Boards Reconciliation The Mornings Are The Worst

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  • #30156
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    well all this happened almost 3 years ago and hes been gone for good for a long time. It all worked out well, I met my first real love after I got rid of him. Life is funny at times lol

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    nutcases are all bad.
    This isnt your fault. Not at all. Dont feel that way.

    • Total Posts: 90

    @LilyMoon I can’t help it. Yeah he had his faults but I was the one who was such a jerk to him until he got tired of it. I can’t even blame him. The guilt is going to kill me. I would give anything to turn back the time. That’s all I want is just one more chance but he is sick of me…

    • Total Posts: 31

    Everyone is a nutcase to a certain degree. It all depends on the situation where they are at, either they are spoiled and stopped getting what they want, Same goes for people who quit smoking and alcohol, or stranded in a new country with no help and little or no money. Happens to the best of us. Real bad people physically hurt others without believing they have no consequences of their own. Right now at this moment there is no real guilt. Everyone is at fault and no one follows their heart they just replace it like nothing happens and it takes great strength to show them that love is more powerful than to just move on.

    Sometimes people are so stubborn. They forget the good things and that is why the 30 day period is necessary for everything. For you, for them to miss you. For you to get rid of the hate, sadness and loss of hope. It will not be long before you get to a point when they come back and this is the most difficult part. They will comeback if the love really was true. Only problem is you will be at a point to where. Do you want them back. Those who start the breaking up have more guilt than those who where abandoned. Soon it will sink in, they might even feel relieved but time will soon form in their mind. They will start to remember that it is not money, a new girl with a new face. They will remember you.

    The good times, the times you joked and smiled, times you made love. Times you just enjoyed walking together, times you waited for each other. The roses given and the gifts taken. Things are not as grim its this stupid media that makes things go like there is no life. But most the time things are so empty, they have money, not a great car or job. Still they run around thinking they will find the right person and soon they realized. I did find the right person. I let them go, soon they at first will start talking thinking well lets be friends and let it go. Do not go to that path.

    It either is or it isn’t. Just remember, this life is very short. Its not about partying, good meals, or just family time its about home. Going home, making one and going from there. Some men just choose not to have it and sleep with girls without commitment because they are afraid. They are scared on being burned but most people really want it. some people in the military refuse to leave because they made their home their with their brothers. To fight for one another not because of the war but because of each other.

    The good news is that you are still alive. You feel like you are not but you are. Meaning sometimes you will lose battles. You just have to get up and learn how not to lose again and just fight until you got it right. What ever you do, do not blame yourself, do not blame him. Just accept what is going on and go forward. If you feel like not dating now do not be pressured into doing it. Just do not do anything that will push him further away from you.

    I believe in love and that is why the world is getting colder because everything is about well just find someone else, get a new car, a new job if you do not like it no. There is no passion in anything anymore and everyone gives up to easy. If you can inspire him on how much you love him. Encourage him that you are there for you. It will not be long.

    I know I write long but ill leave you with this. One of my favorite movies but not for the faint of heart is called saving private ryan. They found the man they needed to find. Only problem is he want to go home. Everyone else is pissed because they lost two men and in the end screw him. Lets leave and let him stay in this impossible mission when 3x more German infantry and Armor is coming. Just leave and fight the war (move on) But then he has a speech with the Sergeant on what to do now. This clip is PG-13 nothing too bad other than cussing. So its up to you. Wanna pack up your bags and go fight war. Or stay, defend the bridge, earn the right to go home. Think about it. What do you really want?

    Does not work for phones, sorry. Only PC.\

    • Total Posts: 90

    @Merchaunt do not worry if your posts are long…the longer they are, the happier I am. I watched the clip and I feel the same…there is no way I will leave the bridge.

    The love really was/is true, I think that is part of what makes this so awful. He is trying to convince himself that he is better off without me even though I believe he knows he is wrong. And he is so angry and hurt because of what he felt for me, what he still feels for me. He is too stubborn to let me help…he says I can’t. It’s like he is killing us.

    I used to think that perhaps when he came back, I would be hurt, or angry, and I would hold this against him…but then I realized that isn’t really reconciliation. Reconciliation is for both, and if can forgive me enough to give me one more chance, than I would most definitely forgive him and embrace that chance with my entire soul.

    I have to say this board (more specifically my personal space here) has become the most comforting place in these days. I have started to envision it as this sort of small room with those hanging chairs and sofas all arranged in a circle with a table in the middle, and one of those really hairy carpets lol. And maybe some nice plants. And all of you guys who keep me company in here sit in one of the chairs or couches. It’s nice…a nice, safe place.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Just hold the bridge ok. Your thoughts betray you. Alot. So do mine. For now just let the 30 days go. Really its for you. To be stronger. Understand what is going on and to really want to know what you want in this life.

    • Total Posts: 12

    Well sweets, just give it time and perhaps he’ll see that you changed for the better. But,its gonna be a rough road.

    • Total Posts: 31

    @lilymoon You need to show him how foolish he is being. Sometimes you really want things to go well but his heart is hardened. You think he experienced real pain but you need to let him know right away. Say something like listened. I gave you my heart. It is not there anymore for you. You have expectations that you have never explained what you want. SO now you have to explain to him that if he wants you to at least try. Do not speak to him after and let him think about it. Turns out he might be too immature what real love really is. For now just wait it out. He will find out what it really means to lose someone who he had the opportunity of having a good home.

    Like I said before sometimes it takes darkness and the burning of fire to come out stronger than you ever will but no one ever changes when they know things are ok. For now just let it go not as in moving on. As in let him appreciate what he wants. Sometimes they truely have to know what they lost in order to come back and appreciate it.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Like they say all is fair in love and war. But the tactics are similar. If you keep fighting the same way over and over the enemy will catch on and defeat you. Your story is long but the solution is simple. Get them to appreciate what they had. If they say things like that or retaliate do not answer. Stay quite and be still. Soon. They will fight their own minds and come back. This is a game of chess. Now its his move.

    • Total Posts: 90

    @Merchaunt and @LilyMoon I have to remind myself the despair in just an illusion…I have to stay strong. It’s just so hard, each day is different and I never know how I am going to feel.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Listen carefully, it might not be about you. It might be about the other person. But it is true.

    • Total Posts: 31

    Keep coming to this forum to break the curse of depression. This is a healthy topic. No more surrendering, no more despair. Just keep going. Fight until the battle is truly lost. Do not give in to your emotions, do not lean too much on your logic. Just your heart and stick to the plan.

    • Total Posts: 12

    Yeah. When he vanishes, I vanish as well. Hes the one that breaks the silence. I have told him what I once felt. He will say “Yeah but i,just wasnt feeling that way that soon. It was going too fast.” So,whatever I stopped talking that way to him. Now that ive shown him that im not chasing him like i was last year, he runs after me. The times he argued with me, he came running to apologize.
    He knows that now hes not a priority to me. Back then, he was. But now, I make it known that nobody but myself is #1.

    • Total Posts: 31

    I am sorry guys sometimes I need about a few minutes to think. Its hard being strong for myself but to be strong for others takes alot of strength and thinking so I do not mean to ignore you for a bit I am just thinking on what to say and how to encourage you. But you guys are doing great I know it and feel it.

    • Total Posts: 12

    its normal to feel,that way but it will pass. If it didnt, everyone would be unhappy. Bad times come and go.

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