Boards No Contact Rule she contacts me everyday

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  • #71989
    • Total Posts: 3

    She contacts me everyday, ..and so I talk to her, I sometimes feel like theres a opening and we are making progress, but then she stops talking, I have a tendancy when she says something significant to say too much, but damnit. I suppose i should just not be responding, but I want to talk to her so badly, and she contacts me. So is it different if she contacts me?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @uhoh – You two argued way too much and it sounds like you need to take anger management classes to learn how to interact better and to control your emotions. Let her know you need time and space to work on improving your thoughts and behaviors. She should honor your request for no contact. Good luck..

    • Total Posts: 3

    we don’t argue when she contacts me, I just end up sending her too much volume. like to many messages that are too long.

    • Total Posts: 2868


    She said she loved you, but she couldn’t let you hurt her again and she couldn’t give you another chance. She didn’t say those things for nothing – there were things you were doing or saying during the relationship that hurt her and made her unhappy. From reading your prior posting, it sounds like your angry outbursts and trust issues had something to do with it. And she doesn’t think you will change. She said she didn’t want to lose contact, but sounds like she doesn’t want a relationship with you even after you tried to change her mind. She knows you don’t want to be just “friends”, but that’s all she if offering. You have to accept the blame for your part in the break up and try to improve. I don’t know if you could handle being friends, but if you make the necessary changes and can prove over time that you’ve changed for the better, she would be more inclined to change her mind later down the road, but no guarantee.

    Long messages can be aggravating and it shows neediness.
    People have other things to do..

    I still advise contacting her to tell her you need time to think things over, improve yourself, and ask her please not to contact you for at least 30 days. Try to muster up the courage to do this and stick with no contact.

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