Boards Reconciliation Sent the letter! Help!

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  • #39593
    • Total Posts: 750

    Maybe you should just do it then, get it out the way lol

    • Total Posts: 505

    I’ll have to think really clearly first!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah definitely!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Can I ask your advise on something? @Mj

    • Total Posts: 505

    Go ahead!

    • Total Posts: 9

    I think if he wants to send you a letter then he misses to talk to you again. Men think differently, they dont think like woman so perhaps he will say something not what you want to hear, but it will be what is good to get back together in the short run future.

    • Total Posts: 505

    Samer you are referring to KD’s situation right?

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Mj so ex text me this morning

    “Sorry for being blunt with you last night. Also just wanted to say that I still don’t know how I feel about meeting up. I can’t really tell you how to take that, but I am happy keeping things the way are they are for now x”- what does he mean he can’t really tell me how to take that? This was my reply..

    “I’m not taking it any way. Is there something you are worried about if we met up? For example, are you worried that I might try and start a conversation about us or something?x” – That’s not really what I think he is worried about but it’s all I could say lol. His reply..

    “Not worried at all hun πŸ™‚ just happy how we are for now πŸ™‚ x”

    I don’t really know what he thinks we are now. I’m not happy how we are lol. Obviously I didn’t say that but I’m a little confused.

    Another person’s opinion would be appreciated πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 505

    Ok so basically he is contented just texting you.

    He might be worried about the feelings for you coming back?

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah that’s what I think deep down but I didn’t want to say that to him lol.

    So now I am thinking well if he is just contented just texting me, that do I need to take that away from him so he will miss it? Do you know what I mean? Like he’s fine in this limbo land of not really being friends, just texting every now and then and not meeting up. I feel like I’m being strung along!

    • Total Posts: 505

    I know what you mean. Same goes for my ex. Tells me to be friends, stay in her life, then doesn’t try to keep up a decent conversation.

    I could tell you to text him less and less til the point of NC but then either he miss you or nothing happens.

    Do you think another letter is needed??

    • Total Posts: 750

    He said the reason he doesn’t always start convos or carry them on is because he doesn’t want me to think that it means he’s ready to meet me yet. I said I didn’t think anything and that I had left that up to him. And he said oh ok glad that’s sorted in that case I will start convos with you πŸ™‚
    Yeah that’s what I think, he will either miss me or there will be nothing. But I guess that’s the whole point of it. I don’t know if I could send another letter to be honest. I wouldn’t know what to say without repeating what he already knows. Ah I dunno

    • Total Posts: 750

    Actually his words were “I’m sorry that I don’t start conversations with you as often as I’d like. But I was afraid that you would think that would mean I was ready to meet you lol. But I’m glad that’s sorted x”

    • Total Posts: 505

    yeah true the letter will most prolly repeat itself. But the important thing is you know his stand now.

    • Total Posts: 750

    I dunno if I do lol. Or what’s best! Prob best to leave him to it

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