Boards Reconciliation Unsure of how to continue

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    Hello! So I’ll try to make my story as brief as I can! (Don’t promise anything though)

    I was with my ex for a year and almost 1 month. He came into my life in November (2016) and was the first person after my first breakup to get me to open up and feel a little better. My first breakup had been on April that year, and it had really struck me. I was sad, however I’ve always been an optimistic and kind person, so he really liked the fact that, although I was hurt, I was geniune and kind. We were practically best friends for about two months (I knew he was into me as soon as he started talking to me) and we started going out on dates in January, he asked me to be his girlfriend in February.

    During our 1 year relationship, we had a very solid bond and loved each other very dearly. However, we sometimes would have some problems due to the fact that I had not healed completely of my trust issues from my 1st breakup and I had insecurity problems. My ex and I are very nice, calm people so we never really had big fights, no yelling, name-calling, etc. However sometimes we did had the occasional discussion because I’d get a little jealous or something like that. He knew I didn’t have bad intentions, and I always told him that it was my insecurities getting the best of me. We broke up on March 2018. There were never any red flags, the breakup was honestly a shock to me. He came to my house crying and said he couldn’t do it anymore, that he didn’t feel ready for a relationship, he didn’t know how to handle problems, etc. At first I tried to change his mind, but he was so shaken up (and this guy geniunely almost never cried) that I just told him that he should do whatever he feels he needs to do to be okay.

    Honestly, I was devastated. The breakup was very sudden to me, so a few weeks after breaking up I texted him, asking if we could talk about stuff. He said okay but a month passed before we could talk. When we talked, he explained to me that he just kept bottling things up because he didn’t really know how to deal with our fights, so eventually it got to the point where he couldn’t take it anymore. I never begged or pleaded, but I did tell him that I wish things would’ve been different, and that I love him. He said he didn’t feel that way about me anymore but that he didn’t want to lose me and wanted to stay good friends. We ended up in good terms.

    After that, I did no contact for 3 weeks, but eventually had to break it because he was coming to my prom (not as my date obviously, but one of my friends had invited him because we have a lot of mutual friends). We were really kind to each other, and sometimes we acted as if nothing bad had ever happened. I ocassionally see him at friend gatherings and we are very playful with one another. However I don’t want to be friendzoned.

    I started full no contact 3 weeks ago because I had to step away from the situation and really work on myself and the feelings I have towards him. I looked at the relationship with a colder mindset, aknowledging my mistakes and his. I started listening to videos about jealousy and insecurities issues (because I don’t have money for a therapist right now) and starting changing and becoming a better person. Right now, I feel completely new and so good about myself, which hasn’t happened in years! I feel okay with the idea that he might never come back, however I do want to try.

    So, here’s the thing. When we were together, I was enrolled in a program at school that was very difficult and he was there for me and helped me study and stuff. He knows how important it is for me. In 2 weeks I get my results if I passed to program or not, and if I passed I was thinking that I could text him and let him know, try to rekindle a little bit, thank him for his help in the program. I wish I really wish I could start over with him. However, I don’t know if I should do that, or just continue NC until que contacts me. What do you think?

    Thank you! Sorry if it was very long, I just didn’t want to skip important details.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Unfounded jealousy is one of the top reasons for break ups! Every episode where you displayed it added up until he reached his fill of it and broke up with you. To you it seemed he made a sudden decision and it was shocking to you, but his discomfort with your jealousy had been brewing for some time and he lost his positive feelings for you. Continue no contact and don’t meet up with friends when you know he will be there. In two weeks, hopefully you get news that you passed the program and if so, write a thank you for his help. But he should be the one to initiate a meet up. I know you want to try to reconcile, but unless he wants to also try, it won’t work. The first step would be the thank you and then no contact again. Hopefully he will miss you enough to consider trying to work through the issue with you. Good luck.

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