Boards Reconciliation Should I just go back to contact or what?

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    • Total Posts: 657

    I felt like that “really?” was because he was irritated with me. 🙁 but I guess he wouldn’t be irritated if he didn’t care?

    Do you guys think that for this week his reaction is going to be “She will come around”?

    Thank you so much for commenting! I need a lot of support!

    I’m just afraid that all of his distractions will make him forget about me 🙁 like his friends, whatever girls he can get, buying things, etc.. I know we were sooooo close (its unreal) and that we dated for 3 years and had the best connection ever, but what if that isn’t enough? I hope he misses me because I know I will miss him..

    Thank you guys!

    So, my friend was on facetime with her boyfriend while I was driving and was like “(name) called me and said he got pulled over on his bike and got it towed” (her boyfriend doesn’t know what we are so he doesn’t know that I’m not talking to him lol) That scares me and upsets me because I am always there for him and I feel awful for not being there now.. But I can’t be there.. I’m not going to contact him, but I just wanted to vent about that! but it is funny that my ex contacted him because they used to be friends but after the break up her boyfriend hasn’t really been in contact with him and my ex mentioned something to me about it the last day we saw each other. I texted me ex the day that I sent him that message and told him her boyfriend wants to get together.
    Also a thought that came to my head was, he must be okay and not care since he is acting fine. Am I overthinking and being ridiculous?

    • Total Posts: 75

    I can tell you with what I’m going through now that he’ll miss you. All the distractions will work for maybe a week or 2 and then he’ll feel empty and really start to miss you. Another thing is anyone can hide being ok and not caring, but they secretly do on the inside. My ex got into a rebound with a guy for literally a week before it hit her. She felt like a wreck for a month after that until she contacted me (she’s the one that broke up with me) and we talked. So I’m sure he’s going through or will be going through the same stuff, especially since my relationship was 4 months compared to your 3 years.

    Also, not to hijack by any means, but do you think we could mutually help each other? I need some help and I feel absolutely lost right now.

    Should I reach out to her or will she reach out to me again?

    • Total Posts: 657

    So you think I’m good to go? :/ it sucka because we were together for so long and we were really attached. I’m just like “what happened?” I’ve said this before, but literally everyone says I’m the best thing that has ever happened to him and that I’m the best he is ever going to get. I truly believe that as well. I hope all the good memories with me will return to his mind at some point. I was always there, beyond loyal, did anything and everything for him, was a huge supporter, etc and I hope he realizes how much I really did care..

    • Total Posts: 75

    Like i said a few posts ago, he’s still showing emotion, and that’s a good sign no matter what type of emotion it is that he does care, even though it may not seem like it. It’ll also hit him like a ton of bricks because once the norm isn’t the norm anymore, you start thinking about things that are different and most people more often than not do not receive change very well or very quickly, so I think that you are good to go! If you and everyone says that about yourself, then it’s probably true and 1) someone/some people will tell him that at some point or another and 2) he’ll recognize that sooner or later when no one else compares

    • Total Posts: 657

    He would even brag to his brothers about how they need to find someone like me! It’s hard to understand why my best friend would do this.. you know?

    • Total Posts: 75

    Were his brothers against the break up or on your side in any of it? If they were, or even if they still think y’all should be together, you can believe that they’ll let him know for sure that you were a keeper. I know that if my friends got in a fight with their SO and went of not caring and stuff, I would certainly get them to go reconcile.

    • Total Posts: 657

    I know after we broke up him and his twin got into a huge fight and apparently his twin yelled at him that I was the best thing that ever happened to him and a bunch of other stuff went down. But that was like, 7 months ago.. his other brother didn’t care too much.

    • Total Posts: 657

    His family can be a very selfish family. They don’t worry too much about things, but his twin was very pissed off after that happened and he found out. But again, like I said, that was 7 months ago.. everyone kind of moved on from all of that except me and my ex. No one knows what’s going on between us because of being back and forth so I don’t think anyone says anything.

    • Total Posts: 75

    I gotcha, well I think if you give him space like you told me, he recognize it. It may take him a little while, but it won’t take longer than 2-4 weeks I don’t think once he sees the broken pattern you’ve given him. That’ll definitely throw him on a loop

    • Total Posts: 657

    Since you’re a guy is this how you’d react if you were in his shoes?

    • Total Posts: 75

    How he’s talking to you/what he’s saying? No, but that’s my personality. How he would react though to the NC? Yes, because to me that would catch me off guard, especially if the relationship lasted for any meaningful amount of time. think of it this way, when you see him “not caring” or acting totally fine, how do you feel? From this post, we know that it gets to you a little bit. Now imagine if you did the same thing to him? The same thing will happen to him. you could totally fake it, but he’ll still believe it and it’ll get to him.

    • Total Posts: 657

    I wish things were easier! You know? I mean there should never be this much drama between two people with feelings for each other. There should never be games. Just direct problem solving. If one person is confused and doesn’t know what they want, they shouldn’t just drag the other person a long. I don’t know why people do this kind of stuff. -__-

    • Total Posts: 75

    Trust me, I know exactly how you feel lol I told me ex when I first tried to get her back a while ago when we broke up that I wanted to fix myself and work on our issues together and she believed me when I said it, but still didn’t want to. It’s just like, can we please stop beating around the bush? you know I care about you, and I know that you care about me still, sooooo let’s make it work!

    • Total Posts: 657

    Exactly! If you just need time and the decide you don’t want to be together, that’s fine! But you know what my ex told me a week after we broke up? That he didn’t plan on being broken up forever, just a couple months, he didn’t even want to be broken up for a year. He also constantly pushed to be friends and was always like “well I want to be friends for now and you don’t want that”. Everytime we would get close again he’d explain to me how he would want a future with me because I’m different. Those were not cushions for my blow (he isn’t kind enough to do that, he is a harsh person). He meant all of that. So why break up? Why stay broken up? Why play games?

    The only thing I can think of is the fact that I stuck around and he knew he had me so he got the best of both worlds. He had his cake and he got to eat it too. So whenever he was ready, he could just ask for me back and he knows I would come back. I think that’s the reason why he has held out. You know?

    • Total Posts: 75

    Yea, but I think the NC will certainly up and erase all of that kind of thinking. You never know what you truly have until it’s gone, right? I felt that way the second my ex suggested breaking up and I started working on start right off the bat. I think he’ll see how much he misses you soon.

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