Boards Reconciliation This clearly isn't a typical break-up, so what do I do?

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  • #45875
    • Total Posts: 312

    Good god, guys are so weird. He really did that? What the actual heck?

    Haha I assumed that was directed at you, but I wasn’t sure… I was going to say, nothing THAT bad happened between us today. I actually just got home from going out with a friend, and I stopped to tie my shoe on the way. I put my foot up on this bench so I didn’t have to bend down and on the bench was a white business card sized thing that said “Expect a Miracle”. Nothing else. That was it. So weird.

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m a terrible human being, and still know my ex’s facebook password. If I’m being really honest, I check it every once in awhile, mostly because that’s where he contacts his family the most and I check in to see what’s going on with them. Please spare me the invasion of privacy stuff because I KNOW. That being said, his recent facebook search history shows him looking at my profile tonight. He hasn’t searched for anything else in over a week.

    • Total Posts: 374

    Lol dude I can’t say Id blame you I would do the same I still look at who’s photos he’s liking and who he tags in stuff. The only one out of the ordinary is this girl from his work who’s profile pic he liked. Except she’s 20 and he’s 31. I’m 23 so there’s still a big difference but she looks trashy to me and he was offline for hours today from 9-1:30pm making me think he was with her. Probably getting the sex I won’t give him hey. What
    Do you think of
    That text he sent me regarding how cold it
    Is? Is that one of the signs how your ex reaches out even if it’s
    Meaningless. Except he didn’t respond back but saw it like half a day later I don’t get it

    • Total Posts: 273

    @between, I think you should stop sleeping with him, I think the harsh reality is that it really does hurt you the most when you feel that emotionally attached to him but you are not with him when you know you should be.

    And from what I see.. He’s getting ALL the perks of a relationship from you while not being in one! And is probably why he doesn’t seem as down in the dumps as you feel!
    In fact id go as far to say that its exactly what it is. Cut off the sex from him, and don’t let him have what he wants. And be strong about it :p dont fall into temptation from him! He will begin to act desperate knowing he cant get what he wants which right now seems like he is. 🙂 thats what it just looks like from my opinion anyway! Hope it helps!

    • Total Posts: 312

    Thargus, I think the thing about the sex that ACTUALLY hurts me is the fact that he feels guilty afterwards. That he feels like he used me. I mean, is this how exes are supposed to act? Not really. But I’m also a consenting adult. He asks me if I want to be with him, and I say yes. He’s not forcing me, as that’d be illegal, and I’m not sinking into a massive depression afterwards of feeling used. It hurts me because no matter how many times I can tell him that he’s a good person and that this is genuinely what I want, he still beats himself up. His entire life is worrying about his future and beating himself up at this point. That kills me. Again, I’m not going into any plans with him expecting to sleep with him coming up. I really just go with where my mood or feelings take me. But I can definitely understand what you’re talking about. I guess it’s just hard because I know him well enough that he wants sex from ME, not from someone else. Does this mean we’re all emotionally attached and dating again? No. But I know he has that passion and emotion and longing for me, not just random girls in general, so I guess I feel scared that if I flat out reject him he’ll be depressed or angry and then go back into one of his states. Start ignoring me. Something like that. I want him to get desperate over wanting me and wanting to see me, not someone else.

    Coolcat, I think the text is exactly what you think it is. Some random thing that really doesn’t matter and that it makes no sense to send you. Basically a ploy to see if you’ll answer. He probably didn’t respond to whatever you said because he didn’t have anything more to say AND because he got what he wanted. Which is a response out of you. I really wouldn’t read into likes and stuff like that too much, especially if he’s one of those people who likes a lot of stuff. True, something may be going on. But you don’t know that and you’re honestly just working yourself up over nothing until you do. My ex has become friends with like three new girls in the last two weeks, and it freaked me out, but I realized I know one of them, another has a boyfriend, and the other is best friends with my ex’s friend that he stayed with and they probably just hung out there at some point. I’m the one he’s still randomly sending messages to and giving his time to, so why worry right now? He’s technically not mine, so he can do what he wants. And if he decides to do something with another girl, I guess that tells me pretty quickly where this all lies.

    • Total Posts: 312

    He texted me again this morning, asking if I’d had any luck with the phone. I told him my phone is working, though it has a couple quirks from the water damage, but my battery is completely shot. He asked if the battery in his old phone will hold a charge. I told him his entire old phone seems to be in working order. No response… I mean, he does have work this morning that he was probably trying to get ready for. And I know it’s not the most interesting conversation. I’m just surprised he didn’t answer… He had over an hour to before he left for work. I don’t know. Maybe my texts just weren’t really conducive to answer. I’m just trying not to freak out but I’m doing it anyways.

    • Total Posts: 374

    I agree but I’ve found it hard not to panic over this girl, he is not a huge liker on fb and doesn’t really become friends with people from his work on fb unless he actually likes them so this is a sign. And lol I always get worked up over the fb chat thing and stuff cause I’m a very fast responder unless I’m sleeping or I don’t really like you haha. He went out to his friends band at a bar last night I wonder how it went :/ he was home at 1am which doesn’t seem too late to me tbh.

    When you have sex does he spend the night with you or do you cuddle afterwards, anything more intimate than just sex? Cause we know men can turn themselves off for the feelings of love and attraction they have when having sex however Im sure its difficult not to feel guilty that you just had sex with someone when you know thats how they feel. It may not be the case just an idea to think about

    • Total Posts: 312

    We haven’t ever spent the night after sex. We honestly haven’t slept in the same bed since the break up, even when he was staying here. I’ve gotten the inkling before that he might want me to, and I’ve certainly wanted to, but I haven’t been up to asking. That was one of the things my case worker kind of addressed with me. She told me that I’m never going to get what I want, to stay the night, if I don’t bring it up because he seems to feel like it’s not his place to ask me to stay anymore. Which it’s not. But I obviously would if he asked. We definitely cuddle afterwards. It’s not for an insanely long amount of time, but it never has been. Like I said, last time I ended up crying a little because it just felt SO DAMN GOOD but was also kind of emotionally taxing because I knew his guilt was going to sink in then and make him all awkward. He held me though, rubbed my back, ran his fingers through my hair, and told me to just let it all out. He always kisses or holds me for a bit and helps me clean up. Like I said, it’s not like we lay there for a half an hour or anything, but he could also easily just book it out of there or tell me to leave or detach, and he doesn’t.

    There’s always the possibility that he KNOWS you know what he’s like, and he’s friended her to get a rise out of you. It’s at least a possibility. For a gig, 1 am is not bad at all. My ex is in a band and they play bar gigs all the time, and he could often times be out much later. I think if he were really with some other girl or interested in one, he wouldn’t be messaging you and trying to hook up with you. This doesn’t mean he wants you back, but why would he want sex with you if he could easily get it from some other girl? I’m the same way about responding though, which is why it always annoys me or freaks me out if I don’t hear from him RIGHT AWAY even though he always answers me when he can and most of the time, he responds to me within two minutes.

    • Total Posts: 374

    Well next time ask him to spend the night make it slightly more intimate that is if you want to keep sleeping with him ! I wouldn’t but if you do try and add to it or something.

    Yeah I thought being home at 1am was pretty good cause event though the band went on at 11pm surely they would all celebrate afterwards and stuff. But yeah my ex hasn’t contacted me since so he may have gotten some action yesteryda or something who knows hey. And I’ve been told then men like to line women up to have sex with although my ex was never really that sexual when we were together it was mainly me lol however he’s been so sexual and stuff since we’ve been broken up. I don’t know what to do 🙁

    • Total Posts: 312

    The only thing I’m not really understanding about your advice here (other than the general consensus everyone has that sleeping with exes is bad) is the idea that what he’s done so far to show me intimacy or care outside of sex isn’t enough. I’m not defending him or anything or trying to pretend that any of this automatically means we’re going to work out. I’m just saying that in my eyes, it’s pretty dang clear that people who are just using someone for sex or what not DO NOT: hang out with that person before or after the actual act of sex, make food for them, go out to the movies with them, comfort/cuddle them, text them about things that aren’t sex, etc. If you’re using someone, you ask them if they want to, if they say yes you have sex, then you pretty much distance yourself from the entire situation and person until you potentially want sex again. My ex isn’t doing that. He may not be treating me well or treating me like a girlfriend, but he doesn’t appear to just be using me for sex. I’m not sure why you’re acting like he is, though I could just be defensive over nothing.

    He’s probably been more sexual since you’ve been broken up because he’s trying to cope with the fact he doesn’t get to have sex with YOU, he wants to make you jealous, and because you’re flat out not responding to his sexual advances so he thinks you don’t care about him sexually. This is NOT me telling you to give in. Just giving you a variety of reasons why his sexuality may have seemed to increase. He may not have contacted you since because he got some action or he may not have contacted you since solely because you’re no longer dating and he has no obligation to contact you all the time. Hell, our guys didn’t technically even have that obligation when we were dating. I’d just try to remain calm and not jump to worst case scenario. It’s really easy to do in the moment. Like how I freaked out about him not messaging me right before he headed to work. But when I think about that, there are a million reasons that could be. He could’ve gotten on the phone with someone for awhile before he left, his phone could’ve died, he could be ignoring me, he may not have felt like there was much to respond to, I’ll see him at work today and maybe he just decided we’d talk in person, etc. You can overanalyze but if you’re going to do that, it’s only fair to yourself and your sanity to examine EVERY possibility. Good and bad.

    • Total Posts: 657

    No it was at Coolcat, but maybe you should too.. Hell we might as well all say goodbye since we are all just getting our hearts stomped on and crushed and beaten and whatever else there is.

    Lol! I don’t mean that!! I fully support and understand everyone and their feelings!

    • Total Posts: 657

    @between1standa I had just read what you said to Coolcat (I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, everything has kept me so busy) and I understand your defense. However, my friend made this statement yesterday. “He can have sex with whoever he wants and still have sex with you. He can still go to you. Even if you guys do something before or after. The whole point is, you’re having sex. He is getting what he wants. He may not be intentionally using you, but he is using you for the physical and emotional intamacy that he needs.” It hurt when she said that, but she was right. I don’t think my ex meant it in that way, but in a sense, he was using me. Just be careful and be aware. You aren’t doing anything wrong whatsoever and if he sticks around it is because he cares! But they can care and still use you.. it’s easier for them because it is something they’re used to. Just remember that..

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Coolcat Listen to between. She knows what she is talking about.

    Both of you girls are in sticky messed up situations just like me. You both deserve the best. If both of you can sit here and answer this question to yourselves, you’ll know the answer to what you have to do: Are you happy? No I do not mean will you be happy or are you happy when you hang out or once in a while. I mean are you guys genuinely happy with where you are at and how they are treating you?

    • Total Posts: 312

    @between I agree with ellie. It really is a messed up situation. And you really should ask yourself if you are happy the way things are now. I know how tempting it is to want to be with him but I think it will only make you feel hurt. If he really loves you and cares for you then he will keep hanging out with you and being around you even without the intimate between you too. By the things you say it seems that he really likes being around you regardless. So that way you’ll see what he truly wants and what are his intentions.

    • Total Posts: 374

    Yeah between I didn’t mean to be rude or anything but I agree with Ellie as well because while he’s having sex with you and being all lovely and stuff his loyalty isn’t solely to you anymore and if he gets an offer for sex from someone else being male theres a good chance he may take them up on it and I think that may make you feel horrible as you were sure he was there for you.

    Now in regards to me guys its so hard not to think about things, as I’m so sure he’s pursuing this chick from his work and I don’t mean to be petty or a bitch but she is nasty haha and looks opposite to me however I’m sure thats why he’d pursue her. Its just disappointing I haven’t heard from him as I thought we were building up rapport again even though its been a lot of sexual talk i’ve also been tempted by it as my ex doesn’t seem like on to use someone especially me of all people however I also am concerned because I don’t want to become one of the many. Another interesting thing though is the other night wen I asked to talk to my ex about issues I was having with a friend and wanting his advice we stayed up talking till about 11.30pm and when we were together he hated staying up late because of his work, however the next day i didn’t realise he had to be up at about 4am to get ready so he stayed up super late even though he had work the next day. DO you think that if my ex had a girl on the go that he might get sex from he would even bother with me ? And in answer to your question Ellie, I am somewhat happy in my life, I have just moved into a great new place which i love however my job makes me unhappy but what can i do lol i need a job while i study and to help pay the bills. In regards to my ex I get a high from him talking to me and then I just get really down and feel like I’m taken for granted.

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