Boards Reconciliation She suddenly deleted me off facebook??

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  • #59378
    • Total Posts: 9

    So i noticed she had deleted me off her friendlist on facebook suddenly. This is after i had gone through No Contact, and when i talked to her once, but after it she just stopped answering to my texts again.

    What do i do now?? Should i re-add her? Or send her a message about it?? What should i tell her?? I dont even know why she did this so suddenly….
    Someone please help me, im panicking again

    • Total Posts: 10

    if you love her just tell her.. if u want to get back together just tell her and tell her that u stop talking to let things calm down.. hope it help u πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 9

    I already did that, and pleaded and begged many times for weeks. I don’t think it will work and will only make me appear even more needy and desperate, plus being clingy and needy was one of the big reasons why she left me in the first place. She already knows i still love her…

    I want to approach her more casually, but now she has deleted me i don’t know how to. What do you think about it?

    Still, thanks though πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 10

    i can understand what u’re feeling.. but girls are very a girl i know.. just dont sound desperate to her she wont pity u.. see if u can go and meet her.. and u should talk to her face to face.. if u truely love her, when u meet her just tell her that true love is not easy to find and u have already suffer a lot for her..that’s what true love is about and u want her back.. but if she dont respond to this then it means she dont love u truely.

    • Total Posts: 158

    Hey mate,

    Stop what you are doing right now, you need to recreate your self again to gain her love back, right now you need close friend to help youout with this, be with you when you panic,

    Tell you what you need to do,

    I was like you, feeling like i m in a dark place until someone helped me out

    If you have a person keep him close, if you dont message me at

    [email protected]

    I will always be there for you

    • Total Posts: 9

    Thanks Jean πŸ™‚ Fortunately, i do have a close friend i can rely on, however, because of his college studies he is often busy. I will, but is your service free?

    • Total Posts: 9

    Thanks Rose, that’s a good idea, but for meeting up, it’s also complicated because we live more than an hour apart and we both don’t own a car yet. And after all that’s happened, i doubt it she will consider directly meeting up for me, i still need to make her comfortable enough to talk to me.

    • Total Posts: 9

    I am looking more for a casual humble approach to her, to start off again with a clean slate…But i keep losing hope.

    • Total Posts: 158

    Thats good to hear, hope he can help when you need em, and yes i dont take money i m just a friend πŸ™‚

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