Boards Reconciliation This clearly isn't a typical break-up, so what do I do?

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  • #44797
    • Total Posts: 657

    He unfollowed me on Instagram! My optimism kind of got shot, but I guess I have to expect it since I stopped talking to him. Right?..

    • Total Posts: 312

    I honestly wouldn’t read into it too much. I’m sure he’s picked up on the fact that you’re not currently speaking to him, and he’s not thrilled about it. He may be a jerk and he may be immature, but he definitely still cares for you, so he’s probably not happy about this. From this standpoint, he probably unfollowed you for a couple of reasons. The first possibility is that it’s hard or painful for him to see your photos, and he doesn’t want to put himself through that. The second possibility is that he knows you’ll notice this, and he’s trying to get into your head. He wants you to respond to him and ask him why the heck he did that. More than likely, it’s a combination of both. These possibilities are probably more optimistic than him just not caring, but I feel like we’ve established we can be honest about these things with each other, and this is my genuine opinion. If he didn’t act like he cared or loved you at all, it might be different. But I think he unfollowed you for one of those reasons, not because he just has no interest.

    • Total Posts: 312

    God, I’ve gotten myself all worked up and so paranoid that none of this is going to work out. I mean, of course there are no guarantees. But I just keep sitting here and thinking that this is all for nothing and that come Monday and the movie, he’ll just be done with me.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Can you explain more to me why you think all of this? Like what he exactly does to make you think this?

    • Total Posts: 312

    I don’t know. Nothing has happened today. We haven’t talked at all, and I think all of the being by myself is getting to me. I know no contact is about taking care of myself, but today has just been a hard day for some reason.

    I guess I just expected that if he wanted to talk to me or were excited about the movie, he’d have tried to. Even if it meant talking about something pointless to get a conversation going. And I’ve had plenty of things I could say to him, but I’ve skipped them because I know I’m just fishing for reasons to talk to him, and that’s probably dumb. I’m fairly certain he went out for frozen yogurt with his ex-girlfriend (the one before me), and I know he has zero feelings for her and she was kind of a sore spot in our relationship for no reason, but it still bums me out. I’m not important enough to talk to today (when he supposed cares about me…) but she is? I know that’s silly. Frozen yogurt for an hour is not the same as the stuff he’s done for me or asking me to a movie, but I still feel like a moron.

    People keep telling me I need to bring up the dating idea too, after the movie, and I’m just scared he’ll shoot it down. Why wouldn’t he? He already ended our relationship, it can’t be that hard to deny me just trying to go on simple dates and start from the beginning.

    I don’t even know. I’m just paranoid and sad and missing him. I want this to work.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Okay, I gotcha now! Thoughts are the most destructive things in anyone’s life. They haunt you. They make you overthink and overanalyze. They basically distort things that just aren’t true. Being by yourself, your mind begins to wonder, and when it does that, it makes up things that aren’t even close to bring true.

    He may be taking his other ex out, but he goes out of his way FOR YOU. The reason why isn’t texting you like your expecting, is probably for the exact same reasons you aren’t texting him! I think he is very much in your shoes and you two are neck and neck.

    Whenever you decide to bring up the dating thing, do so. Do it on your terms and when you are ready. Do it on a day where you both have an AMAZING time and you feel that connection spark. That’s when you guys will have a good talk. Even if he rejects the idea for now (which I don’t see happening) the talk will go a lot smoother for the both of you.

    Your last paragraph sums up why you are having these thought distortions! Haha! You’re fine! Relax!!

    • Total Posts: 312

    That’s just it though. I feel like I keep expecting something magical to happen or I keep expecting him to make some kind of move/gesture, and when he doesn’t, it feels like he don’t care and I have to shut down. He doesn’t talk to me as much as he used to when we dated? He doesn’t care. He doesn’t hug me when he leaves? He doesn’t care. Stupid stuff like that. So when is it ever going to feel like the right time? I just feel like I look desperate and like a burden trying to talk to him at all.

    I want to think he’s not texting me for the same reasons. That he’s waiting on me to say something or he’s trying not to look desperate. The fact of the matter is though that I sent him the last message. He could’ve responded, but he didn’t. Sure, there wasn’t a ton to say, but if he wanted to talk he could’ve worked it out.

    I just don’t see how he couldn’t reject that idea. If he wanted to date me or to try and reconcile, I’m here any time. I’d talk to him anytime. Hell, it’s taking every ounce of strength in my body not to just text him right now and ask him to come over. He probably wouldn’t anyways, but it takes that much strength. I guess the way I see it is that if he really cared or wanted me, he has a million options and he’s not appearing to use a single one of them for whatever reason 🙁

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m feeling so crappy this morning. I keep trying to list out all the positives right now, but I feel like I’m sinking in negatives.

    • Total Posts: 657

    You have to understand, that everything you just said about what he is doing, is exactly what you are doing too. You both are trying not to seem desperate. You both are trying not to seem like you care. You both are doing the same exact things to each other.

    Hell, I bet he did his own research on how to get you back.

    I just don’t think you should read into it. Remember, he is still doing things for you and he is trying to do things with you. He wouldn’t be doing any of these things if he didn’t care. It is flat out clear.

    I feel like things need to be brought up when you both are having a great time. That’s when it will be easy for both of you to talk.

    I’m going to say exactly what you just said to me: Try not to dwell on it!!! You’re fine. Everything is okay, I promise! If I read into it otherwise, I would let you know immediately because honesty is key here. You need to pick up on the positive signs and not the negative signs. High chances are, he is feeling the EXACT same way as you.

    • Total Posts: 312

    I know that in the grand scheme of things, you’re totally right. One of my friends (who I actually met on here, so he gets this concept) has addressed my two biggest negative fears at the moment. He says that my ex is likely not contacting me for the same reasons you say. He doesn’t want to come across as desperate or he genuinely doesn’t have anything to say that wouldn’t just be trying to strike a conversation up with me, so he forgets about it. He assumes just like I do that if I wanted to talk, I would be in touch (except the opposite way, obviously). I also worry about the lack of physical contact, which as I said before, he thinks my ex is avoiding so that he doesn’t set himself down a path where he can’t control himself. He’ll hug me then want to hold me or kiss me and once he does that, he’ll want to have sex with me. And if that happened, he’d want to cuddle afterwards and take a shower like we used to and all that jazz. It’s just a slippery slope he’s not sure he should go down, and he’s not sure if I’d reciprocate if he tried.

    I know that if I try to look at this from a point of total objectivity, there are more positives than negatives at this point. He agreed to hike plans and even initiated movie ones AFTER he moved out. He has no commitment to me at that point unless he wants it. He offered me a ride to work literally as he was taking his last possession out of our shared apartment. He waited to give me a ride home even when I had to finish something and it held him up. He sent follow up texts about the phone. He helped me with the vet and my car situation. I guess it’s just hard when I’m not used to LC or the idea that we could both be tiptoeing around texting each other or being physical instead of just doing it. It’s foreign to me. I know that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. I trust the reasons for why he probably isn’t texting or hugging/kissing me. It’s just new and weird and I want progress towards heading back to where we were. I just worry that if I do something wrong, like text him when I don’t need to for instance, he will start to see me in a negative light and things will shift. As opposed to how they seem like they could be getting better as time goes on.

    I really am trying not to dwell on it. I guess it’s just hard being in low contact when I’m not used to it. This is kind of the true beginning for me. It’s also hard because a new situation for us to spend time together just recently came up and it could be a BIG sign in the long run as to how things are going to go, and I’m not sure what to think about that at the moment. I just want someone else’s opinion.

    • Total Posts: 657

    This is definitely a foreign situation. But that’s the whole point. You just aren’t used to it. That’s all! You don’t have anything to really worry about as of this second!

    You just aren’t used to not being physical, not talking everyday, not being as close, etc. That’s completely understandable and expected. This is all beyond normal. Your feelings and views are the correct reaction.

    Everything is good right now. So just let it be that way!! Live in the moment and just be happy with all of this! You got this!

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m just worried that somehow this weekend will go totally downhill while we’re at work and he’ll stop talking to me or he’ll back out of the movie or he won’t offer me rides or some other thing of that nature. That’s worst case scenario thinking again but it feels so much easier or more correct than assuming all will be good and he’s missing me and things will work out how I want them to for this weekend.

    If you could give me an opinion on my situation, I figure it doesn’t hurt to ask. Long story short, we’ve had concert tickets for a long time for memorial day weekend. We were supposed to go to his hometown (6 hours away) for two days to see the concert, see his parents, and come back. It’s his favorite band besides the band whose concert we met at, so it should be really exciting. Way back when we broke up, the day after actually, I freaked out realizing this meant we probably wouldn’t be able to go. The ticket is on will call and ID is needed, so if I don’t go, that’s $40 and an experience I really wanted to have down the drain. I lamented on this and he said, I kid you not, “Maybe we could still go. Maybe it’ll all work out.” This would mean a total of 12 or so hours in the car with me, me coming to visit his family and staying at their house like we always do, interrupting family time, seeing the show, etc. That’s a BIG commitment potentially from someone who just ended things. I said I hoped so and threw it out there that maybe things would be better by then. He agreed in a hopeful sort of manner. Since then, we haven’t really talked about it. Our work schedule for that week wasn’t up, so there was no point. However, it came out yesterday. For reasons totally unbeknownst to me, as this point he has been given the full weekend off and I’ve been given the two days originally promised to me. This makes no sense because I emailed our boss and told him I needed the same time off as my ex, and I was in communication for both of us. My ex never once addressed memorial day weekend with my boss. So at this point, I’m unsure about what to do. I know I should wait a little longer to see if he still brings it up with me. If he doesn’t, I wonder if it’s totally desperate to talk to him about it… The difference in schedules kind of messes with things, but there’s still hope. My boss could fix it so we both have the same time off. My ex was originally planning on only being gone for two days, like me, anyways so maybe he’ll stick in town until that point. Or maybe he’d even be willing to wait for me. I’m trying so hard not to be hopeful, but I really want this to happen and the fact that he suggested THE DAY AFTER WE BROKE UP that it could possibly still happen really makes me want it to. Thoughts?

    • Total Posts: 657

    Okay, now I have some down time to answer yours! Haha! I’m sorry, it has been a long day. When I had my situation I had to throw it in real quickly before I made a mistake!

    Anywho, stop worrying about that. I understand about not wanting to think everything is good so you won’t get hurt, but you cant think everything will be bad either. Just be optimistic and open minded. Pick up on the positives and just remember that it still may not work out. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but if you are stressing yourself out over something that probably won’t happen, you’re only ruining things for yourself! Relax!

    With that situation, there is no way that sounds desparate. He is probably thinking about it too. Just tell him it is so you can plan ahead, because that is the truth! It doesn’t sound like you’re pushing things or being naggy or anything. Just be like like “Hey, are we still doing that concert? It crossed my mind a couple of days ago, and I just wanted to clarify and see if we are on the same page so I can plan ahead!” That is all you have to do.

    I know you may not want to do this because I dont know where your patience level is at, buuuut maybe that will be the perfect timing to bring it up? After spending that wonderful weekend together, maybe on the car ride back or even a couple days later, mention the dating thing. Memorial day is only 2 weekends away! It would make things easier for the trip if you don’t say anything now. I know it it hard to wait, but if you mention the concert after the movie and get that all worked out, you really will be good to go! Take the time to spend together to see where things may lead you! I think you may be surprised!

    • Total Posts: 425

    After reading this I agree with Ellie96!It all sounds really positive and after spending the weekend togethet maybe bring up the topic, but dont say anything until then. but keep thinking positive, cos it sounds as if everything is going great so far!

    Can definately relate to the contact with the ex though,its hard to decide when to contact!
    But yeah it all sounds really positive, am really happy for you!! 😀

    ellie 96, do you mind having a read of mine if you get a chance? its on this link 🙂

    met up with my ex, what do i do now??

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m interested as to what you think things could lead to if we did spend that weekend together, as there was a minor development with that yesterday. I’m trying not to take anything too optimistically, but I went in to work yesterday and looked at the schedule, as often times our boss will hand update things there that don’t make it online. Of course, it still said I get Sunday and Monday of the long weekend off and he gets the whole enchilada. This kind of irritated me, until suddenly my boss comes up and asks if I noticed that he gave me the time off I asked for. I tell him that yes I did, I’m appreciative, but I’m a little confused as to why the ex has a full four days off and I have two, considering I requested those days for both of us and they were for the same event. He didn’t really have a good answer but then suddenly lit up and remember that my ex had just told him he wanted to work Friday and Saturday like I was, and only wanted those two weeks. Now, this could just be a coincidence. He’s a hard worker and hates leaving our employers feeling like he’s not doing enough. That being said, he rarely sees his family and they’re so far away that I find it hard to believe he wouldn’t want those extra two days with them unless he has something up his sleeve. He also is not particularly in need of the money of the two extra days of work, so that’s not a major concern. One of my friends thinks this sounds like a very good sign that he’s hoping we’ll work it out and I can go, but I’m trying not to be too hopeful about it.

    Part of that is because of a really weird interaction/overall night we had yesterday. I got to work slightly late because my coworker is never on time and I was a moron for thinking she’d get me there when I needed to be. I walked in, he saw me, tried to catch my eye, and my boss immediately pulled me into a big task, so I really couldn’t even give him the time of day. Once this passed, he completely ignored me. He wouldn’t look at me, he went out of his way to walk different paths that didn’t pass me, and he had nothing to say. I had half a snickers bar I’d been saving for him, gave it to him, and got a really quiet thank you. Then more of the same behavior. Finally, I started trying to communicate with him a little. He was fairly distant and quiet at first, but the more I kind of kept at it and the later the night went on, the more he would look at me, smile, talk, etc. He also was making a point to walk past me. Same friend said he was again probably butt hurt and confused that I’d gone two days without texting him, I hadn’t asked him for a ride into work, and then wouldn’t look at him when he tried to catch my eye. Y’know, the point of no contact. Hence the coldness, and then the warming up once I actually gave him my attention. This left me really confused on where to continue standing in terms of contact, LC, or NC, so I just thought I’d try to go with my gut from here on out. I hate feeling like I’m contacting him too much or looking desperate, and I know I should be making him work for it and feel weird that he’s not hearing from me, but I feel like it’s making him shut down and hurt and angry as opposed to confused and missing me.

    Anyways, I’d made up my mind that I was going to ask him for a ride home if possible. Throw him a bone, y’know? And myself one, because I wanted to spend time with him. Of course, right as I make this decision, my boss tells me I’m on vacuuming duty with a couple other people for the night. This means we would be the very last people out of the restaurant. I was really irritated and knew there was no way I could get a ride with him at that point. Except he stayed. There was literally nothing else to do and he came up with excuses of sweeping and wiping down table bases. Once those were done, and we were still vacuuming, he stood in one of the server’s stations on his iPod using the internet. Now, internet hasn’t been hooked up in his new apartment so it’s definitely possible that he was just using the work wifi and that was why he stayed later. But I got done with vacuuming, everyone seemed ready to head out, and I had to go to the bathroom. I stated that I was going, ran downstairs, went, then came up. My friend told me that apparently he’d kind of lingered and looked around casually, but he didn’t see me so he’d literally headed out the door about 30 seconds before we had. So no dice on a ride. I was really bummed and figured/hoped he probably was too.

    So, per friend’s advice, I decided to text him when I got home and back to my phone. This is the one thing of the night that really throws me and makes me feel like I messed something up or totally read EVERYTHING else wrong last night…
    Me: You vanished! And just successfully enough that I didn’t get to talk to you.
    Him: I’m sorry.
    Me: No apology necessary. Are you on a double tomorrow?
    Him: Yes I am.
    Me: Well then, when you’re awake and lively in the morning, I’ll plan on asking you if you’d mind driving me in!
    Him: Alrighty! I’m already driving Mike.
    Me: No need to pack up the car then. I should’ve asked sooner.
    Him: I don’t mind if you don’t mind sitting in the backseat?
    Me: I’d meant to ask earlier, along with meaning to ask if I could get a ride tonight. I’m rather fond of riding shotgun, though I guess that doesn’t matter much.
    Him: Who did you get a ride home with tonight?
    Me: Erica. I went downstairs to go to the bathroom and you were gone.
    Him: I’m sorry I didn’t know.
    Me: I’d meant to ask you. I just thought maybe I needed to wait for the candy buzz to kick in… (I’d told him earlier to eat that snickers part because he was tired and hungry) It’s not your fault. I’ll just have to try again next time.
    Him: Thank you for the snickers I ate it when I got home.
    Me: You’re welcome. I hope it wasn’t melted or inedible at that point.
    Me: Have a good night. I’ll talk to you tomorrow (since he didn’t reply)

    Technically, this continued until like 1:00 or 1:15 am, so I can understand that it’s possible he didn’t reply because he fell asleep. I just feel terrible that he didn’t reply. I feel like I looked desperate and annoyed him, hence the short replies or lack of exclamation points like he uses sometimes. I was just trying to go with what my friend said, that he seems butt hurt about my lack of communication and trying to spend time with him, but I feel like maybe it backfired. I don’t know. I showed this to that friend and they said he’s probably just giving me a taste of my own medicine now. That deep down he’s probably happier now and wants to give me a ride and what not, but that he feels like I gave him nothing for the past two days so he has to do essentially the same thing. That and that he was probably really tired and didn’t want to talk to anyone and was “clearly lying about not knowing you needed a ride/him planning on asking to drive you home” (friend’s words, not mine, no idea if that’s true). I just can’t seem to calm myself down. The rest of the night seemed so good once he warmed up, and I genuinely thought he was waiting for me, so the conversation threw me for a loop. Besides trying to calm myself down and get feedback before I leave, I also now have to decide whether or not to ask him for that ride and deal with possibly sitting in the back or whatever else could happen, or try to find a last minute ride and risk that not working out and us having a repeat of him being my last resort. Ugh. Please help. I am sure I’m overthinking this and you can put a more realistic or positive spin on it, but I need to hear it from someone else to believe it.

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