Boards No Contact Rule People that tell you to just give up!!

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  • #54081
    • Total Posts: 13

    Agree with SirMe. Also keep in mind that fighting for a relationship takes 2 people. The cold hard truth is that one person can’t salvage a relationship on their own no matter how hard you try. Both people need to make an effort in some way. If you think you are fighting for a relationship, you really aren’t-except in your mind. It’s an illusion your mind creates so you don’t have to accept that this person is truly gone.

    Hoping that an ex comes back to you while distracting yourself with other things is sort of like running in place while trying to get to point B. Your mind convinces you that you are moving but you are actually at a standstill just waiting for your ex to return. You need to fully accept the loss of your ex and only then can you move on.

    • Total Posts: 21

    Hell yeah, I’m not giving up either! I have so many people telling me to move on, find someone else, fish in the sea, blah blah blah. Thank you for the motivational post, and here’s to all the people here working hard to get back with their true loves!

    • Total Posts: 1

    Thank you for saying this, I have found the one and because it’s long distance and we fought because of several reasons I know she is my one. I’m the puppy in this situation always checking on her and trying to swade her judgement and because of everything she’s completely shutt off to everyone and everything, she doesn’t care she tells me about anything. She still wants to come see me and honestly I’ve never wanted something so much but my fears of her finding someone else brings massive bouts of panic and I stalk her on social media and work myself up.

    Regardless of all this pain I am so deeply in love with her I would go through anything just to make her smile. You know when they are the one and people don’t seem to grasp that.

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