize things, or put you in a category. There’s a difference between making yourself scarce, and ignoring them completely. Scarce builds intrigue and wonder…totally ignoring builds indifference.

    The other thing the friendship does is help YOU figure out what YOU want.. if you want something more, it opens the door. If you’re content with just being friends, it makes it happen and helps get over the awkward moments.

    you hafta create some opportunities.

    Just real x and i met up a lil over a month ago, went out to eat, then she turned cold again. I kept in touch and kept things friendly. I’ve tried to just be a friend, because in the end, if something is gonna happen, we hafta get back to being friends first like we used to be…that’s where trust starts over… anyway, a few weeks ago, i told her i wanted to take her and her son to something i thought he’d enjoy, and i have the extra money…she said no thanks… kept talking, and this last weekend, i said i wanted to treat him to something for his birthday. Finally, she agreed, and then she ends up giving me her new phone number (BIG step forward)… took them out, and just had fun with him. He’s a great kid, but i mentioned other stuff in my other posts b4. Anyway, we’ve kinda talked a little since as well…but to me, it’s about getting her back to trusting me, and me trusting her. None of it woulda happened if I just “let it go”. Sure, it’s a risky chance, but i created opportunities.

    So, have you dated anyone else? There’s an old saying…they way not want you, but they don’t want another having you….don’t just post comments…show her something.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok. So she posted yesterday that she was making dinner for “a very sweet guy” that was coming over. So I know now for sure that she IS dating…

    But you know what? It doesn’t really seem to bother me that much? I know deep in my heart that I am the man for her. There will never be any man that can be as good for her as me. She can date all the men she wants, and make all the mistakes she wants. Every time she will just get reminded of how special our relationship was. Remember what she said when she broke up with me? She said: “I KNOW you are the man I am surpose to marry, I know we are meant for each other. I am just not feeling anything right now“… Later on when I said she might wake up one day and regret this break up, she said “I am sure I will. But it is something I will have to deal with at that time“.

    The reason for the break up is G.I.G.S… I am very sure of this. I seems so clear. Anyone read about G.I.G.S?
    Every article I have found, every advice I have been given always suggest: Never chase a girl who left due to G.I.G.S… It will only push them further away. Let them experience what they think they need to experience, and make their mistakes.

    But I am in a happy place now. It doesnt bother me that much. And I am really THAT sure of our relationship.
    The only thing that makes me wonder is: why would she post this? Why tell everybody she knows that she has guy visit, when they ain’t official or mention him by name? She knows I can see it.
    I cant help but wondering if this is to push my buttons, now that I never reacted to any of her likes.

    • Total Posts: 40

    You have made really good progress emotionally, something to proud of. Keep doing great. BTW what exactly is GIGS? Can you share details as I am doing NC but sometimes feels uncertain, though so much positive. Appreciate your help, also if you can reply to my last topic. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 268
    • Total Posts: 40

    Oh, though the first link is not working but second one explains it all, and it meets all the criteria the way my ex behaved, EXACTLY almost same age, she even was planning for marriage and I pushed it more, even after NC. Everything mentioned about it just explains it.

    Superb, and I believe the best bet in this case to continue NC, give lot of space and once they contact, stay friendly and let them initiate things, and comply with feeding trust, so they could feel they are in control. The article says reconciliation happens less but I believe using RR it should be easy, with lot of patience.

    Thanks a ton, great knowing this!!!

    • Total Posts: 44

    Before i go any further.. you never said. Have YOU dated someone else…. and I don’t mean a one night stand, or friend with benefits… but actually been on a few dates (RR says at least ONE date) and pursued any sort of relationship with someone else.

    u ask why she posts it because you can see it? She either wants a reaction, or doesn’t care and it’s not about you. However, the fact that you let her “like” things breaks NC, and you’ve not completely cut her outta your life. GIGS is partially right, but you have to pick a strategy and go 100% all in. No, you don’t chase her, but you DO create opportunity for YOU. Why is she going out with others….because you’re not giving her any opportunity to come back. You maybe the MAN for her, so be a MAN, and Man up. Quit worrying about upsetting her. Right now, you’re NOT the Alpha, and she DOES have you in the friend zone…she’s at a comfortable distance, and she knows you’re available. Interacting with her isn’t chasing.

    If you REALLY wanna find out where she’s at, write a magic letter. If you have her number and are texting, look up Text your ex back

    • Total Posts: 268

    Sorry. To answer your question:
    Yes I have. I have done it all. Ive been on a few dates, not kissing or sex. I did friends with benefits, sex dates, and recently I dated a girl (3 dates)… We only kissed, nothing else. So yes, I have done it all…

    I made a post on Instagram yesterday. Just my new fitness nutrition. Again a like from her. I know this may sound silly, but this “her liking my post, me not liking back” gives me a strange feeling of control/power.
    I am still wondering about this “date” she had. Was it a bluff? Was this the very first time she had someone since our break up? All the other times I suspected her of dating she never made any posts about it. Why now?
    Part of me also wants to know who it is. I want to know if she has up- or downgraded haha

    So I just found out that she is in town this weekend.
    I am gonna do what I did the last time I meet her. Be as charming as possible, keep good eye contact and flirt.
    The last time I did that it went very well. She was always the one that came over to start the conversations, she smiled alot when our eyes meet, her happieness seemed very fake like it was an act, she constantly talked and sounded very nervous. And she started texting me the days after.
    And finally: there has been many reasons for her to come to town since our last meeting (2 months ago) but every time she has stayed away.

    I could be wrong, but I think I am doing good with our face to face meetings. So I am going to keep on doing it. After this weekend I gotta find some other ways to meet her. 2 months between each meeting is to long. Asking her out is to soon. Especially if she is dating.

    • Total Posts: 505

    So I have the same situation with you, we still text each other sometimes but then the conversation ends after a few replies.

    I think she is seeing someone but she still posts sad stuff on her blog. Its kinda confusing but I try to have minimum interaction with her.

    Don’t forget to give her a letter when you meet her!

    • Total Posts: 268

    Update from the weekend
    So she was in town, and I tried to run into her at the gym. We always workout at the same time. But she moved it to later in the day for some reason, so we didnt meet.

    She posted a few times on her Instagram this weekend. First one about how much she enjoyed spending time with her family but “still misses the sweet guy at home”
    And again today about how she had a good weekend, but now looking forward to going home to “a person I miss very much”…

    I took your advice
    I went out on Sunday to a very nice resturant with some good friends. I postet a pictures on Instagram to show it, and wrote something about how this was great after a good workout. I did not mention who I was with.
    She was the first to like it.

    When I got home I looked at her Instagram profile. There was a post about something that is going on with her fitness career. Something I know means a lot to her. There was no mention of “the sweet guy” in this post. So i liked it.
    This is the first time I have reacted to any of her likes. Lets see what happends.

    Real or fake
    I keep wondering about this guy. Is there really a guy?
    I have been looking over her posts on both her Instagram, her FB fan page and her personal FB profile. As you might already know she is very active on social medias. And normally when you date someone you interract online. Like all eachothers posts, comments on them ect.
    However: I could not find any guys on any of her posts anywhere…
    The only guys that likes/comments are guys in a relationship or guys that she would never be interrested in (kids at age 12 or men aged 50+)

    This is very strange if you ask me.
    After thinking a lot about it and talking to a good female friend of mine we think that:

    a) This is very new and in no way serious. The 2 times she mentioned him during this week migth just have been their first and second meeting. She is just showing of on Instagram. This is because she needs some attention and to feel cared for, but also to tell me “Hey look, you are not the only one who can move on!

    b) This is 100% fake, just to push my buttons. Maybe to get an reaction from me. Or again: to tell me that I am not the only one who can move on. However if it is fake I would say it is not only very childish, but also very pathetic.

    What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 268


    • Total Posts: 44

    “Yes I have. I have done it all. Ive been on a few dates, not kissing or sex. I did friends with benefits, sex dates, and recently I dated a girl (3 dates)… We only kissed, nothing else. So yes, I have done it all…” i’m confused…u said you haven’t had sex or kissed, but then said u had friends w benefits and sex dates…

    It’s not her being pathetic, because it’s renting space in your head. Women are better at head games..and it’s no different than you posting a vague statement when you hung out with someone. I’d say more than likely, there is another guy. Serious or not is irrelevant, THERE IS ANOTHER GUY. So…if you are the alpha, you need to make her see the greener grass on your side.

    Sorry bud, but you passively missed the opportunity to create a meet up. Waiting to “run into her” is passive, and not Alpha. If she liked that you were out with friends, great. now go further. What do you have to lose? You don’t have her right now. Next time you’re hanging out with you female friend, post about it. Whether it’s at her house, the laundry mat, a bar..whatever. Be real about it, and post the friends name. Jealousy is a powerful motivator…it’s motivating you, right! IF she’s dating, then you’re losing her attention. Now,that doesn’t mean be a JEALOUS jerk, but it’s up to you to reignite that spark. Find something to take you to her town…something you’re legitimately interested in, especially if you have friends there. Then do a simple post like “can’t wait to catch up with XXX so and so XXXX this weekend at the ___________. She’ll know, and get the point. If she likes it, wait a while, then send her a message. “hey, i’ll be in town, and i missed ya last time you were home, you wanna meet up for a couple of hours to catch up?” She’ll probably say nah because it’s a cat and mouse game, so you hafta start showing alpha again Reassure her it’s nothing serious. Even if she says no again, go through with the plans and post pics. You hafta SHOW her you’re getting on with your life.

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