Boards Reconciliation The Mornings Are The Worst

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  • #32091
    • Total Posts: 14

    @ChrisLovesChris & JeanValins I’m glad you guys are doing better! I on the other hand keep feeling worse and worse. I do wish I were dead but would never do anything to myself…again, couldn’t leave my cats, as cheesy as that sounds. They’re the only thing that’s somewhat helped me. It has only been 5 days since I found out they were together but time passes by so slowly. I don’t know how I’m going to wait out the months, possibly year or whatever it may be that they’re together πŸ™ Even writing this I feel my throat closing up and my hands shaking. I don’t know how much more I can take but as you said Chris (sadly, his new gfs name is Chris too πŸ™ ) its a long, long road.
    I don’t understand how he could just leave me out of the blue, 5 days before Christmas (& over text too) and not even two months later be seeing someone else and seeming so incredibly happy. I didn’t do anything to deserve this pain, the only thing I’ve done is love him. Sure I’m not perfect but neither is he. He has major issues and is taking a lot of them out on me I think but that doesn’t change how much I love him. And I don’t love or trust easily. It took me 7 years after my first love to find this again and its ripping me apart πŸ™
    Sorry if I repeat myself from my previous posts.
    I wish I could have 7 cats! Where do you live that allows you to have 7? I only have 3.

    • Total Posts: 14

    I can’t even bring myself to sit or use what was ‘his’ side of the bed. its like my life is paused until he comes back….if he ever does. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 158

    @Heatherjane82 hey there … i have posted my email 3 days ago i guess so u can email me if u need any help … I will do my best to cheer u up … i know how you feeling right now and i was there too … i can tell i got way better but still sometimes i go really emotional … its just time and i hope she change her mind and look at me once again …

    • Total Posts: 90

    Hey guys…this weekend I laid around and did pretty much nothing. It was nice in a way. I’m trying to be kind to myself.

    I can’t remember how I came across it, but I wanted to ask…do you know if maybe your ex was a narcissist? I was reading this forum over the weekend where people who had been involved with narcissists were talking about all the things they had been promised, and then they were just discarded. It made me remember the things you said. Maybe look into it – it would be a good starting point.

    I hate my situation but I often think how awful it would be to be like the many stories I read where people say the relationship was awesome, they never fought etc. and their mate just dumped them out of the blue. It must be so confusing and horrible.

    how are you doing?? I’ve only been away a couple of days and it feels like forever…

    • Total Posts: 59

    Hi ChrisLovesChris, I understand a lot of your feelings and am in a very similar situation (if you want more info the URL for my post is: Because I have depression I started taking anti-depression meds, and one of the side-effects is an increase in anxiety. I have had many days where I felt on the verge of a panic attack, I couldn’t eat for weeks and I always felt like I was going to throw up. I couldn’t concentrate on any work when I felt this way, and tried to distract myself with fun activities – it worked a little bit.

    The only days when I feel good is when I have a plan to get my ex back and I can follow that. A good way to occupy your time is to focus on self-improvement. Do things that you think would make you look attractive to him, and you will feel better about yourself. Try picking up a hobby that you could entertain him with, or make things for him. Anything you think will make you look like a catch to him will make you feel better about your chances of getting him back. Hanging out with people can ease your loneliness, as well.

    Since it seems that the problem in you relationship was the fighting, work on that the most. Go over past fights in your head and see where he was right or you were being stubborn, and figure out how you want to act in the future. If he got angry a lot, keeping calm and apologizing, even for something small, can really cool a steaming temper. If you would yell at him, practice keeping your cool and having civil arguments instead of angry fights. Methods to practice this could be going over times when you lost your temper, acknowledging why you got angry, and know to not get mad in the future if a similar thing happens. You could also make up a conversation you would have with him and recognize where you would normally get angry. You could even have a friend to practice with. Have that person pick a side on a topic that you don’t agree with, and then try to compromise without being too stubborn or caving in to their opinion. This way, you can get real practice not getting angry or yelling, and work on figuring out where the other person is coming from and understanding them, which is a really great skill in a relationship.

    • Total Posts: 59

    I just realized that there are 155 posts ahead of me, and I only read the first page xD. Sorry if what I had to say is no longer applicable.

    • Total Posts: 90

    @tighem not to worry, everything you’ve said is relevant…and I always appreciate the company. You’re right about how having a plan is what helps one to feel better. That’s what I focus on, more and more each day. At first my mind would swirl with all these doubts, questions and insecurities…now the moment I feel them creeping in I just squash them. You have to keep on believing anything is possible because it is. Everything will fall into place in an unexpected and special way – I let that fill me up until I feel like it’s a magnet pulling in energy from everywhere.

    Yesterday I dragged myself to the market pretty much for the sole intention of buying bananas for my morning smoothie blends. I went close to closing time…all the bananas there were solid green, making it pointless to buy any. I was so disappointed. I went about and picked up a couple of things…then after I put something back I passed by the fruit section again – one of the stock guys had opened a box and was hanging up clusters of perfect yellow bananas. Happy, I took a bunch and went to the cashier.

    That is going to be the metaphor of my life

    • Total Posts: 158


    Will i dameged every chance i got ,,, so i am coming with dangrous idea called fake give up … i told her i gave up on her to let her rest her mind that i wont be around her anymore … so later on maybe gonna find away to text her or visit her … i dont want to apdo anything atm … maybe gonna give it few weeks or few months

    how about u ?

    • Total Posts: 59

    I read the rest of the thread and I’m in the same place you’re in… we broke up exactly five months ago and I’m ready to do anything for her but now I’m just waiting in hopes that she’ll break up with her new boyfriend and/or contact me. I don’t want to do anything that will ruin my chances of spending the rest of my life with her. Also that anecdote is so symbolic QQ. I hope your life keeps going like that – I’ve noticed that sometimes things like that do seem to show you how your life is going to go!

    • Total Posts: 59

    P.S. I think I’m going to try and talk to Merchaunt… I wonder if he can help me

    • Total Posts: 31

    I am here for everyone if you need me. [email protected]

    • Total Posts: 90

    @JeanValins that is sort of what I am doing…just going along with what he says…I don’t really have any other choice and anyways, his actions contradict everything he says. BTW I cleaned a lot more yesterday, did a bunch of laundry and cleaned the bathroom and tub…tonight I am going to go home and clean the kitchen…it helps me get into a power position when everything is clean and organized

    I highly recommend it…and please feel free to come in my thread and chat with me, any time. It helps us all to support each other.

    • Total Posts: 59

    I just wanted to let you know that I really don’t think you’ve lost him. The reason is that it takes a strong and stable person to really be able to know when to let someone go, and he’s full of emotional turmoil right now. He’s probably angry and confused and he doesn’t know what to do, or even what he wants. He wants you to comfort him in his time of need but doesn’t feel like he can ask, and is probably too proud and scared to anyway – scared of rejection, or that the relationship will end badly again and he’ll get hurt. These emotions mean he certainly still has feelings for you, so it seems like if you continue with the 5-step plan you should have a great chance of getting him back ^.^

    • Total Posts: 90

    @tighem thank you for that uplifting message…I am actually going to copy and paste it somewhere to re-read when I am feeling down. It certainly sounds very accurate…but it’s just so unstable and scary. Couple that with all my memories of how we used to be, and everything feels so far away. I’m glad all of you are here to help me keep my head above water.

    • Total Posts: 90

    Good morning all…it’s Wednesday, one day closer to the weekend. Sat around in a Pep Boys parking lot last night until 10:30 p.m. getting a flat tire repaired, and had Popeye’s chicken which was delicious. Tonight should be a normal, relaxing night so I think finally, finally, I will begin to exercise again. I’m probably so out of shape already…it’s been almost one month… I try to look at it like I was recovering from a terrible injury…which I was…but one from which I have come out a lot stronger than I used to be

    Anyone around today?

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