Boards Reconciliation What is going on now?

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  • #15198
    • Total Posts: 44

    what did/have you done during the NC to improve yourself? Besides the positive changes in your life, have you actually gone out on at least one date? If she was contacting you a lot after the 1st NC, maybe you made it too easy. Have you tried relationship rewind? Sounds like you’re in switch, but you can’t let her get to drift (where she feels indifferent), and going strictly no contact can do just that. There’s a lot of info in that program. Depending on the “stage”, it gives advice for NC or not to use NC. One of the strategies is to subtly remind her of Blissful moments. Start with a “False Friendship”, then move to a face to face meet-up. Subtly plant bliss reminders, which kinda goes along with Jbarbera saying send mixed signals. One minute you’re OK with just being friends, but the next you subtly remind her of something good/great… it plants the seed, which becomes HER idea.

    Sometimes, you just have to make her mad, REALLY mad. This evokes an emotion, and gets her out of indifference. Which can be done with Facebook, and using other girl “friends”…or, actually go out on dates. Women are JUST as competitive as men. Get VERY active on FB (even if you removed her, she’ll be watching). It’s highly probable that she’s focused on school, and work, and if she’s an athlete, working out. She’s probably using them as distractions to keep HER mind busy off missing you, and moving toward indifference. Even just hanging out as “friends” can give you opportunity to flirt with other women… or even better, if you have a really good female friend, arrange so she’s present when you’re hanging out as a “friend” with the x. There’s an old saying: they may not want you, but they don’t want another one having you. As you said, she wasn’t “all that” a couple of years ago. If she’s using you to stroke her ego, use that against her. But you have to prepare yourself, because she will probably strike back, and go out with someone else. You have to show you’re OK with the breakup, accepted it, and are now indifferent.

    • Total Posts: 268

    I have made sevaeral changes. New clothes, new hair, tanning, working out, put my house up for sale, looking for job in her city, started a leadership class offered by my work. Just to name a little.
    I have been on 2 dates, and one more coming soon.

    Yes after the first NC she was very interrested, and she noticed how happy I looked. (You seem to be doing great)…
    And yes: I made it too easy on her… I got to complimenting her already on the first day we texted… And I did so for 2 days straight every time she send me a snapchat picture of her… No doubt she lost interrest again because she new I was still hooked on her…

    The last time we talked I asked if we could workout sometime together, and she agreed to it… Yet she really didnt seem very interrested during the entire conversation…. After that conversation I just removed her from all social medias… So I guess that is also mixed signals? To be honest, when I removed her it was both to protect myself from more pain, but also to provoke some kind of feelings/reactions from her. I didnt really care if it was anger, hate or sadness… Just some kind of emotions…

    I haven´t heard from her for 2,5 weeks now. She KNOWS I removed her from the social medias. I dont know what her reaction to this have been. Maybe she doesnt care, maybe she doesnt contact me out of fear of being rejected, or maybe she doesnt contact me because she takes it as a sign that I need my space…?
    I dont know why…. The reasons could be many.

    She also recieved a lot of offers on her fanpage when we were together… But this is the first time ever she has made a post about it and ask people to stop. I cant help but wondering if it was a post only to get a reaction from me???

    • Total Posts: 44

    well, agreeing to workout, then not following through and removing her from social media is more than mixed signals. At first, she might have been waiting on your to follow through with working out, and she hasn’t heard from you, she might think you’re inconsiderate and just being an A-hole. Have you suggested being “friends”? You were right there with her agreeing to workout, so you know she’s receptive to the idea. But i think i’d do something different, something to take her out of her comfort zone. Especially since working out is part of her “solution” to you. Being a regular workout partner might solidify you in the “friend zone” the wrong way. Work on being a friend, but in other ways, doing other things (kinda like dates, but not really), getting out, going places, doing things, etc.

    I understand the reason why you deleted her off FB. I kinda did the same (to protect myself, and to also piss her off), and had mixed results (read mine if you want). If she asks, you probably need a good reason… I just needed space to clear my head to decide what I wanted (you taking charge), and I think we should just be friends (or something like that).

    I’d say the post WAS aimed at you (to reassure YOUR “fragile” ego that she’s not doing anything, but her “ego” is still being built up by you), but also telling others to back off (there’s also the thing if she tells guys she’s unavailable, there will be some that take it as a challenge). She’s dropping a hint. Do some fun and exciting stuff, especially if it’s something you talked about while you were with her (like a bucket list type thing)…even better, do something the 2 of you talked about doing together, except with another girl (which is more dangerous, will probably make her wanna get revenge, but also make her mad as hell).

    • Total Posts: 268

    To be honest I dont think she was waiting for me to follow through with it. Working out together was kinda our thing when we were together. We are a very active couple… But she really didnt seem that into it when I asked her. I got the feeling she just said yes to be polite, or because she didnt want to tell me she wasnt ready for it yet… This is basicly how that part of the conversation went:

    Me: Hey when should we workout together so I can try your new program? 🙂
    Her: I dont know. I just started a new one again yesterday.
    Me: Thats ok, I would still like to try it out with you
    Her: Well ok then. We can do it next time I come to your city.
    Me: Or next time I come by your city, I am there very often anyways…
    Her: Why is that?
    Me: You know… I just have a lot of stuff…
    Her: Ok

    She really is messing with my mind.
    The last weekend we were together was so perfect. We had a great time. She was so in love with me. The way she looked at me. There was light in her eyes. She was so impressed with everything I said or did. She keept telling me I was the man of her dreams, and it was like I could do no wrong! 🙂

    When the weekend was over she went home (because she had first day of school Monday) and she left me a letter. A loveletter about how much she loved me and already missed me.
    And then school started and the following weekend: BOOOM, “my feelings have changed“. I went home to give her some peace to sort out what she wanted. And again one week later: A text saying she broke up with me. I told her I would not accept a breakup by text so I went to her later that week so she could do it in person. And so she did. We talked nicely, and she was cold as ice. Almost too cold… Like she was overacting it? She said she “I havent had the time to feel anything yet

    Well… I am confused… And also in doubt if this removing her was the right move to get her back… It was the right move to make me feel better, but to get her back? I dont know

    • Total Posts: 44

    wow..i feel your pain. My girl kinda did something similar…told everyone I was close to how happy she was, how great I was, she’s never been treated so good..then within 2-3 weeks, bam, it was on the way out… Mine was a combination of her ex had just started seeing someone, then her youngest son wanted to go see his son, and I wasn’t working (and she had to go to court over her oldest daughters biological father, who owes her $25 grand in back child support). The point is the stress of a lot of things will sometimes make them do irrational things, put their defenses up, and throw away something great.

    You said you removed her, did you block her as well? Here’s why….if you’re trying to evoke an emotion, you need to block her. Cut off access to you and what’s going on with you…you’re trying to reverse the switch. Just removing her also tells her you’re moving forward, but doesn’t get the “I can’t believe he did that” emotion. Also, if it was the right move for you feeling better, then it was the right move period. It’s about you at this point. I know it’s counter-intuitive, you don’t wanna rock the boat, etc… but where are you now? Again, maybe it’s time to get her mad. Get her out of the Cold, icy, and indifferent, and get her fired up, passionate, and pissed off. 1)you have nothing to lose, if she stays cold and indifferent you get nowhere. 2) Fired up gets her blood pumping, then you can get her to calm down, and remind her of something great, and it knocks her off balance.

    2 possibilities: 1) I hate to say it, but there’s the possibility there’s already someone else. The “I wish guys would quit bothering me” may not be just for your benefit, but another’s as well. That doesn’t mean she’s “serious” with someone, but there might be someone in the picture…. especially if you live away.
    2) Since you did the “let’s workout” next time i’m in town, she probably see’s that as “he’s trying to hold on”/needy. Drop the friend bomb on her. There’s a real possibility she just needs you as her friend, while she sorts out the other stresses in her life. She understands the risk of losing you, which is why she’s keeping a short string around you (as you said, stroking her ego). Doing things like you did before can send the wrong signal. She knows you two got along, working out, etc… you have to get her out of that comfort zone as a “friend”.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks a lot fo your reply… I got really needy after the last NC, no doubt about it. I will keep the focus on myself now and move on. When I am ready for it, and when I am completely over my needyness I will try to bumb into her at some place… Perhaps the gym. When I do I will make sure to show my happy face, with big “hello how are you” and such things. To show her that I am not angry or anything…. If she then asks why she was removed as a friend and says she thought I was angry, I can just tell her: “Yes I know it might have upset you. But trust me, that was not the intention. I just wasnt ready for the friendship thingy, so I needed to be myself for awhile. Just like you did…

    Good plan?
    Or anyone have any better ideas for what I should do from here on?

    • Total Posts: 44

    Sometimes you have to fake it before you make it. As you said, if she was forcing herself to be so “cold”, that’s exactly what she was doing. You may not be completely over your neediness, until it’s too late. Since you live out of town, what’s the odds that you’d accidentally bump in to her and it not seem planned (be honest)? If you have a chance, google search Relationship rewind pdf…it’s out there. You’re on the right track, but figure out how you can gain the upper hand in the “friendship” battle. That’s why it’s called a “false friendship”. You’re showing that things don’t bother you, you’re ok with things (even when you’re not), and you accepted things. If you haven’t already, accept that what you had is over. It sucks and hurts…but there’s a plus side. For whatever reason it’s over, that means something went wrong. You don’t wanna do that again, so you have a chance to make it better. If she felt as strong as you say she did, which I don’t doubt, you hafta hit those feelings again.

    • Total Posts: 44

    Could you look at mine?

    • Total Posts: 268

    Just read through the first part of relationship rewind. Very interresting.

    • So what you suggest I do now is to figure out a way to get back in contact, and figure out how I do it so I have the upper hand in the friendship battle.
    • And be as active on social medias as possible (I am makeing all my posts public, and she still follows me on instagram)

    I am also aware that the facebook post she made asking guys to not contact her, could have been because of another guy. It is possible. But if she really is as stressed as she said she was, and if she really loved me as much as she said she did, there is no way there can be another guy. But the possibility is there, and it has crosed my mind yes….

    • Total Posts: 44

    Before you do too much, read the other parts of RR. I think she’s already open to the “friendship”, so you’re ahead of most. But ya, you’ve got to flip the switch/drift. Be comfortable with the fact that you broke up, it didn’t work, and you’re ok with it (i know, it’s hard to do). Step 2 has some good strategies to get her talking, and good ideas for how to say what you need to say.

    Not sure if i’d make all of your posts public, especially if you have mutual friends that might be reporting to her. Keep her off balance, and guessing. It’s a game, and whoever cares the least (or appears to), wins.

    • Total Posts: 268

    She didnt appear much into actually talking to me… But again: It could be the stress an hectic life… But she did have time to respond kindly to others…
    Looking forward to reading part 2

    • Total Posts: 44

    well, it takes time. If she’s responding, you’re doing better than me. She’s gonna be hesitant to talk, her defenses are up. I can’t remember if it’s in step 1 or 2, but it says keep messaging 1-1, and don’t try for every day.

    • Total Posts: 44

    anything new?

    • Total Posts: 268

    Well nothing new… Still not a word from her, and we have now reached 30 days.
    But I feel much better. I havent visited her social pages or anything. Like Ive said before I find NC much easier, because the contact hurt me to much.

    I am still going to wait for her to make the first contact. Last time she clearly wasnt ready to be in contact with me (acting cold) so this time she can contact me when she is ready.

    instead of going out clubbing and drinking in the weekends she is now spending her friday nights with her old friends (friends she had before this new shool thing started)… So it seems like she is returning back to her old self…
    (I know this because I am friends with these friends on Facebook)

    • Total Posts: 268

    Oh, and her sports team is also slowing down after November. Then she has to workout by herself again (We used to that together) and she will get more free time… Hopefully mind is wondering about me…

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