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  • #25398
    • Total Posts: 303

    Sorry the late reply

    I am in UK so its is like 10:45pm here at the moment.

    I am not sure what the NC is primary designed for really.

    It will help you get over your ex and at the same time supposed to make them feel like they miss you.

    Since my break up was in Oct which is like 3 months ago sort of I am not sure if the NC has any effect still. The last time I saw my ex physically was on 16th december. Spoke to her on 2nd Jan for 10mins and 4th for 20mins….Then started my 3rd NC attempt.

    She has currently been on 6 dates with her new bf and I seriously need to stop keeping tab. I am constantly searching for some sort of sign I guess which is definitely unheathy

    About meeting new girls…I am quite an introvert and being in a new city my chances are very limited.

    • Total Posts: 197


    Get yourself on okcupid. Online dating is an introvert’s answer lol

    • Total Posts: 34

    @martin I know its tough. My ex has flown back home to his home country and his gf he broke up with me to be with that he has dated for just SEVEN weeks has moved with him too!!!
    Makes me feel so mad and sad because 7 weeks ago, 8 weeks tomorrow I was his girlfriend and we had been planning on moving together to his home country.

    It is very very hard and hurtful. How can he move so fast and move countries together after just 7/8 weeks of dating someone. He barely knows her. I hope it’s a rebound relationship.

    I am meeting his family when I am there as they want to see me and me to stay with them.and guys have messaged about wanting to meet up with me so I will be out sight seeing and being happy and he may see but I will try to avoid him especially if she stays there.

    Stay strong people

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    • Total Posts: 34

    @martin @confusedbutok

    I am in the UK and a seriously small town and dating and life in general is boring here but being in a new city is definitely an advantage. Get out there and meet people.
    Use other sites to make friends and date or I use a travel website to meet people when I travel or host people at my home. It’s called couch surfing. Only use it to make friends and show people the city and have a good social site. It’s not a dating or hook up site but could be a way to meet people with out it being like a date.
    I use this site to make friends its not good for getting laid so don’t use it for that purpose. There are nice genuine people on it so they don’t want people who just look for dates and getting laid.

    • Total Posts: 13

    Because it’s been 7 months now since we finished. I went back in October asking to get back and for a week we text and it was looking good. She then had a change of heart and has turned absolutely poisonous towards me. Another big factor is that she began a new relationship at the end of November begining of December and they’re still going strong I think. It’s heart breaking but tough shit. The karma bus ran me over. She begged for 2 months to get back but I didn’t take chance. Now I’m here spilling my heart to you guys. Life’s a bitch.

    • Total Posts: 197


    I’m sorry man. Maybe we can get an insight and it can help some of us.

    When she begged to get back together did it just make you want her less?

    When did you have a change of heart? Was it after she did NC or?

    • Total Posts: 13

    Click on my profil, topics started and you’ll see my story. Get back to me on and give me you verdict.

    • Total Posts: 77

    @Nell thanks. And yes, i do think it’s the right way to do it. One thing that bothers me is that the new guy seems so different from me. It’s like night and day, or it seems so, I don’t know. And it’s so bloody annoying that she is with someone with does or acts in a way that she used to criticise and make fun and etc. I know I’m 22 and she is 20 but I still don’t get it. It’s been 3 weeks since I last saw her and i still don’t understand the things she said, the things we did, how she did this this way…I really can’t get my head around this still. We were so close, so intimate, we did pretty much everything together (in the sex area included) and it bothers me so much that she may be doing all that with him. It kinda disgusts me because I still love her so fucking much…

    • Total Posts: 197

    I can’t say for sure why your ex seems so wishy-washy but I feel it might be over. Her actions scream of drama and dilemmas. Maybe she knows she has the upper hand now and is going full throttle on making you miserable.


    Your ex is at a very young age and is most likely impressionable. All it’d take is for some new guy to create attraction and she’ll be on board to shift her interests to suit his. Unfortunately this is common in younger women and sometimes older ones who have not yet established their own beliefs and interests but are motivated by feelings of infatuation to cause them to think that’s what they’re into as well.

    I know it’s hard but I’d try my best to distract yourself and possibly interact with other girls. Maybe morph them into the things you’re interested in and have a similar relationship that you had with your ex

    • Total Posts: 151

    Lmao at the lizard brain stuff. As a woman, I can say that person doesn’t know women at all.

    I had some horrible anxiety. I couldn’t sleep, had digestive/stomach problems, couldn’t eat or if I did it made me feel sick, headaches, irritable, it was awful. Afterwards, it all continued for a week or two. I’d say you are most likely having a stress reaction. Try to eat healthy and stay hydrated. It should get better in time as you come down off the emotional roller coaster.

    I remember some of the videos I think you are talking about. Search Youtube for Corey Wayne, he has a ton of videos that will pop up. I quite like him and I think he is one of the few male relationship coaches that actually gets it.

    I think you need to get angry. Have you yet? That stage was a turning point for me and it was fantastic.

    Actually, my mil is the kind of woman confusedbutok described. Every new guy she got with she would take on his personality and interests. It was like she would change herself into something new just to make them like her. Kind of sad. Some people are just like that. Also, don’t even try to get your head around anything she has said or done. You never will. Haha, been there, done that. Not saying it to be a jerk or anything. We’ll never understand and could make ourselves crazy trying.

    • Total Posts: 303

    I have signed up for but I think people there are generally older looking for marriageable others. I have also signed up for POF and seriously not having much luck there -.-; tinder is a bit of a waste of time with its annoying bots but I did get talking to a few girls for a bit. I am much better off in having conversations in person than online.

    Have not tried okcupid yet.

    I am slowly trying to change my lifestyle and get a less shy, I used to not be this way 4 years ago and was able to talk to anyone without fear…since starting to date her I have changed. Whilst dating her I kept feeling that I was losing “who I am” so in a way this break up is sort of good for me to re-find and rebuild myself.

    When you spend a lot of time with someone their personality brushes off on you…me and my ex did a personality swap of a sort. She was shy and quiet to start with and at the time of the breakup she was confident and outgoing. Weirdly her new boyfriend and she don’t really have any other friends at their new uni. Her new bf is kind of a loner.

    I think I won’t try too hard find someone because I feel that it could come across as desperate and unattractive.


    How long have you and your ex been together for?
    Did he know her before he broke up with you?

    From what it seems, he is getting way too serious with her too soon and it is really strange. Ok if he is around then:
    a) You have to be a better eye candy.
    b) Be a bit flirty but show no interest in him.
    c) Be around a lot of guys.

    Guys are not that complicated and quite easy to manipulate. Depending if he a boob person or bum person; if he is a bum person…hit the gym and start squatting as well as leg presses. Work on those glutes. (Jogging bottoms helps too).


    I have passed through the anger stage a long time ago. Tbh I have passed through 4 stages of grief several times but I am not accepting the acceptance stage. It’s more like I have wedged that door with a foot just in case an opportunity arises.

    • Total Posts: 34


    We were together for 13 months, 8 months dating in person and then 5 months long distance because my visa expired and I had to return home but we had planned from the beginning that we would return to his home country together this month.
    He met her through me, he was really busy with uni and didn’t see her much until a few weeks before he started dating her. He is/was a great guy, everyone loved him because he was nice, he is a bit of a nerd, IT guy wears thick rimmed rayban glasses and nerdy and very skinny but he was a kind and lovely guy and treated me so well and this girl knew how happy we were and I think thats why she stole him off me.
    I was away from him for 6 months and she only stole him 3 weeks before he was due to visit me before we were going to move to his country. He had bought his visa to come and his flight then a month later breaks up with me after kissing her and says he hasn’t loved me in months. Not sure if that’s the truth or he says that to make himself feel better and make it seem ok to move on already. What do you think?

    Everyone says I am way prettier than her, everyone would call me Taylor Swift because they think I look like her, long blonde hair, blue eyes and long legs..this girl is Norwegian, very white, greasy yellow gold hair, spotty, shorter than me and shit style of clothes where as I have a whole new wardrobe of gorgeous clothes, I have dropped a dress size through stress so slimmer than her and he isn’t really a boob person maybe bum, but he would go crazy for my legs which are long and slim so might have to wear clothes to show them off in a good way.

    I will be around guys and lots of friends when I move to his city, already contacted people to hang out with. And me and him loved to dance together so I will find guys to dance salsa with too that may make him jealous as he loved to dance with me.

    Aaaag its so hard knowing he has moved on and so fast. And she is planning on staying in his country and starting a life with him like I was.
    He has just replaced me.

    • Total Posts: 303


    It seems that people tend to choose what is most convenient over what is actually real.
    From what you said it looks like he wanted someone physically present while you were having long distance.

    It is in a way similar to my situation where I was away from her for a short span of time. Also since we used to be in the same course, our lives were very well integrated. Now this new guy and her will share the same. They are only at honeymoon stage so I do not know what would happen after.

    • Total Posts: 34


    Ok thanks. Well for 6 months or just under he was so busy with uni he didnt see her or start anything with anyone and had to put all his attention on his uni work. Its only when uni ended and they hungout and he always told me he was hanging out with her or other girls and friends of ours.
    He was just 3 weeks from being with me when he kissed her and broke up with me and now all we planned he is doing with her. .hurts so much.

    But I am going there too, staying with his cousin and his sister wants to still meet me and maybe his mum and dad. They are all on my side and angry at him.

    I think it could be a rebound relationship because all happening so fast and he post photo’s to appear really happy but some days nothing, he blocked me on fb and other sites but not in some others.
    Maybe it will end when things get boring and hard and he starts work and they get back to relality as they have moved 3 countries from where they were studying to her home country for a few weeks and now his home country so kind of holiday romance still. Maybe

    Least I am strong enough to still go and make a life for myself without him. When he met me I was just new in the country we met in and I created this whole group of friends I had met through couch surfing and I was busy everyday going out and organising events and hanging out so I will do the same when I get to his country and they won’t be included so he’ll see I am fun and getting on with life again and looking hot in my new clothes and even slimmer than before lol

    Have to see what happens. IF not someone else will see how amazing we are and treat is right.
    Hope your situation works out ok, after the honeymoon period wears off she may realise he is not that great really.

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