Boards Reconciliation Should I break no contact!

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  • #34984
    • Total Posts: 146

    yes i think she is thinking of you and she wants your attention definetly. When an ex doesnt want ur attention he/she will act like u dont exit(like my ex did for three straight months). So ya she sure thinks of you and that is her way of showing you you are on her mind. But I think you are strong and will complete the 30 day challenge (i call it like that cause it really is a challenge lol ) so keep up the good work and see the results after the NC period is over. I wish u the best of luck. and also some days are going to be hard and u will feel bad, but dont text, better if u write a friend or let it out here. and i hope u will be in my situation sooner than i was πŸ™‚ good luck

    • Total Posts: 463

    Ye I hope so, I hadn’t heard from here for a while then all of a sudden she started liking my photos of the gigs, nights out etc. I’m not actually in the photos so maybe she’s liking them because it’s what I’m doing and not that I’m in them. Or am I overthinking now. Ye I tend to use this site if I’ve had a bad day. Knowing that ppl are in the same situation helps. I get mixed replys from my friends some are helpful some arnt. I’m glad your doing well I hope it continues

    • Total Posts: 463

    I’ll wait and see if she contacts me soon, in the mean time I will continue to work on myself. After all 5 years is a long time, surely she won’t forget me over night. I need to show her ive changed for the better when we reconnect

    • Total Posts: 146

    Yes I agree πŸ™‚ the way u think is great and now the idea you have needs to be true. It is hard i know i understand. but also remember if she reaches out dont respond. if she gets mad for u “ignoring her” then tell her;”sorry but i need some time for myself” and thats it. nothing more. and yes, SHOW HER not tell her and promise her u are different. if u will be she will see it herself πŸ™‚

    maybe the photos she liked is her way of telling you that she doesnt get why u dont contact her or something similar. ex’es usualy start to wonder what happened and if their ex moved on or doesnt care anymore and that usualy is the time when they start thinking if they did the right thing. if u ask me.. but im not sure i neither a a specialist.. i just give advices i think are the best regarding ur situation. tay positive and strong πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 463

    I will, thank you. Tomorrow’s another day closer to the magic 30 πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 146

    yes indeed πŸ˜€ and remember, when u feel weak and badad want to break the NC rules.. remember urself: if i break it now I will have to start all over again from day 1. This will give u some will power. I did NC 55 days second time, after i failed three times to do NC for 30 days… and i saw him everyday and all my friends are his friends and they always talked about him. and i made 55 days NC i really feel proud about it. and those hard 55 days really only did gooooooood πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 8


    I think you should respond her msg in a not very warm way but a friendly way.

    Just so that she might be curious. I don’t know. I’m just stating the fact how my ex is treating me now. And I got curious. well.. about all of the things in his life πŸ˜›


    • Total Posts: 463

    Do u think, that she’s thinking of me or our relationship. I’m only asking because I’ve noticed via her facebook times that she’s up really late. When we were together she would go to bed early because she needed her sleep. The only reason she would be up late is because she had things on her mind and kept her awake. On those nights I would hold her comfort her. Then she would usually fall asleep in my arms. She also seems to be up early. It’s just a bit out of the norm. Or am I overthinking stuff again. What do u all think?

    • Total Posts: 463

    @kate09 @shelden21 what do u guys think?

    • Total Posts: 463
    • Total Posts: 268

    I know how you feel mate. I had the same experience with my ex:

    After 2 months of NC we bumbed into each other at the gym. I acted happy and upbeat ofcause. After this she started snapchatting me some random stuff, I replied. We had this going for 2-3 days… The snaps quickly became very flirting, and then she became cold as ice. WTF? I thought she wanted me back?

    Now 4 months later she is opening up again. She texted me about something random, and she has also started to like some of the things I post on Instagram. Much like you ex is doing.
    This time I am trying not to read to much into it, and I advice you to do the same. You will just end up very hurt like I did.
    I think it is their way of keeping us in their life, or to get their attention fix…

    Some guy on another forum told me: “If she really really wants to reconsile, you will know! There will be no doubt about her intentions. She will not make small hints…. She will be direct!

    • Total Posts: 463

    Cheers @CreeD thanks for your input can u tell me what u think about this

    Do u think, that she’s thinking of me or our relationship. I’m only asking because I’ve noticed via her facebook times that she’s up really late. When we were together she would go to bed early because she needed her sleep. The only reason she would be up late is because she had things on her mind and kept her awake. On those nights I would hold her comfort her. Then she would usually fall asleep in my arms. She also seems to be up early. It’s just a bit out of the norm. Or am I overthinking stuff again. What do u all think?

    • Total Posts: 268

    Yes ofcause she has thought of you and your relationship. It is only natural. No matter how it ended and how ugly the break up was, there will always be times when you are reminded of the good times. The only question is: how much!
    It doesn’t nesseseraly mean that she lays sleepless every night because she is constantly missisng you.

    But to turn it around: why do you need to know? How can this information benefit you??
    It can’t… Besides making you feel better for a little while.

    Accept the fact that you cannot know what is going on inside her head, and if you did know there is nothing you can do with the information anyway πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 463

    Like u said its just a bit of an ego boost really. I know she’s a deep thinker and because I want her back so bad, I just want to feel like maybe I have a chance. I know what she’s like, and if she’s staying up late that means she has things on her mind. Maybe I just wished that she would contact me to unload and help her out, talk. I just miss her so much

    • Total Posts: 268

    I know how you feel. Sometimes I wish my ex was hurting like hell. Not because I hate her or anything, but because it would make me feel like I mattered and that she did have some feelings for me.
    We need our ego boost every now and then.

    Let me tell you this:
    What you are hopeing for MIGHT be true. She may lay sleepless every nigth thinking of you. But there is a chance it is only temporary. When she gets her ego boost from you she could give you a cold shoulder again like my ex did, and you will end up more hurt then before. Like I did…

    So for your own best: Accept that you will never know for sure. Find some other way to get an ego boost, be happy, improve yourself and live your life πŸ™‚
    If what you are thinking is true, she will come to you sooner or later when she see this new amazing person.

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