Boards Reconciliation Should I just go back to contact or what?

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  • #44994
    • Total Posts: 657

    I mean why would he even contact me? He unfollowed me on Instagram and now he all of the sudden (again) wants to talk. I don’t know if I can talk to him… I mean after the past seven months….after having a great past weeks, and then he flat out ignores me on Saturday….why should I talk to him?.. So he can shut me down and crush my heart again? We’ve talked so much already. Where are the conclusions? If we came to one, we wouldn’t be here today.

    What would you do?

    • Total Posts: 312

    If you don’t want to talk to him or don’t think he deserves it, then don’t talk to him. That’s what I would do. I would only talk to him if you feel like he deserves it or he has something meaningful to say or you want to talk to him. You could say exactly to him what you just said to me?

    • Total Posts: 657

    That may just start a fight. The last thing I need to do is say anything like that to him. After everything.. I figured after unfollowing me on IG he wouldn’t reach out at all. I don’t understand why now.

    Do you think NC is still my best route?..

    • Total Posts: 312

    Probably because he didn’t get a response from you when he last texted you and he didn’t get a response after the instagram thing. He clearly wants to talk to you. I think NC is your best route if you think it is. I’m sorry if that’s not overly helpful. I just think this is one of those decisions where you have to make the decision that is best for you, and I can’t tell you what that is unfortunately.

    • Total Posts: 657

    I can’t make the choice.. Can you give me like alternate options and what the outcomes would be? Haha! I’m sorry, but I just feel so guilty.

    My friend did she that he didn’t care when he did it to me, and that I am doing the right thing.

    • Total Posts: 657

    My friend said that in my case, silence is louder than words. It is the only way it will grab his attention.

    She feels this way because I always jump right into it. Whatever he says. Whatever he wants. I am there. I listen. I show that I love him and I care about him and that I’m not going anywhere.. He made me feel at points that he didn’t love me or care of any of that.

    I feel like the actual shock of losing me, is my best bet..

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m so sorry I didn’t answer this! I had to head off to work and just got home! What ended up happening?

    • Total Posts: 45

    I completely agree with the shock of him losing you is the best bet. I kinda figured he would reach out again at some point soon. I wasn’t expecting this soon. I also wasn’t expecting it to be something as lame as “Can we talk?”. I do want you to remember what we discussed about looking at what he’s selling and decide when/if you want to buy in. “Can we talk?” isn’t a good text to buy in on, but it does cause me to worry for you. Allow me to explain.

    I want to share that about month ago, I was in a very similar position as you right now. My ex sent me a very convincing text that I was 50/50 on responding to. You’ve actually read my own thread about this already. I came to the conclusion that if she was single I would reply, but I refused to check her FB because I knew there were things which would set me back/make me weaker. I had a friend check for me instead and of course found out she was still with the guy.

    I’m telling you this because the curiosity of me wanting to know her intentions regarding that text literally was driving me crazy for the next few weeks. I had this feeling of regret like I should of responded. I also got strong feelings that made me feel awful for ignoring her. Similar to how you felt after receiving this text. However, her still playing games between me and that guy really pissed me off so that is what kept me strong. Presently, I no longer regret not texting her back and was able to recover.

    I’m in no way suggesting towards you breaking NC here, but I just wanted you to know that it literally dug at me for weeks where I was non stop thinking things like:

    “Maybe I should of contacted her back.”


    “Is it too late for me to find out if she really wanted to get back together?”

    It came to the point where it might of been an overall less painful process for me to go LC in this situation. I sometimes think it wouldn’t of been a bad idea to send back something like “We can talk, but only if it’s in regards to reconciliation. Otherwise I’m not interested”. I feel this could work for you too. This way your ex would have to text back and say what his true intentions are, and if its not what you want to hear, you can go right back to NC. The only issue is it shows him that you would still consider getting back together, but it might be worth the risk if you’re afraid this “Can we talk?” is regarding you two getting back together.

    All I’m saying is if you think its going to pick at you, like it did me for weeks, LC might not be a bad option here. The goal is for you to heal and its hard to do that when they are playing head games that make you question yourself everyday for awhile. If you could care less about him wanting to talk, by all means, stick to NC and see what he has up his sleeve next. The way he’s been going something more intense could be right around the corner. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 657


    It can’t be about reconciliation, which is why I haven’t talked to him. If I send him that text, I risk myself getting hurt and again give him power.

    If it was about reconciliation, he wouldn’t have deliberately ignored me all day Saturday, he wouldn’t text me “We need to talk….” the night after, he wouldn’t have waited the following night after my response saying “you up”, and he wouldn’t have unfollowed me on IG. It would be different if there was a “what if” in this situation. You know? :/ Yeah I know we had a good couple weeks before then, but I did have this feeling that he was going to do this again. Everything was on his terms. For this many hours. He’d text me when he’d want to. I cried all the time when I wouldn’t hear from him.. I felt so worthless. But that was all part of his game..

    Let’s just say after everything he put me through, this is consequence of all of his actions. Not just these past few days. You have to learn a lesson from the mistakes you have made in the past, and he has got to learn from this. I never left. I never gave him that opportunity to learn and to see what he was doing wrong. He already knew he was doing some wrong things, but he never thought it would lead to losing me.

    I feel that may be why he texted me again. Because I didn’t respond and it scared him, so he figured he could contact me when he knew I was awake and when he knew I would respond. Well, I bet it practically shocked the shit out of him that I didn’t respond again. Also, again he called me on his timing. He “wanted to talk” on his 30 minute lunch break. Not before work. Not after work. So he hasn’t taken it seriously yet. I bet if I did go to talk to him, we would end up talking about something else and everything would be “fine”. He only gave us 30 minutes to talk. Do you see what I mean?

    That’s why I feel that NC is good. I feel that him realizing he lost me (in actuality he did) is the only way that it is going to make him realize what he has done wrong, how he needed to appreciate me, and how he needs to do something about it before losing me forever.

    Correct me if I am wrong in any way?

    I never responded!

    • Total Posts: 312

    Thank you for the update. Reading all of this gave me a good sense of where you’re at. I think you made a good decision if, like KPowers said, you can live with it. You obviously don’t need to stay completely out of contact if it’s going to be worse for YOU in the long run, but since I don’t think that’s the case, I think you made a great decision.

    Work yesterday led to a bunch of incidents and since I just woke up and have to go on a double TODAY and TOMORROW with him, I’m kind of freaking out. I’m going to post my update on my page but would you please, please, please read it? One or both of you? Anyone? I feel super desperate but I need to get myself together before I have to leave and can’t talk to you guys all day.

    • Total Posts: 657

    Yes I will!

    So you do think I am doing the right thing?

    • Total Posts: 312

    I think that you 100% did the right thing unless you’re having regrets. Then you really need to check in with yourself and figure out what you need to do that will make you feel better. If you’re totally okay, then I think you did splendidly! You’re not falling into his hands and doing exactly what he wants you to do. That’s really the key thing. You’re keeping control!

    • Total Posts: 657

    I don’t know if this sounds mean or not…but the reason I have no regrets with this is because I tries and gave it my all for 7 months, INCLUDING my relationship.. I gave it my all and did the best I could. What’s the point in regretting if he didn’t do the same? He didn’t do the same and it just proves that as of right now I don’t have something to hold on to. I guess acceptance has made it easier.

    I just feel guilty for ignoring him because I love him enough to still respect him. But I just feel any form of contact or showing that I care is just going to give him the power once more.

    But like I said, I hope this works ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 312

    That doesn’t sound remotely mean at all. I actually think that shows you’ve made a lot of progress and that you have a lot of strength. You recognize that you’ve done all you can and that you’re worth more than having to continually be both in and out because of the way he acts.

    That being said, don’t feel guilty. Not talking to him has nothing to do with disrespecting him. It’s all about respecting yourself and doing what you need to do. You’re respecting yourself enough to take your power back and be strong.

    All in all, it’ll take time, but he still keeps going out of his way to contact you. That says something. My ex just gets pouty and silent because he thinks I’m rejecting, which I sort of am, so at least your guy is missing you enough to want to check in ๐Ÿ˜› They’re both still idiots, but that’s a silver lining I guess.

    • Total Posts: 657

    My whole thing is, everyone has different logics and different ways of handling things. I understand that, but it just comes to the point where people need to come on some level of agreement.

    I’m not doing this for “payback” or “revenge”, I’m doing this for a positive reaction on both ends. What I’m hoping from this is to become stronger and move forward, not move on. For him, I am hoping that this will open his eyes up to not just me, but to a lot of other things. I know losing someone that has meaning to you, can really make you evaluate your life over time.

    So one week (this week) he is probably thinking that I will contact him sooner than later. Then I expect his next reaction to be hateful or “oh I don’t care I can do just fine without her”. Then, “oh shit..maybe I really did lose her”. And then “I guess I will never know..”

    I feel like this is playing a game, but I don’t think it is. I am protecting myself and bettering myself. I am also protecting him and teaching him consequences. I have taught him a lot since we’ve been together, and I stick strong in looking out for him and reassuring him to do the right thing, and to me, I’m giving him that by being silent.

    So I’m doing it for my selfworth and strength, to get him back and to show him I’m the one, and to show him the consequences of taking advantage of people who really care about you.

    Does that sound wrong?

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