Boards No Contact Rule Oops?

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  • #23344
    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, i agree with you! such a roller coaster of emotions. when i feel like reaching out to him i usually post in here or call a friend. hours and days even go by when i feel fine and there are other days i don’t even wait to get out of bed. i guess it is all part of the process. i am also still on break from my masters program, so my schedule is very open and its been hard to distract myself. I’m looking forward to going back in 2 weeks and really focusing on that. crocheting sounds like it’s been a great distraction for you! I’ve found reading to be a great distraction for me because i can get so absorbed in book and forget about everything else around me. i also agree that we will most likely hear from our exes when we are least expecting it. and at least, in my case, i am expecting it to be months down the line. i hate not knowing when things will happen! I’m definitely a big planner so i think thats what makes me most uneasy in this process. i think its normal we feel urges to contact and I’m sure our exes do as well, we just need to be strong and fight them off! tomorrow will be one week for me as well. i think it gets easier as time gets on. i initially set myself a 12 week goal but i guess i will evaluate when that time comes and see if i feel i should continue nc then to wait for him to contact me.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Like yourself I’m rolling around like a spare part. I’ve got this new job starting soon but i don’t have a start date. Really frustrating. You will feel better once your back studying and have structure to the day.

    I’m going to be soooooo disappointed if my ex doesn’t get in touch. I just can’t believe all the good things we did together and genuinely enjoyed each other company. We were soul mates through and through. I’m underneath hoping by end of Feb he will reach out to me, but what happens if he doesn’t! I will never meet someone like him again who I clicked with so much. He has his faults like we all do but that genuine fun we had together was something I’ve had with no other. He even said to me when we split that he knows he will never meet anyone with the same connection. What I fear is that he has really had enough, no matter how many good times you have with someone if they don’t want to be with you what can you do?
    It’s all such a waste. I’ve no idea what’s going on in his head, I wish I knew! Like we all do!

    With your ex, you say you need to wait months down the line before you hear from him but non of us know this. I guess if we project the time scale as months then anything before is a bonus.

    • Total Posts: 323


    Right on point! There was a big lack of communication from his side. Apparently he moved out of our house because he thought I wanted him to. But had he just so much as asked me I would have told him no!! I don’t know what are excuses, lies and what are truths and he’s a wizard with words. He always tries to twist things and place blame on me, or becomes the victim when he’s the one who did something bad. He has manipulated and threatened me in the past so he could control me. For example, once I found texts from an unknown girl on his phone calling him baby repeatedly, and he told me he would break up with me if I called her to tell her to stop flirting at him. So I didn’t… Fear of loosing him was ruling me, and he just lost more and more respect for me. Of course I should have called her. At the same time he could be absolutely lovely. Apart from these bad emotional traits, he is everything I want in a man. Like your ex, I regret letting it go on for as long as it did. There were multiple points where I could have stood up for myself and broken it off, which would have taught him a lesson. Instead I was too afraid and was clinging onto someone that wasn’t giving me back what I gave. Doormat.
    I want him, I just want him without the bad behaviour. You’re right he needs to reflect and I need to let him.

    Yes I’m really excited about my horoscope too. Everything will go in my favour? Everything includes ex! Hope it’s true! It said specifically for me not to doubt, so that’s my mission for the month – not doubt the gut instinct. Yes you should do a tarot card reading! I do think these things are fun and whether or not there’s truth to it, it can still give insight.

    Haha glad you got a good walk! My ex’s negative behaviour coincided with getting an amazing promotion and his own house. It felt as if his ego got blown out of proportions and I was no longer good enough, he became very self-important and he could disrespect me (forgetting I was there for him financially and emotionally when he had nothing). So i agree, my ex’s head is too far up his own ass too!

    Sorry for making this a rant message! Felt good though.

    Hey @Belle @atea1234 can we make a new topic for us?

    • Total Posts: 944

    you’re right, we don’t know this! i am just preparing myself i guess. i also think our situations differ because my ex told me he needs real time away which is why I’m predicting he will take a few months to get in contact. even though the breakup happened 3.5 months ago, there was only one period of nc and it was only 4 weeks.
    i feel the same way about the connection with my ex! its funny when i met him at age 15 i immediately told my mom and all my friends i would marry this guy! none of my friends think that way at age 15! i just had the strongest gut feeling about him always, like i knew he was the “one” for me. i think for your ex, you should really plan to go the 12 weeks NC and then re evaluate. if he contacts you before then, it will be such a treat! but if he doesnt and you’re still feeling in 12 weeks time that he is the one for you and you want to talk to him, i say you should 100% reach out. in these situations, we shouldn’t let our pride get in the way of love! i know this is all far down the line, but i don’t believe you need to wait for him to contact you. i think after enough time passed he will see you are okay on our own and he will be happy to hear from you!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Aphrodite and Atea1234…
    Let’s make a new topic as Aphrodite suggested…. Who is going to start it? 😀

    • Total Posts: 397

    That’s awesome you had such a strong feeling so young! Very jealous is me!

    • Total Posts: 323

    Okay I just made a new topic called NC Support:)

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