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  • #24822
    • Total Posts: 151

    @archola I read your story. I’m very sorry to hear about your relative. Did you end up contacting her about it? If you haven’t, I would say it is for the best not to. I don’t think she is going to offer any comfort and you shouldn’t seek that from her.

    She told you a lot of things, but you can’t take what an ex says seriously after a breakup. They will say almost anything to not take blame, to look like a good person, or to try to keep you on the back burner. You really can’t focus on what they say.

    This is the best advice I’ve ever received: look at what someone does, not what they say. She is with someone else, and that says more than any words. I know it’s hard. I was married for 6 yrs. when my ex dumped me. At first I kept thinking over everything he had said, but at some point you see that their words don’t match their actions.

    I really think you need to avoid social media. It’s not helping you right now, probably hurting you even more. You need to focus on yourself right now, not her and her rebound. And I do believe that who she is with is a rebound.

    I’m sure she will miss you eventually, they all usually do, but try not to focus on that right now. Your #1 priority is you! Come here when you are struggling and need to talk. Work on yourself. Stay strong in NC. It really does help and it will if you give it time.

    • Total Posts: 151

    Okay, here’s my question, and it might seem silly, but does anyone else get the feeling that your ex is doing NC with you?

    • Total Posts: 144

    Yes, yes I do. My ex said she wanted to stay in touch and still thought of me as her best friend. She said she could not stand to not have me in her life, yet she has made no contact aside from when I was in the hospital. Beyond that, nadda.

    But I also think she might be looking elsewhere for a relationship, despite saying she did not want to be in one for quite some time.

    Confusing times, eh friend?

    • Total Posts: 147

    Not a silly question at all @Nell

    I believe that my Ex tried to go NC with me in August last year and again in September. I am still of the belief that she was seeing somebody else at this point (her first of two rebound relationships that I’m not supposed to know about – she told me about the 2nd one and that’s when I went NC not long after that).

    I am currently in a 2nd phase of false friendship, although I still get the impression that both of us take days out from speaking to eachother as we can’t handle it. Yesterday was such a day for us and I have just come in from a night out. I think that she has been online wondering when I would contact her today/yesterday as she was online when I got home just after 2am this morning. I messaged her at 02:10 and she hasn’t been online since then. My guess is that she wasn’t chatting to anyone but was wondering where I was and what I was up to.

    What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 147

    @ThePhoenix I’ve had the same too. I am told by my Ex that I am her best friend and that she would be gutted if I decided that I didn’t want to have her in my life no more.

    We shall see what happens in time!

    • Total Posts: 77

    @Nell thanks for your kind words and for taking the time to read through all my messy story. I don’t know if it is a rebound or not, to be honest. I want to believe that it is, but I don’t know. Despite that she cheated on him already with me, that she hided everything from him, I dont think thats a good way to start a relationship, but thats just me. We would have our occasional fights, mainly because of the distance, but we were great together, with plans of me going to her country to do my Masters and etc…well, I dont know.

    And certainly, the social media is making me even worse and somehow I need to stop checking on her all the time.

    And no I haven’t said anything to her about my relative. She knew that my relative was in bad condition because we had talked about this when I was with her and I did tell her that the relative had gone to hospital but I didn’t tell her that sadly she passed away.

    It’s gonna be 1 week NC on monday and I’m trying to deal with it. I still feel that urge to talk to her, I still need her but I’m controlling it. And anytime I feel like it, I just write down to myself.

    I have my final exams coming and I really am not able to concentrate and I’m affraid I’m going to fail everything because of her…
    As for myself, i’m thinking of start working out again and going for a run everyday, like I used to, it may help clear my mind .
    I wanted to go on dates or whatever, but I’m really so shy and i would jsut be fooling the possible girl…because I’m still in love with my ex. As for what you said that exs say things just to make us feel better, that is true indeed. But with all honesty, she didn’t seem to be lying to me, I could look in her eyes, and i know when she isn’t telling the truth. Or i knew. To be honest, i don’t know anything anymore.

    As for your other post, yes i do feel that exs can be doing NC back at us. Don’t know if it always happens, but it’s something that does happen, yeah.

    And thanks for taking the time to answer my post!

    • Total Posts: 303

    Hey Guys,

    Was wondering if you guys could advice me on a few things.

    I am on NC day 14 Round 3.

    My ex has been seeing this guy now and totally then have been on approximately 4 long dates. They seem to be taking it slow.

    My ex still has not told me that she is seeing someone else? (Why do you think she has not yet?)

    Is there any way I can somehow to win her back?

    • Total Posts: 197


    I don’t see why she would tell you that?

    If you really want a reason other than she doesn’t need to inform you what’s going on in her life, it’s probably out of curtesy to not hurt your feelings.

    • Total Posts: 303

    true. I thought of that.

    But she already told me that she likes him, being the trigger of our break up.

    Sometime in December she investigated if I was seeing someone and when we spoke she asked if I slept with anyone.

    I wish I could read her mind. I am not sure if she is still confused or she has made up her mind.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Also how to differentiate a rebound and relationship that is not one?

    Can a dumper rebound too?

    • Total Posts: 197


    The dumper is the one who usually rebounds. They ended things so they feel more empowered than the dumpee but they still hurt and they want to fill the void. This is why they say rebounds don’t work usually unless the person needs someone around and trick themselves into liking them.

    That’s one of the perks of being a dumpee, while the dumper tries to hide their hurt feelings with a rebound the dumpee is already healing.

    So when the dumper ends the rebound relationship they have to deal with those hurt emotions while you’re already healed.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Thanks man! I owe you a pint!

    • Total Posts: 109

    Stay strong

    • Total Posts: 197

    Need some advice. I’m planning on making contact after the 30 days but in a different way than suggested on the site.

    Thinking of sending her a bouquet of her favorite flower with a little note that starts off with something that triggered a memory of us having fun and then saying something sweet in terms of how she’s a great person and I’m glad we made memories together.

    No apologizing no mentioning the relationship or getting back together. Just a nice gesture acknowledging her.

    In my situation she was upset that I didn’t appreciate her so she left.

    Good idea?

    • Total Posts: 151

    Thanks for answering my question everyone. I get the feeling my ex isn’t leaving me alone out of respect for me or my boundaries. He never did it in the past. We’re going on almost 30 days of NC from him which made me think perhaps he is doing it to me.

    Hmm that is interesting, her words and actions are not congruent. Yes, confusing times indeed!

    It does seem like she was waiting up for you. Does she normally stay up late like that? If not, I’d say it’s definitely a sign she was waiting up. Did you two chat after you messaged her?

    I’d agree it doesn’t seem like your ex is starting out her new relationship in an honest or trustworthy way. It could come back to bite her on the arse, but that was her decision. I wouldn’t worry too much about dating yet. It sounds like you are dealing with a lot right now. I hope you can get through your finals okay. I’m having the same problem, I’m very behind on my studies. I’m going to talk about it with my therapist this week, I’ll let you know if I find out any good tips. Running sounds like a great idea, btw. Hang in there!

    I’m not ignoring your question, but I need to think on it a bit and roll it around in my head, I don’t want to give you knee-jerk advice.

    As far as I go, I’m on 38 days NC. I’m still trying to decide if I want to go 60 days NC and then try to talk about things, or just go NC indefinitely. I’m sure it will become more clear in time. I had a productive weekend and made a new girlfriend. It helped to boost my confidence to talk to some strangers and I ended up with a new friend out of it. I’d say if anyone feels that they are not ready to date yet, at least getting out and talking to people and making friends can really do a lot for your self esteem. After a breakup you can be left feeling unlikable but that isn’t true at all.

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