Boards No Contact Rule She keeps contacting me (help?)

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  • #59493
    • Total Posts: 32

    Hey everyone! I need some help. I posted my story here last week ( Maybe it’s better to read that first, otherwise this post won’t make any sense.

    I’m trying to have no contact with my ex for at least a month (until March 30th, because then we are going to a concert together with two other friends. We’ve planned that concert like a really long time ago.)

    But she’s making things difficult. I had send my last text to her on Wednesday (February 24th) and yesterday (Monday February 29th) she suddenly texted me around noon to ask me ‘Are you watching Fuller House? x’. I am still allowed to watch shows on her Netflix so I answered like two hours later ‘Yes, is that okay? x’ and she answered ‘Sure! I was just wondering if it was you or if my sister was on my Netflix again! x’. And I didn’t reply anymore.

    And then suddenly at around 8pm I got another text! I had posted something on Twitter on Sunday evening (February 27th). I tweeted ‘I’m finally making one of my dreams come true. I took the first step towards it today.’ because I’m planning on going to the US for a year next year. So she texted me ‘Which dream are you working on? x’ and I replied ‘America 🙂 x’ and she said ‘That makes me so happy 🙂 x’ and I didn’t reply anymore after that.

    So does this mean she is stalking my social media since I posted it the day before she sent me that text?

    Then today (March 1st) I posted a snap on my snapchat story (just a selfie with one of those snapchat filters, it was a unicorn filter) and it said ‘My dream just came true’. And suddenly I got another text today ‘Are you going to the US? Is it all planned out? Tell meh more! x’ and I didn’t reply and then she texted me ‘Or were you just talking about your dream to be a unicorn on snapchat haha? x’ so I texted her back saying ‘No it’s not planned out yet. Oh haha yeah, I’ve just always wanted to be a unicorn. x’ and she said ‘Hahaha, I realized too late that it was about the snapchat filter! x’ and I stopped replying.

    I don’t get why she is texting me these things? Does this mean she is missing me or? I wanna do no contact for 30 days because I think that’s my only way to eventually get her back (you’ll get why when you read my story) but I feel like I would hurt her if I didn’t reply? I don’t know if it is okay to just not reply?

    I’m trying to be patient and give her time and follow the the no contact rule, but I’m super confused? Any advice?

    • Total Posts: 7

    If you really want the NC to work. Block her on your phone and email. Don’t post on social media. Don’t reply to any other means of contact. But if that’s what you really want.

    • Total Posts: 7

    I just read your story. She needs to understand your value. She will only once your entirely gone. Do the one month NC, she will understand how it would be if you were gone.

    • Total Posts: 32

    Hey thanks for replying! I messed up though 🙁

    On Thursday March 3rd it all went wrong. She had posted something on Twitter (something like ‘I deserve someone who is gentle and kind, because my soul is getting tired.’) and she had told one of our mutuals friends it was about me (she doesn’t know that that friend is trying to help me). She said that she was really happy now and that my insecurities had ‘dragged’ her down, that she was realizing that more and more every single day. I don’t get why she is saying that because I started being insecure AFTER she broke up with me, you know?

    So I freaked out and texted her to ask what the twitter post was about and she got mad so I started calling her and she didn’t pick up and she got really pissed and I called her like thirty times and ugh. I messed up. She said ‘You are just imagining things in your head. I’m doing nothing wrong. I’ll ignore you if you can’t act normal.’ I apologized but she was really mad.

    This Monday (March 7th) I asked her if we could call. And she said yes and she was being super nice, we talked about random things. But then I tried to talk about the twitter post and she got really pissed again and ugh. She was like ‘I don’t want to talk about feelings and stuff anymore. I thought you had finally gotten that.’ I ended the conversation in a nice way but I haven’t heard from her since. So this is my third day of the actual no contact (so no contact on Tuesday, Wednesday and now today).

    Did I mess things up even more? She isn’t contacting me at all now. What do I do now? Is the concert still a good idea? How do I get her back? 🙁

    Btw: she keeps checking my snapchat stories. Would it be better for me to not post anything anymore? So she can miss me? I’m so lost 🙁

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