Boards Reconciliation The Mornings Are The Worst

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  • #30716
    • Total Posts: 158

    My room is the same … getting worst day after day … it used to be clean when she was around me coz we both were in good mood .. but now my head is messdup … i hope everything will get cooler by days and things back better than it was @ChrisLovesChris

    • Total Posts: 90

    I hope so too @JeanValins. I am so happy she unblocked you and is replying to you. You don’t know how much I wish I had the same thing happen for me. For all I know, my ex is gone forever…and the thought of that breaks my heart into a million pieces…

    • Total Posts: 158

    Yeah its a relief but also if u got a chance to talk to him when he event care about u thats will kill u even more so now work on ur self ,. When he back u already stronger than before and u can face it which is i have to do the same too @ChrisLovesChris

    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins That is a good point and you are right. But what makes you so certain he will be back…after all the awful things he said, after how he said I could only make him happy by leaving him alone?

    • Total Posts: 158

    If u keep thinking about this atm even if he is back u will push him away by being so worried .. i want u to be stronger look at ur self i can imagine the tears in ur eyes and all he will say is sorry … nothing more coz he will feel bad to make u like this but he wont back becuase of tears .. i was crying infront of my ex .. she only said i am sorry to hurt u … she took a pity on me … u also better than that dont use pity to make them back .. be strong like u always were and I will lend you my shoulder every time u about to fell down 🙂

    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins no I deifinitely don’t want to use pity and I don’t want him to see me crying and desperate…but what I mean is how do I even know I will get the chance to ever communicate with him again. What if he refuses to talk to me ever again?? That is the thought that is making me suffer right now. I can’t stop thinking about it.

    My mom just told me again I am too thin

    • Total Posts: 90

    I am cleaning my room but I still feel awful…nothing I do seems to help…I miss him so much and feel like he isn’t even thinking of me. I have put on a TV show but I literally find some way for everything to remind me of him, somehow. But if I shut it off I will be in silence and that will be unbearable as well. I just don’t know what to do.

    • Total Posts: 17

    Yes, the first 3 weeks are bad. Then, the pain doesn’t go away, but kind of numbs. You realize there is other good in the world, much better than just another human being.
    I am exactly 30 days of NC with ex today, and do not plan on talking to her. IF you told me that two weeks ago, I wouldn’t believe it. And I’m not saying I don’t want her back, I’m just realizing that I’m not ready yet; I need more time to myself because now I am relatively happy, knock on wood, and don’t know if trying to get her back will help at all. I have a feeling that you’ll experience the same thing!
    You won’t stop loving him, but you WILL love yourself enough to not need him. That is certain. So get sunshine, go on walks, be in nature, listen to sad songs, talk to friends, talk to family – do it all! Its not as fast as they make it seem, and it’s not all roses once it’s over, but it’s better

    • Total Posts: 90

    @YBSM thank you, I guess I will see. I wish I could fast forward, just to see what happens. I’m tired of not being able to sleep, of having weird dreams, of feeling like so much is just off. At the moment it feels like that will never go away…

    Well it’s morning, and it’s Valentine’s Day morning to top it off. Why did it have to be on a Saturday. If I was getting up and rushing around getting ready for work, it would possibly be ever so slightly better. Now I am awake, much earlier than I normally am, just sitting here thinking about how I should have been with him this morning…and I should have been with him today… I just hope today ends as fast as possible. I managed to clean part of my room, now let’s see if I can do the other part.

    • Total Posts: 90

    If anyone feels horrible and heartbroken today, feel free to post in this thread… this thread isn’t only about me, it’s about keeping each other company through this… just letting you all know

    • Total Posts: 158

    Hey @ChrisLoveChris today i am so busy and it make me feel good that i dont think of her much but the problem is the thing i am busy with something gonna cost me lot coz i am moving from my place to Michigan and i have to do my things fast or gonna lose everything i did all these 7 months of hard work lol

    • Total Posts: 132

    Mornings and nights have been the worst for me. I can’t sleep at nights, last night i went to bed at 4AM because i was sobbing and talking to my brother about realizing that me and my ex will never be together again. I just hate mornings, I hate the fact that I live to live another day without her. *sigh*

    Can ya’ll answer my post. Thank you.

    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins you’re lucky you are busy. I am still cleaning my room but I still can’t stop thinking of him… nothing can make me stop thinking of him. I have actually thought that maybe this would be a good time to do all the things I am normally too afraid to do, like get a surgery that I need, etc. I am supposed to go to California in the summer and normally I am so afraid of flying but now I’m not because if I died at least this would all be over.

    thank you for coming in here and sharing. You are definitely not alone in hating mornings…you have no idea how much I hate them now. Waking up every morning with the fist around my stomach. I read your thread and I am actually envious of you. I wish my ex had told me that. He told me he didn’t want anything to do with me again. That the only way he would be happy is if I was gone from his life. I would trade places with you in an instant…

    • Total Posts: 132

    @chrisLovesChri I don’t feel like I’m worth the envy my friend. Sometimes it’s better when ex’s say that because then you wouldn’t have to waste your time. I feel like my ex just said those things to let me down nicely, she gave me too much hope.However, only time will tell. Good luck to you.

    • Total Posts: 90

    @MrCat22 You never know until you try… if I were you I wouldn’t give up. Even I am not giving up, in the face of all those things. I’m just here trying to get by day after day…thank you for the well wishes

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