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  • #25609
    • Total Posts: 144

    Be strong indeed. I understand where you’re coming from as my ex and I had a ritual every time it snowed/was going to snow. We’d go out and get peppermint hot chocolate from the gas station down the road. It actually flurried a little this morning here and left me with bittersweet feelings, but it’ll be okay one way or another.

    Who needs exes when you’ve got the love and support of those alike? 😉

    • Total Posts: 151

    @confusedbutok What you said made me laugh, I’d agree, I think she needs to send you flowers too.

    I’ve had a lot of those moments too, feelings out of nowhere that just take over. Hate those. Great job on working through your emotions so well. 🙂

    NC day 41. Today I was feeling angry, a rage almost. I wanted to message my ex and just rip him apart. I wanted to tell him that things he was saying about me got back to me. I wanted to tell him a million different hurtful things. I didn’t though. I’m trying so hard to stick to NC, to show some maturity and grace in this. It’s still a daily struggle. It’s really hard for me to let someone mistreat me and sit in silence. I think that’s harder for me to let go of than the relationship. My own pride I guess.

    • Total Posts: 144

    @Nell Good on you for sticking to NC for 41 days. That’s really impressive and encouraging for those who are not as far along. Yeah, things have gotten back to me as well from my ex through the grapevine, though most of which strikes me as grass is not greener despite her “everything is awesome!” demeanor. You know it’s funny when your ex’s mom sends you a text, despite hating your guts, saying you’re handling the breakup in such a mature manner. Tsssssssssss, I’ll take the compliment, but still do not like the crazy, fake woman. Sometimes, sitting in silence is better than lashing out. Do we really want to look like the typical “crazy ex” or the reasonable one? I know I don’t, and my ex who dumped me is doing a bangup job doing that herself lol.

    • Total Posts: 197

    You know what I love? Most of the women I’ve been chatting with off online dating sites have all told me the same thing.

    That the guys are whatever, pervy, stalker-ish, etc

    I’ve even had one that I didn’t meet tell me she regrets that she stopped talking to me because of the “competition”

    So let’s hope my ex regrets it too considering I never even met this woman and she noticed my value. But, my ex might have too pride to even let herself get in touch. She might just force herself into another relationship. She’s the type that will convince herself she doesn’t need something even if she does.

    • Total Posts: 144

    @confusedbutok Congrats with the ladies! You strike me as a good gent, so take something from that. Pride is a big downfall. My ex is the same way at times. She went almost a full year with a bad tooth and wouldn’t go to the dentist to get it pulled because she was “too busy and did not have time”. Well guess who had to take her to the ER at 8pm after work and did not get home until 1am, and then had to take care of her? Pfffft… and this happened multiple times. I think some people would not survive on their own.

    • Total Posts: 197


    Lol yeah my ex was similar. She’d always say she hates relying on people until she realizes ok maybe she needs someone’s help.

    She’s the type with a strong intimidating exterior but deep down a bit insecure. Took me a bit to realize that. She used to tell me tons of guys would be intimidated by her personality and she liked that I wasn’t.

    • Total Posts: 151

    @ThePhoenix I agree, I think it is better to sit in silence, though it doesn’t feel that great in the moment. I definitely don’t want to be the crazy ex either, which is one of the few things that keeps me motivated not to act on my impulses or to break NC.

    I think your ex will regret sooner or later. I hear the same thing from everyone I talk to which does boost your ego a bit, yeah? It’s great and very much in your favor if you continue not to be intimidated by those kinds of things. A lot of guys are too easily intimidated by beauty, intelligence, or personality. It will make you stand out from the crowd and definitely a turn on to many women.

    • Total Posts: 197


    Thanks. My ex was all those things especially intelligent and I knew how to engage her. She’d mentioned most guys didn’t have good conversation skills.

    Last time we spoke I made a point to say I was also seeing other people but most of them couldn’t have any real intellectual conversations. It was a subtle way for me to remind her of the talks we’d have. Who knows if it worked or not lol.

    If my ex does regret leaving me, makes me question if she’d reach out or just convince herself she shouldn’t to protect her ego.

    • Total Posts: 77

    @ThePhoenix spot on. That’s what I think too, but I’m afraid of being wrong. Don’t know. I just need to think that she actually moved on and see what we are at in couple of weeks or months. I’m on 10 days NC atm. Not really feeling like talking to her though, even though I still deeply love her…but she hurt me too much and I need a time. And maybe she’s actually happy and that’s what she wants, who knows? I don’t.

    Even if she would come back, I don’t know if I would be ok dealing with all the shit she did with that guy all this time.

    • Total Posts: 144

    @archola My friend put a boot to my head earlier about this, the fear and worry. I worry too, but for me I felt really ungrateful after my talk with my buddy. “Life is too short. We’re all in fortunate situations where we can worry about things like this as opposed to when our next meal is going to be. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t be fearful of things or have emotions, but let the emotions come as they do, let them run their course, and then try not to cycle.” He can be pretty straightforward, but he has a very rational mind that helps to revoer quickly when I start to get emotional.

    My ex is a good person, but she burned me bad too with lies, lead me on, and had I not been fortunate to have money set aside and get a bit of a promotion/pay increase, I would have been in a bind financially and she could have cared less it seemed. She told the landlord she’d pay for half of rent/utilities for this month. Did she? No, and I doubt she will as I’ve already paid it all. Despite all of this I still love her. I know that situations came up and she made the best possible decisions at whatever time. Now did she go about them the right way? The consensus would be no, absolutely not. However, I’ve done things too that have hurt others as well but were good decisions for me. I would make sure, however, to do my best to apologize/explain my situation and my friends/family understood. I think where my ex and I differ is I was brought up in a more stable family situation. My moral compass is more secure and I live my life with as much compassion as I can manage for others on a daily basis.

    Is my ex happy? I don’t think she truly is, but a big part of me hopes that she is and is doing well after her decisions. I don’t want her to fail in her endeavors. I don’t want her to be miserable. I don’t want her to feel like the odd man out. I don’t want her to get kicked out of her new place, and I hope to hell she is actually taking care of her dog. I have faith that she is, as her not doing so is a worry for me as an animal lover, but I also know she has roommates around and she can’t afford to not take care of her. I’m thankful she’s in a situation where she has to grow up a little more and be responsible.

    As odd as it sounds, something that really helped me a few years ago with a long distance “relationship” (wouldn’t even really call it that) that went sour was to talk to the person as if they were dead. It’s an odd concept, I’m sure, but in that moment this person was essentially dead to me. She cut off all communication instantaneously and told mutual friends “I’ve washed my hands of this.” It was incredibly weird for me at first, but I found the more I did it, the better I felt and was able to get a grip more quickly. Wouldn’t you know it, years later this girl crossed my mind and I reached out to her and we’re friends now. When I spoke to my friend about this girl from all those years ago, I asked if I acted like I am now with my ex. “Yup. Almost exactly, only you’re not chasing this time and that’s good.” To hear that, especially after I got over this girl, just made me cringe in regard to my ex. I remember full well how I carried myself then and now it just makes me want to do better for myself.

    Time is a magnificent and precious thing, and I’ve found it heals many things. That being said:

    “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
    ― Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

    • Total Posts: 56

    Im going through hell right now. All was going well and i screwed by being too pushy. Now he us really mad again, and told me i dont exist for him anymore. Im really desperate, im trying to convince myself is for the best we are not together, but it is too painful.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Found this thread…

    I think this might help some of you guys,

    I also realized that being her first boyfriend we would not have worked out in the future as she will always wonder if the grass is greener in the other side.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Hey everyone,

    Last week I asked about the dropbox thing where she used to share my account whilst we were in the relationship. I asked if I should change the password for the account making it inaccessible to her and you guys suggested that I should…but I put it off to do it later.

    Today when I checked my dropbox access history, apparently she accessed it on monday and 14 hours ago. So now should I still change it? Won’t this piss her off?

    • Total Posts: 197


    Find some girl to take pics with giving the impression she’s the new love in your life and upload them to your Dropbox.

    Let her log in one final time then change the pw lol. If you want to have some fun with jealousy

    • Total Posts: 303


    That is a very dangerous game to play.

    I need to think about this with a clear mind. At the moment it is just leave it as it is and ignore.

    The less I react the better.

    My life is a mystery to her and I am somewhat controlling the information flow.

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