Boards Reconciliation This clearly isn't a typical break-up, so what do I do?

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  • #46894
    • Total Posts: 312

    Luckily my work hour wasn’t as terrible as planned. I decided to get all dolled up, look really pretty, and give myself a confidence boost. I caught his eye a couple of times in the hour I was there, and his face just completely lit up. He looked so happy to see me, and just kept sheepishly saying hi. I kind of nodded back to him, but spent most of my time on my phone or iPod. We work at a restaurant and he was expoing (bringing food from the kitchen to tables, making sure it’s presentable for customers, in case you don’t know) and he kept walking past me to deliver things. This probably isn’t a huge deal in and of itself, save for the fact that our restaurant is designed so that he could have completely ignored me and avoided me the entire time if he’d wanted to. One of my other friends got there early and had to clock on, so we sat and talked while we waited. He came and said goodbye, addressing both of us but standing really close to me and staring at me grinning. It was really bizarre, but flattering.

    Only follow-up after that was that he sent me a text message about twenty minutes after he left, asking me if I’d give his number to one of the dishwashers who needed it. We also had a ton of new staff on last night, one of whom was another new hostess. She told me she’d been there the past couple nights so she wasn’t brand new, but she was still learning the ropes. Somehow, the two of us and one other girl got on the subject of my ex and I (everyone at the restaurant knows what’s going on and how dumb he’s being) and she told me that she’d actually shadowed my ex and he’d trained her last night. And apparently he referred to me as his girlfriend! I mean, I think that’s really weird considering I have heard nothing of the sort and this hasn’t been run by me, but it seems like a really good sign to me otherwise!

    • Total Posts: 312

    Hey, I’ve been a bit busy these last few days.
    I think that you’re doing great! keep going like this because it seems like this things really affect him! And referring you as his girlfriend is a good sign! It could be that he sees you in that way or could also be that he doesn’t know how to describe your relationship. even though he could have said that you two are just close/best friends so I think it means something for him.

    • Total Posts: 312

    I kind of started thinking the same thing earlier, actually, doubting myself a bit. I was thinking, “Maybe he just said that out of habit?” or “Maybe he just doesn’t know how else to explain it?” However, the more I thought about it, the less that makes sense. No one is just accidentally going to call someone their girlfriend if they’re not, especially if that person is the one who did the breaking up. He was literally just training this new girl too, so there’s really no reason he even had to bring me/us up if he didn’t want to. It doesn’t relate to work at all, considering neither one of us has ever let it get in the way of us doing our work. She also has a boyfriend, so it’s not like he had to say something to fend her off or make sure she doesn’t end up liking him or whatever. I don’t know. I think he misses me and he wants me and he knows what he wants. He just has yet to man up and talk to me. You don’t call someone your girlfriend for nothing.

    • Total Posts: 42


    If thing’s are progressing and that your ex’s actions are matching his words then I don’t think there’s much to worry about 🙂

    I honestly think he’s been thinking about you personally very much so over the last few days. Judging by his actions, he seems to be absolutely smitten by you. Referring you as his “girlfriend” is very VERY suggestive and a great sign. I can’t think of any other reason why he’d say it other than that he’s warming up to you and considering getting back.

    I hope it goes very well 🙂

    • Total Posts: 312

    @between I think the same. He wouldn’t call you his girlfriend if he wasn’t interested or seeing you that way. It’s definitely a good sign. However I think the problem is that he doesn’t know about your feelings and he thinks that everything is alright the way it is.
    The relationship shouldn’t be on his terms. He definitely loves you and cares about you a lot but if he calls you his girlfriend then he should act like that as well. It might be that he still confused about his intentions or maybe he wants to take it slow and doesn’t want to commit to a relationship just yet. It seems that you affected him and maybe he’ll open up to you soon.

    • Total Posts: 312

    I wish I could believe that now, except I feel like I totally fucked up.

    Long story short, the two of us and one other coworker ended up being the last people at the restaurant tonight, minus our managers. As such, we all ended up carpooling, as my ex was the only one with a car. Usually there are lots of options, but they held the three of us, so I was forced to ride with him. We all just made some small talk, I didn’t pay too much attention to anything, he tried to talk to me a fair amount, and before I knew it, we’d made it back into town. He dropped our coworker off first, then started to drive me home. He played a couple of songs, like he has been doing lately, that seemed to describe our situation or what he hopes becomes of it. It was just really odd.

    We made it to my apartment and he smiled at me, told me he hopes I have a really good night, and he’ll see me later. I got out, said bye, and went into my apartment. He turned around and watched me the entire time as he pulled away. I realized I forgot my coat in his car, so I sent him a brief to-the-point message telling him I wanted to grab it soon. He responded back with a message about how some of our coworkers had mentioned being jealous of us getting the rest of the weekend off for our concert. He then sent me this blunt text saying he was going to bed. The way he’d been talking weirded me out, so I made the mistake of calling him. I told him I was sorry for keeping him up but that text didn’t convey tone well and I didn’t know what he was getting at. He said he’s not mad or annoyed at me and apologized for things not coming through well on text. I lamented that I wished I got to go to the show, and he said he knew and he was sorry. I told him I hoped he had fun, he thanked me, and told me to sleep very well. He said he’d see me later and I told him I just had one more question for him, and that question was why he hadn’t left for home earlier. Like I said, he didn’t need the money, he dislikes his position, he never gets to see his family, etc. He said, not entirely convincingly, that he felt like he owed it to our bosses to work part of the long weekend. Then he told me to sleep well again and said good night.

    I feel like such a moron on so many counts. I feel stupid and weak for engaging him and answering him. I feel stupid for calling him, even though the phone is way easier to communicate over than text. I feel stupid for thinking he stayed for part of the weekend because of me. I feel even more stupid because I still think he actually did and he’s just still unsure or scared and so he never ended up asking me to go (I mean, he’s the type of guy that would feel some obligation to our company but he HATES this position out of his two there, so I don’t buy him volunteering for it). I feel stupid because I broke NC or at least LC and everyone is going to tell me this is a set back and I have to start over or just ignore him and not think about it for the rest of the weekend. I feel stupid because I know he cares about me and I feel like he loves me and he called me his girlfriend which really says something to me, yet this still happens. I’m just a moron and I expect everyone will really lay it on thick to me and tell me that this is a setback or that only truly doing NC and ignoring him is going to help. That’s if people don’t all say I’m done and have no chance. I just feel incredibly stupid no matter what. I thought I’d made progress this week and I thought his behavior and what he said was a good sign. Guess I’m just that dumb.

    • Total Posts: 312

    My friends have said that his answer about why he stayed two extra days sounds made up. He can be as dedicated to his job as he wants and feel that sense of obligation, which I know he does, but at the end of the day it still meant two extra days of work at a job he hates and a trip home of only one FULL day. Seeing as he switches over to his other position in the company in a week or two, that seems even crazier to me than it did when I originally thought about it. I truly believe that when he agreed a couple of weeks ago that he’d work those two days, that I was at least somewhat on his mind. Obligation may be there, but I feel it in my gut that he wanted that possibility or wanted me to come, but he ultimately never found the strength or insight to ask.

    I keep trying to believe that he really did want me there/does want me there, but he’s still just not at a place where he feels like it’s his place to ask or where he feels like that’s an okay step in our relationship. I know his parents have no idea he’s been contacting me, trying to take care of me, etc. because if they did and he wasn’t dating me, they’d be upset with him. I can only assume his fear of bringing it up with me or committing to that, as well as having to address things with his parents, meant that these plans never got anywhere.

    All of this being said, do I sound crazy? Do I sound like I’m making this up and being delusional that he cares? I fear that so much. I see so many people on this site that are kidding themselves into thinking that they still have a shot, and I don’t want to be that person. I know one trip doesn’t make or break anything, I know how he’s acted up until now, and I know he called me his girlfriend. What I don’t know is if I’m totally off base in my thinking, or where to go from here. Will NC still work? Do I still have a shot? I sound so desperate and stupid but PLEASE, someone talk to me. I just need to bounce thoughts or ideas off people.

    • Total Posts: 312

    You are doing fine! Stop overthinking about this. Sure you didn’t have to call him but it doesn’t make much of a difference anyway. So now he knows that you care and willing to talk to him. I don’t think you ruined anything and you still have a chance because he still loves you and that shouldn’t change his mind (even if he doesn’t admit it). Just stick to NC and wait to see what happens. I’m sure he will talk to you soon! Don’t worry and remain calm!

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m trying. There’s nothing I can do now either way. And I knew this could potentially happen. I just thought he’d actually do something about it, for whatever reason. I genuinely did. And now I don’t know whether to take this as something that should’ve been expected or as a huge letdown and something that tells me to give up? In the grand scheme of things, like I said, there are a lot of reasons he may not have asked me to go or may have acted the way he did. But that’s what I keep wondering and wishing someone could tell me.

    Does he still love me though? Hah. I guess that’s the real question that this last question answers. Is this a set back that tells me he doesn’t care and I need to give up because of that? I still just don’t see him actually driving me home, answering my phone call or texts that late when he’s that tired and pissed off from work (he had THE WORST day yesterday and I couldn’t believe he was willing to put up with me at night), or talking about me, his “girlfriend”, to one of our coworkers if things weren’t going somewhere. But I guess I could be living in a state of delusion too. Just wanting to see things that way or wanting to feel like this whole incident, what I did, and him not asking me doesn’t mean it’s over.

    • Total Posts: 167

    Hey Between-You were on the right path. You have to keep limiting your interactions with him. You have made it way way too easy for him to get all the benefits of a girlfriend without the pressure/responsibilities of the boyfriend title. He’s obviously emotionally attached to you but not enough to call you his girlfriend. That isn’t fair to you. Unless you are happy being in this pseudo-relationship, you can’t be that available to him. He can’t have it both ways-treating you like a gf but I don’t think he realizes that because you have been so readily available just like before when you lived together. He needs to make a choice. And you need to make a decision. Distance yourself from him even though you do work together. Interact with him only if necessary. Guys will get away with as much as you will let them. And they will constantly test their limits with their ex to see how much they can get laid. So value yourself a lot more than what this guy is doing to you. And like another poster said, this guy isn’t the one if he can’t commit. You shouldn’t feel the way you do if this guy were the right one. Things wouldn’t be this hard. And he never would have moved out if this were the true love you were intented for-even if you guys are young. I think you guys make a great couple but he’s just too young to commit. If only you could fast forward time, I’m sure you would have had an incredible love story because you mature and learn alot about relationships as the years pass. Learn from this experience and find a guy that will give you his all not only part of him.

    • Total Posts: 312

    I appreciate the thoughts and the feedback. I’m not looking for another guy, however. At the moment, I’m trying to work on this potential, as I don’t feel like we’ve hit the point that we’re a lost cause. I know he’s not treating me appropriately, though part of that is because I’m letting him have everything he wants with no consequences. I guess I just have to actually give NC a genuine try, and see if that works. Everyone seems to think it will, so I guess fingers crossed there. Deep down, I’m certain he knows he wants me. He just doesn’t have any incentive to admit he was wrong and he’s sorry or make the effort to patch this up if I let him have all the same things but without a title or consequences. And the consequences are going to have to be NC, I guess.

    • Total Posts: 312

    I also disagree with him not moving out if he were the love I intended to have. We mutually decided to move out. He was the one who initially brought it up, but I agreed, as I realized part of what was unhealthy about our relationship was how much time we spent together. And that was because we lived AND worked together. We had absolutely no free time and living together meant our time together wasn’t as special or was kind of for granted. I’ve been very happy living apart from him. I just don’t want to be broken up additionally. They aren’t the same thing.

    • Total Posts: 261

    ok Between I have tried to catch up as best I can with your story.First let me put your mind at ease this is nothing like the situation with Brokenhearted not in anyway. This situation is interesting one because you are kind of broken up but not really. I dont think nc fits your situation, normally I would never say that. But you must for your sake stop sleeping with him until there is clear definition are you are couple or not. It messes things and feelings too much. I am bit unclear still what exactly is the situation I mean what was the conclusion in your last conversation of what he wants? Also did you tell him that you want the relationship but not living together to give you space to do your own things and spend time with your own friends because I know you said that but did you say to him clearly enough and if yes what did he say to that? I mean based on what I have seen so far this is actually one of the very few salvageable relationships I have seen here. What seems to be the issue is defining what you both want from this relationship, fitting those needs together and finding a compromise and it feels a bit that you are not sitting down to discuss that. I need to think about this more bit more because I am very tired and I need to go to sleep but I promise tomorrow I will get my brain working and will be able to say something more sensible : ).

    • Total Posts: 261

    One thought though for this time when you are not together you need to set firm boundaries with him and stick to it. Less hanging out at your place, no sex and if he questions why you need to be just straight out honest for the reasons why you are doing it helps the communication and causes less misunderstandings and confusion.

    • Total Posts: 312

    “I dont think nc fits your situation, normally I would never say that.” Up until yesterday, when I completely let my feelings get the better of me, I agreed with this. Hell, I think I still do for the most part. I think that LC is potentially a much better option, as long as I have boundaries for myself. I can respond to his calls or texts. I can accept (or reject!) offers of plans, favors, rides to/from work, etc. I just shouldn’t initiate anything at this point, I shouldn’t always accept plans, I should never respond immediately, and I should set clear boundaries sexually. Of course, it feels this way to me but I don’t know if I’m justifying LC because some part of me probably wants to be able to answer him or because he genuinely doesn’t seem to respond well to being ignored or because both. I’m biased, so I may be out of line. Plenty of people have told me NC, plenty have told me LC. I don’t know what’s right.

    “But you must for your sake stop sleeping with him until there is clear definition are you are couple or not.” Agreed. I won’t say he has “no incentive” to think about things if I sleep with him because our relationship is about more than sex and he clearly cares for me, but it doesn’t give him more incentive if I do. So it’s done.

    “What seems to be the issue is defining what you both want from this relationship, fitting those needs together and finding a compromise and it feels a bit that you are not sitting down to discuss that.” This is pretty on point. We’ve had numerous little discussions but they all get spaced out with weeks or days in between then, we overthink a ton, and then have trouble expressing what we are thinking because we’re afraid of rejection or upsetting the other person. Last we left it, he kept saying he didn’t know what he wanted and was way too in his head. He randomly blurted out that he wanted to single in the middle of that, but I think that was an impulse answer. If you don’t know, you don’t know, and 5 minutes of freaking out isn’t going to clarify anything for you. Since then, I’ve heard the “girlfriend” story and seen more clear evidence in person that he cares for me, maybe even still loves me. There just hasn’t really been much time for either of us to be on our own and think, to really have limited contact, or to meet up and talk since that all happened and was brought to my attention. I guess I just need to make time when he gets back somehow.

    Thank you for your insight! It was wonderful! I’ll keep an eye out for a post later.

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