Boards Reconciliation Should I just go back to contact or what?

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  • #45451
    • Total Posts: 312

    Wait so he sent me that message just now or he sent that in the past? I’m confused.

    • Total Posts: 657

    He sent that about a month ago! but then we practically ignored the conversation and stuck together! I was just saying how he said he wants to catch me if it isn’t too late..

    • Total Posts: 657

    It could be both! I don’t know what to do… but he called me..and I feel horrible if I just ignore that. That is me just being a caring human being. I don’t know how to act. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to seem like I’m giving in. How do I respond without seeming like he has the power.

    • Total Posts: 657

    So I stopped by his work like he asked. He wanted to take me out the day I worked. So I declined. Then he asked to hang out tonight when he gets off. I accepted (guilt trip I guess). what should I do? Just be flat out honest? I haven’t been in forever, but I guess at this point acting like I don’t care about us (which a part of me really doesnt) is my best bet right?

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m so so sorry for sending this but I’m in full on panic mode about my situation and I want to hear about your situation more. Something came up. If you’re free, please please please facebook me. If you look up Carter Augusta facebook on google, I should be the 5th link down.

    • Total Posts: 657

    I don’t have a Facebook!

    • Total Posts: 312

    Gah, text? 503-313-6096, if you want.

    • Total Posts: 312

    Or you can imessage me at [email protected], if you have an iphone.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Galaxy! Haha! But ill text you!

    • Total Posts: 312

    We had a great time at the movies and were biking back and everything was good until we pulled up at my apartment briefly. Then he started looking all worried and distressed and told me I should go take care of the cats and he wanted to just go home and he’d see me later. And I got frustrated and he asked what was up and I just told him it upsets me and is confusing/hurtful when we have plans to do something, like eat together and talk about the movie after, and he changes them up at the last second. And it makes me feel like I can’t contact him or try to set anything up without it being a burden on him or me forcing myself on him because he ends up pulling this stuff and canceling. And then he got even more upset looking and started to kind of pull away on his bike and I told him I’d really appreciate it if he didn’t just bike away from me. He stopped and I asked him what was wrong or if he could explain to me why he’s acting this way and he told me nothing was wrong. He always does that. I told him I know him better than that and he can lie to himself but he can’t lie to me. He gets this look on his face and his eyes go this certain way and I just know. And he pulled me into a hug and we were really close again and he told me to come by in a half an hour. I told him I wasn’t going to force myself on him, but that I am sick of having plans and having them get cancelled and he told me to come and that he’d let me know and said he’s not planning on texting me in a half an hour to blow me off. And I just said okay and came inside and saw your message. And now I’m just confused and hurting. I feel like I’m forcing him to make plans with me when he doesn’t want to, but at the same time, I know I can’t make him do anything he doesn’t want to do. But I just don’t understand why he seems/acts so upset and won’t just admit it. That’s the first step. I’m not even asking him to tell me what’s upsetting him. Just to admit that he’s upset. I don’t know. He’s so confusing. But he just told me to “Come over!” What the heck.

    • Total Posts: 312

    @ellie I think it’s good that you responded. He really seemed like he wanted to talk and I’m sure that if he wanted to “break up” again he wouldn’t try so hard because he’s already understood that you are not talking to him. I think acting like you don’t care is good! it will show him that you are not willing to play his games anymore and can move on.

    It really is confusing! I think you did fine, but maybe something bothered him? I don’t really know your situation but from what it seems could be that he doesn’t want you to think of it as something more? or maybe he wants to take it slow? because by his behavior it definitely seems like he cares about you. If he felt that you are forcing yourself on him, he would have say something or wouldn’t bother meeting up with you! You can’t really force anything on him, it’s his choice and he could say no. And by inviting you to his house it’s shows that he definitely cares and has feelings for you, because when they don’t want someone believe me they know how to show it.

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Oshi I guess things are going back to “normal” for us. Whatever that even is. So what now? I don’t know what else to do.. My whole thing is that I want a relationship with him in the future. I want to basically spend the rest of my life with him. Do I need him? No I just want him in my life. I am just scared that if we keep doing this it will never end. We aren’t going anywhere from each other, but like I said I want a relationship with him in the future..

    • Total Posts: 312

    Oshi, would you mind reading my thread? I liked hearing your insight and think it’d be really beneficial for me to hear more if you don’t mind reading the full thing.

    • Total Posts: 312

    @ellie So you two are back again? what did he say? because by his behavior back then it seemed like he’s not sure about your relationship. Maybe by ignoring him you made him think of it again or could be that he didn’t intend to end it from the beginning?
    I’m happy for you, but as you said it will never end if you keep going like this and it needs to change. You both want to be with each other which is great! but the relationship needs to change in order to keep growing. You have to make things on your terms. I think you should be less available to him as I said before, let him chase you! Because it seems like he doesn’t want to lose you and also want a future with you.

    Yes I will read it 🙂

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Oshi I don’t know what exactly we are but I guess we are back again? He told me that he wasn’t ignoring me that Saturday that he didn’t respond and that when he texted me “We need to talk..” it was about us talking about texting and all of that and that he has never ignored me? So I am confused with that one! Lol! But I’m not so sure if he intended to end it or not or I scared him so he’s back? He called me from his work and then had me come in though because he wanted to make plans with me. How do I change it though? I thought about talking to him About all of this because I feel like this is all one big game and I want to be on the same page as him. But I’m not sure..

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