Boards Reconciliation Success Story

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  • #11708
    • Total Posts: 84

    To be clear, this isn’t my success story, but it is someone I work with.

    She dated this man for 9 months, and he broke up with her. Then they were friends with benefits for about a month after the break-up. He was dating other women, and she was dating other men during this time. Then he met a girl that we started seeing, and so they stopped FWB. She did NO Contact for 46 days. Then send a friendly text last week. They texted for a week.

    Today they got back together!!! He said that the woman he was seeing he just didn’t have the same connection he had with her. So even if they see other people you don’t know what is going on in the head and heart.

    **About my situation. Still no contact and I haven’t heard from my ex at all. You know that I did not hang out with her mother this past weekend because my parents came to visit me. This might bother some of you, but I am a woman. And T, my ex, is also a woman. We were in a same-sex relationship. I don’t know if that changes how my strategy should be or not. I also don’t know if my ex is trying to get back with her ex that she is now living close to or not. I am still very hopeful that we can get back together one day, but I am not sure how that will be possible with the long distance. I was willing to move there before, but now I don’t think it is a good idea to move there without my relationship. The last time I talked to my ex, she said that I should still move there because moving there should have been about what I wanted to do and shouldn’t of had anything to do with her at all. But obviously moving to a place where your girlfriend is is better than moving somewhere else.

    Oh, well. For now, we are still not together, but I am hoping that will change in the future.

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