Boards Reconciliation What happened.

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  • #109931
    • Total Posts: 73

    My boyfriend broke up with me for the third time šŸ™ this time heā€™s saying I donā€™t understand him and we are not meant to be. I donā€™t know why heā€™s so wishy washy. Itā€™s very disappointing. He is a deep thinker so sometimes (rarely) we get into small arguments and he thinks too deep about things and tells me I donā€™t understand him. Sunday night we were just fine and he was texting me at night asking me about seeing me Monday and making plans with me. Because he hasnā€™t talked to me all day, I just told him I guess Iā€™m boring? But I didnā€™t mean it in a bad way just saying I miss you in a way. And he automatically got defensive and told me he just felt like not talking that day and he said ā€œbut of course you will take offense to thatā€. And I said I didnā€™t I just simply said that in a joking way. He got mad and told me it was more of passive aggressive and me saying it was a joking way is not true bc he knows he hasnā€™t talked to me all day. So I try to explain and say itā€™s different over text and itā€™s not the same as the way I would say it in person and he just didnā€™t want to hear me out and told me he just doesnā€™t think we should be together anymore. Apparently because he gets mad when he shouldnā€™t be mad at me. Then I tried to contact him and he just said Iā€™m sorry and didnā€™t reply to anymore of my texts. This is just so weird that I would get dumped for something stupid like that. The guy just bought me flowers the day before and he was planning on seeing me the next day and all of a sudden just cuts me off. I just donā€™t get it. He was so loving and attached and just cuts me off all of a sudden. I donā€™t know what to think anymore. I started no contact 2 days ago but Iā€™m thinking if he comes back Iā€™m going to give him a hard time as last time I was easy to let him back in. Any other advice about this? He also smokes weed and I am beginning to think that could be the issue with his deep thinking. I know it causes him to over think about things and itā€™s a problem. Thanks for your time. Heā€™s such a good person, always takes good care of me, heā€™s always loving me wanting to see me everyday. I just donā€™t get it. Our relationship was so good and had more positives than anything. I feel like I lost my other half and canā€™t function without him.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    WOW, so this is the third time he broke up with you! Smoking weed is a problem as it does change the personality and most people who do it can’t maintain a stable relationship. Strange you should mention the word “boring” because seeing a boyfriend every day and texting every day can get boring! But of course that doesn’t apply to married people. I think I advised you before to go slow and stop the daily texting and seeing each other.

    Continue no contact and consider finding a guy who is much more stable who wouldn’t keep dumping you! Otherwise, don’t go running back with him so fast. Tell him he needs to stop smoking pot before you can be together again. And if you get back together, DO NOT text or see him every day!

    A guy might say he enjoys seeing you every day, but in reality they say it to not hurt your feelings and they prefer less contact so they can take care of other things (like career, visiting family and friends, doing laundry, running errands etc..)

    • Total Posts: 73

    I totally agree. And whatā€™s weird is heā€™s the one always asking to see me. I rarely asked him and even sometimes I did make excuses to just take a break every now and then. This smoking thing is causing problems I figured. I just thought if he came back I would give it one last shot (trying this third time charm). But if It didnā€™t work out then definitely not going back again. Iā€™ll just see what happens and definitely taking things slow. I donā€™t know how one person can be so loving and caring then suddenly disappear.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Okay, you’ve been warned. If he continues smoking pot, your chances of being dumped the 4th time is very high. I wish you luck anyway..

    • Total Posts: 2868

    PS: Keep us posted, okay?

    • Total Posts: 73

    Most definitely thanks for your help

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