Boards Reconciliation Should I reach out to her or will she reach out to me again?

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  • #46335
    • Total Posts: 75

    @ellie96 I believe you that something happened during that one week, but what do you mean by she scared herself?

    Thanks a bunch for that, that really means a lot

    If both of y’all think she really will miss me, still cares, or just doesn’t know what she’s doing, I guess I can find comfort in that. And that doesn’t mean I’m going to hold onto that and start hoping again, but it does take some of the uneasiness away. How can you tell she doesn’t know what she wants? I’m definitely going to start moving on for my own good, I think that’s the only choice presented in this situation.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Because she doesn’t know what she wants and then she becomes overwhelmed and gets scared. It happens to people all the time. Second guesses are a huge impact. She doesn’t know what is right for her yet.

    • Total Posts: 75

    Ok, that makes sense. I guess it’s time now to bite the bullet and keep moving forward because wondering/worrying about it is only going to hold me back while she continues to do her own thing. She may care, she may still have feelings for me, and she may still want to talk to me, but right now she’s not going to let me know any that and I need to accept that.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Exactly. It’s hard at first but what you have to remember is if she regret it once, she will again. The thing is, you guys heaven he been together within a month. She hasn’t fixed herself and you’ve worked on yourself. She is nowhere near improved and that holds her back.

    • Total Posts: 75

    You think she’s just going back to the rebound guy because he’s probably still a rebound? I mean they only dated for like a week and did nothing and then said she was a wreck the following weeks after until we first talked and it was good. Now she’s already talking to him again? I mean they may not be together but the plan for him to go visit and then start seeing each other in the fall? Does that sound like a prolonged rebound or something?

    • Total Posts: 657

    Oh heck yeah. Seriously. He is a big rebound. He, at this point, fulfills the emptiness she carried when she lost you. But she is going to keep going back to that because she is a lot closer with you and it will hurt her more to be with you, than him. I don’t think you should worry about him. Worry about yourself.

    • Total Posts: 75

    You’re right, the more I think about him/her/them and whether he’s a rebound or not or if they won’t work out, I’m looking for hope rather than moving on and I need to move on. It doesn’t matter what happens with them, whether it does or doesn’t since it’ll just hold me back.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Exactly. You can come here and vent whenever you need to. But as far as that goes, do not let it take over your life. That’s what I’m doing. If you have noticed that I haven’t been on my board and mentioned anything about my ex (yet) it is because I am not letting it over power my life. When I have something to vent about, I will come on here and vent. Then I will pick up the pieces and move on.

    • Total Posts: 75

    I did notice that actually! And y’all have definitely helped set me up to move forward and not let it get to me like it has. The new goal for now is to exactly what you’re doing.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Trust me, it is very beneficial 🙂

    And I know I will have my weak moments and you will too but that is normal and it will make you stronger 🙂

    • Total Posts: 75

    What do I do in my weak moments? I can feel one coming on as night time gets closer and closer. I cracked and looked at her facebook profile. We’re not friends since I took her off a while back, but I still see profile picture changes, etc. I know I shouldn’t have, but I just slipped

    • Total Posts: 657

    That is a definite no-no! I refuse to even consider looking at one of my ex’s social media sites. If he unfollows me, I just unfollow him back. I don’t look at anything. It sucks to say, but I don’t and I don’t care to. So stop that!

    For your weak moments just talk to us. Vent to us. Tell us about what you’re feeling and thinking. We will help you through it. Just remember that it is a blast from the past and no matter what, you can’t change it.

    • Total Posts: 75

    It’s so hard trying to not think about next semester and her coming back as well as not thinking about her or getting hope

    • Total Posts: 657

    By next semester, you’ll probably be over her. Look at it that way. Read the post that I posted on @betweens thread. It goes for the both of you!

    • Total Posts: 75

    I’m trying to think like that and remember that in 3 months, I’m probably not going to care and may or may not be over it/her

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