Boards Reconciliation so my ex emailed me

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  • #14041
    • Total Posts: 894

    so did you ever email back? what happened? I think she was trying to reach out to you? πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 156

    yeah i did email back.. she hasnt responded yet ahaha hmmmm.. maybe shes playing the waiting game too

    • Total Posts: 227

    I think when she replies back, you should be emotionally reserved and let her wonder where she stands with you. My ex contacted me and I became as emotional wreck and just told him everything about how miserable I had been. Big mistake, as it just gave him an ego boost rather than being intrigued and wanting to know where he stood. So, I had to start nc all over again and not sure, if it’ll work now.

    Be strong, don’t reveal your feelings. But do wait for her to reply, don’t send her another message till she replies.

    • Total Posts: 156

    thank you. i was getting a bit.. anxious because she still hasnt replied but youre right, i have to wait til she replies. i guess i have kinda thrown a lot in her face, i thought she was doing that to me but maybe she didnt realise that telling me about my mail, wed kinda have to see each other or sort it out some other way so maybe that effected her.. but yeah i wont be giving her emotional power over me

    • Total Posts: 156

    okay so she replied saying this;

    It’s in the studio on the floor. The studio is open. I’m not going back to the house so you can get it or Jayne will throw it out. Do not touch ANYTHING else.

    what should i do?

    • Total Posts: 156

    well, i grabbed the letter.. but i didnt reply. have i dont the right thing? by saying that id come pick it up i thought id better not go back on my word. and i dont really need to respond to the email.. though of course i want to talk to her. but not about mundane things like a letter that i have no use for -.-

    she keeps liking things on facebook like ‘this love thing is a motherfucker’ and things about how close we were that we started becoming like each other and other things.. im worried she thinks or will think i dont care anymore. or is that what i want? i dont want her to be like, ‘he didnt reply to my last email so im not gonna bother’she is stubborn so it is possible. gah

    • Total Posts: 156

    okay so i messaged her back.. i said, okay, thank you (and put an) X

    she actually replied and said

    thats ok … X

    she didnt have to reply to that.. or the X.. or the fullstops… gah

    • Total Posts: 894

    so does that mean that you have contact with her still? it may be a start. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 156

    i guess it does. i mean, i never really thought we wouldnt talk no matter what she said. i know how close we were. it is little things however. like things she likes on facebook. i know they could mean anything, and i know they may not be true. like she liked some picture of the definition of some word, cant remember it but it meant that you no long have feelings for someone you once loved. i dont know if i can actually swallow that though. i think it may be things she either wants other to believe, or herself. or she could just like the word. if none of that is the case, i can accept that she may not have feelings for me anymore (but its only been a month so i dont think so)

    she still has my actual stuff at her place. i mean, why the letter that is unimportant but not my stuff (not that its overly important which is why im not too concerned) like some clothes and dvds. makes me think shes keeping them so she has a reason to contact me. but i dunno. i am starting to think she was a bit of a hypocrite with her attitude towards lying and hiding things. found out she was adding people on Facebook without telling me. i know that doesnt sound like much, but we used to tell or at least it thought, each other every thing like so we didnt have unexpected surprises.

    • Total Posts: 894

    I know the feeling lol.hang in there for all of us that havent given up yet and want our ex’s back we probably all feel the same way.:-/ sooner or later unless you dont care for the stuff your going to have to get it. she may just be using reason to contact you. shes probably really confuse but its so hard to say. just keep giving her time and space and see what happens. your doing good. πŸ™‚ would you mind giving me your opinion on my new situation. lol I know I have a lot of them. :-/ thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 156

    thank you. i kinda think things are getting better in a way.. ive found out stuff about our relationship that i didnt know before. she wasnt as in it as she could have been for a while. but i honestly dont blame her. we needed to split, i mean, our entire dating relationship (10 months) we were living together. we had no space away from each other to reflect. we grew together. unfortunately i copied habits of hers and she did the same. i felt like i had to do the things she did to me (just like not tell me certain things that a partner should know) to her so shed know how it felt and so she didnt do it again. probably not the best way to help people, i realise that now…

    i shall check out your situation. in the mean time, i found something i probably wasnt supposed to. its a email she never sent me before we actually got together… she never sent me anything like it but she wrote this one? i wish she sent me letters like this, theres solid information i cant forget. the fact she took the time to think it and write it means more than on the fly words. i wouldnt have been so insecure if she did. i want to tell her that. but i dont think i can. i probably wasnt supposed to find it so if i ask hey about it (why she didnt send it), mention how great we were together, anbd tell her i wish she sent me it and others like that and maybe things wouldnt have went like they did. could you check out the email and let me know what you think?

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