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  • #26951
    • Total Posts: 151

    @Martin I don’t understand what you want to apologize for?

    It sounds like you put a lot of work into that ring. How lucky your ex was for a lot of reasons, and how sad she doesn’t even know it. My ex’s friends are the same as you described. My ex is in his early 30’s, all his friends are 21-22. Very immature, everything is about video games and internet slang, and talking crap about other people, but they are never actually good friends and when they have their own stuff going on they disappear. Ah, well. Not my problem, haha.

    I decided to break NC today, I lost count but I’m around the 50 day mark. I’m at the point that I just want this done with and I want to move on. I have some things I want to say though, so I’m trying to see if he is open to talking. I want it off my chest and then I’ll know I can go into NC indefinitely knowing I spoke my peace.

    • Total Posts: 303


    I didn’t apologise in the end. I wanted to take back what I said in the afternoon. But we had a conversation about other things instead. Spoke for about 4mins and she messaged me on whatsapp.

    Now its a good time to disappear again.

    • Total Posts: 56

    I had to text him this morning about something for the show. He replied, and I responded with a “Bien Sur”, he replied he is rusty in French, as I used to teach him some French. I joked back that he can have lessons again. He did not reply,I texted sorry,bad joke. He replied “We will see,Nothing wrong with showing interest”.

    Im not sure if I screwed up!

    • Total Posts: 197

    Maybe he just likes knowing you’re still interested? Any dumper will want to feel chased after a break up. Helps solidify their decision


    Why’d she message you on whatsapp?

    • Total Posts: 303


    She asked if I would like to talk to my former uni tutor on whatsapp as she has been keeping in touch with him that way.

    I don’t think she did it as an excuse to get in touch with.

    • Total Posts: 7

    Hi folks





    et al
    I don’t know if this is going to be any consolation but in just a week of reading your posts , you are all starting to seem just a little bit calmer and less stressed . It’s giving me a degree of comfort especially when I have a blip . It’s reassuring to acknowledge that though we’re all individual with differing situations that our subliminal selves are pushing through . We are all going to come out of this ok in the end . We’re going to carry the odd emotional scar or bruise but we’ll have learned a lot and in the end probably be better people for it . Shoulders back , heads up ! Thanks for your support even if you didn’t realise you were providing it 🙂

    • Total Posts: 7

    Ps. @carmine828
    Stop showing him too much interest ! You’re being way too nice !! Let him earn your friendship , and if he doesn’t step up then he doesn’t deserve you

    • Total Posts: 56

    well,after we texted back and forth the other night he asked me what would be different this time,i told him. He told me that if he proposes to give us a try,he would set the terms. I told him to make a proposal and he agreed he”ll think about it. I know he would want to bask a little cause i dumped him several times. I allowed him a little ego. Im nc definitively until Saturday that I cant avoid him but certainly will not expect anything.

    • Total Posts: 7

    That’s the way ..NC!! and be aloof on Saturday if you can’t avoid him . Try not to socialise with him too much then either fellas are suckers for a chase , so make him work for you …you don’t want a lifetime of obeying ‘his terms’ do you ??

    • Total Posts: 56

    You are right,but thats what I will have him thinking,that its his terms!

    Im nc full!

    • Total Posts: 197

    Geesh that sounds similar to what my ex said the last time we spoke in depth.

    She said after making me own up to my mistakes “I have to think about seeing you again”

    It’s like really? You need that much time to think about seeing me? Not like I was abusive or wronged her in any crazy unforgivable way. Albeit it’s been almost a month. Makes me think she only said that to string me along. Bet she didn’t think I’d go NC though.

    • Total Posts: 56

    Truth be told, i treated him very badly. And a few weeks ago we were kind of getting back but he started acting hit and cold and i snapped. I shook his trust again. I can see why he may be cautious this time. But Ill go NC for the rest of the week and ill see. Jan 31st is my due date. If he does nothing, ill disappear. I have been working on a transfer to Florida and ill push for it. I did him wrong, but he had pushed my buttons for years now thats why i broke up.

    • Total Posts: 197

    Funny I pushed my exes buttons for a few days and she broke up lol. Though I think she thought I was going to do it which I wasn’t.

    Then she flipped the script and made it all about me being the bad guy.

    • Total Posts: 151

    @confusedbutok I’m in the same boat. My ex was being a ****, so I did the button pushing. I also think he thought I was going to do the breaking up. And then he broke up with me and I’m the bad one, haha. Ridiculous.

    • Total Posts: 197

    What sucks is I explained my motivation behind it. Basically saying subconsciously I was looking for flaws because couldn’t believe how good things were and the break up made me realize that so now it would be 10x better.

    Thinking that romantic explanation would win her over she simply just said “well that’s good you’re mature enough to realize that now you can take it into your next relationship” lol

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