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  • #24507
    • Total Posts: 303

    After being a happy 4 year relationship, being dumped for someone else is a terrible feeling.

    • Total Posts: 197

    I’m so conflicted. Do I make contact after 30 days or wait for her to at some point?

    Anyone make contact after 30 days and have it lead to a reconciliation?

    • Total Posts: 151

    @confusedbutok I love Corey’s videos! They are mostly geared towards men, but I have found them very helpful too. I especially love the videos about being confident and secure, finding your purpose, etc. I’ve been watching him all throughout NC and I don’t think I could have made it through without him. His videos are very empowering especially when he says to walk away.

    πŸ™ That is terrible. I really hope things get better for you soon.

    Nothing new on my end. It’s been three weeks since my ex last reached out. It’s weird though, I don’t want him to reach out and it would make me angry if he did, but at the same time I kind of want him to. It’s like I want to know he’s thinking about me, which is stupid, because I want to move on. Maybe I need a rebound, haha. πŸ˜‰

    • Total Posts: 151

    @confusedbutok how long is your NC currently? I wish I could give you some advice. I’m on NC day 35 so far and I feel confused about initiating contact too. :/

    • Total Posts: 197


    I’m on day 11 since last contact which I was on her area and texted to see if she was busy because I was near by.

    She replied saying she has dinner plans. So I said that’s fine figured I’d see what’s up since I’m near by and to keep in touch. She replied “that’s cool”

    • Total Posts: 32

    Haha! Yeah, sounds like we’re all in the same boat here and @martin ‘s youtube video link has planted a few doubts in my mind too. Currently on about day 41 of NC I think and i have a couple of txt messages ready and also thinking of sending a letter but I am more so considering trying to leave it a bit longer I think, with the hope that my ex may contact me.
    To be honest I am having a bit of fun on Tinder and POF. Not looking to rush into anything but it definately helps even just flirty messages and casual dates. It really helps to get your ex off your mind for a while and realise there are other like minded and nice people out there. I highly recommend getting involved and please dont get me wrong, I really do still love my ex and want to be back with her.
    Chin Up everyone! You are all AWESOME and deserve to be happy!! Plus, Its FRIDAY!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 303


    My ex is trying to taking her new bf to places we visited together when we were a couple. It is like she is trying to replace our memories there…is there a reason for this?

    I can’t figure it out. I don’t think she should be angry still.

    • Total Posts: 32


    Again, similar to my situation Martin. I think my ex is doing similar but as hard as it is, try not too think about it and possibly try to avoid it at the moment. And also, try to do it yourself! get meeting other women is the best advice I can give from personal experience.
    I also dont see the reason for the hate? After speaking to a number of people about this and also my female friends; the general concensus seems to be that this is because they feel guilty themselves about what they have done and try to divert the blame/hate to you instead. Idk?
    Keep your head up dude.

    • Total Posts: 34

    @martin I know it hurts and sucks.
    My ex kissed a girl then broke up with me and that was 7 weeks ago and he was supposed to fly to me and stay with me over Christmas then we were going to have a little short holiday to France or Northern Ireland and then fly to live in his home country but instead he flew to his new girlfriends home country to spend the holidays with her then they went on a little holiday together then him and her left yesterday flying to his home country on the date I had suggested. Feels like she has stolen my life and everything I have planned with him.
    I just hope its a rebound relationship and it ends soon.
    I had already got my visa to move there and work so I am still going but worry because we will probably be in the same city and I was hoping she wouldn’t go with him because I heard she had no money and she can’t speak spanish so dont know how she could get a job there.
    Such trying times testing us hey?!!!
    I am trying to mediate and stay calm, not think about it. But worried if there relationship continues and the chance of bumping into them.

    • Total Posts: 303

    @Tommys83 and @hayz

    When I first found out about their today’s arrangement I got really upset. I just wish she wouldn’t harm the memories we had together and treasure them instead. She can always make new ones with her new bf rather than repeating. But anyway if she is going to then she will…cant do anything about that.

    I wouldn’t hold a grudge against her for anything but this seem to hurt me the most. Just wish she was a bit more grateful towards the time we spent together.

    A friend told me that this could be a rebound…anyway I am not going to see her indefinitely unless she tries to reach out to me. I am on NC day 11.

    The positive changes I have made since 2015!
    – Moved away from my ex’s location to a far better place in the center of the city!
    – Started growing a beard – on 6 day stubble atm.
    – Trying to be consistent in the gym.
    – Making one less stranger everyday.

    I never had any luck on online dating…I am not a good online flirter.

    Thanks guys for your response!!!

    • Total Posts: 303

    @Tommys83 @confusedbutok and everyone else.

    I got this email from Kevin, think you guys might find it helpful if you have not signed up for his emails.

    Alright, there is a good chance that your ex will
    call you or contact you during the no contact period.

    She might even ask to hang out with you.

    If she doesn’t, don’t fret it. This isn’t a game of
    who asks who out. Only the end results matter.

    So, if she hasn’t contacted you even after the
    no-contact period is over, you should call her and
    ask her out.

    Here are a few tips when you ask her out.

    – Make sure you call at a time when you know she
    won’t be busy.

    – Do not bring anything about the breakup or your
    relationship in the conversation. (If you do, she
    might put her defenses back up)

    – Be upbeat and happy when calling. It’s a good idea
    to call her when you are feeling happy. If you feel
    unhappy, down, or sad for some reason, you can postpone
    the call until tomorrow.

    For me, I always feel upbeat after hitting the gym.
    So if I have to make an important call like this, I
    will make sure I do it after I hit the gym.

    Is there something you do that always makes you feel
    upbeat? Well, do it before calling your ex. Women are
    very good at recognizing your tone. So if you are feeling
    depressed while calling her, she will recognize it
    and will think it’s about the breakup.

    Similarly, if you are feeling upbeat while talking
    to her, she will recognize it and she will become curious
    thinking that you have already moved on.

    Now, when you ask her out, DON’T call it a date.
    Just ask her out as friends. You are not looking
    to get back together (not as far as she knows :P).

    You just want to…catch up.

    Don’t make it sound like you want her back. You just
    want to hang out with her as friends.

    You can ask her out for anything. But try to make
    it something she will be comfortable with and something
    that she finds non-threatening.

    Like a cup of coffee. a beer, or shopping. Something
    which does not make it necessary for both of you to be
    in each others company for a long time.

    This way, she will most probably say yes because she
    knows that if she feels uncomfortable, she can just leave

    And it is also advantageous for you because if the date
    is not going smooth you can end it quickly and get out
    of there leaving a positive feeling in her mind.
    You can leave before it goes from good to bad. (You have
    to sense it beforehand though.)

    If you followed the plan till now, and have been concentrating
    on yourself instead of your ex. Then there is a good
    chance that this date will go swell.

    In the next few emails, we will talk more about this.

    Until then,
    -Kevin “Just Catching Up” Thompson

    • Total Posts: 151

    @Tommys83 I can’t get Tinder to work for me for some reason, haha, it just spins. I’d really like to go out on some dates, but my confidence took a hit after the breakup. I’m working on it, hopefully I can get back out there soon.

    My ex has done the same thing but with his friends, and did it before we even broke up. When he would be upset with me or pushing me away, he would take his friends to our favorite places, watch our shows with them, go see a movie we were supposed to see, etc. It was like he was trying to replace me with them or something. It sucks. It’s sad for your ex’s rebound guy in a way, I would be ticked if I was dating someone and found out they were taking me to all the places they used to go to with someone else!

    Hang in there. That’s so awful and I’m sure it hurts like crazy.

    I’m feeling really stressed lately and it’s making me want to contact my ex. I know it’s just because he was my support system, not that I really want to talk to him or that he can make things any better. I hate that I still have that impulse. I’m fighting it with all I’ve got right now. I’m having car problems and it’s making me a wreck. I find out what’s wrong with it tomorrow. Hopefully it isn’t bad, so I can calm down and not be tempted to reach out.

    • Total Posts: 77

    You can check my whole story in my thread (check my previous posts). 5 days on NC right now and I’m struggling.

    I found a way of kinda dealing with this. I created a word document and everytime I feel like talking to her, I write it there. it’s going almost over 6 pages already. It’s a way that i can let things get out of my chest and just try to feel better. One really disturbing thing is that they are sleeping together already…im not sure and i thought this before meeting her and they werent but now everything points to that. Dont know.

    Thank you guys for the tips!

    • Total Posts: 151

    @archola The first week or two of NC is the hardest. Keep it up, you can get through it. πŸ™‚ We’ve all been there and we are here for you.

    Writing things out like you are is a fantastic way to deal with everything, awesome! I know it’s hard and your mind is going wild right now, but try not to think about what your ex is doing or with whom, don’t want to drive yourself nuts.

    • Total Posts: 77

    Yeah, I’m trying to deal with it. But i can’t help and check her fb to see if she adds pictures or to see if she still has some comments of us in her pictures or to see whatever, you know? On her instagram profile she put their both name initials with a + in between and says taken and stuff like that and all of this makes me sad.
    I really love her, I still do and if you read my story, we were engaged when we broke up and sicne then shes been with this guy and everything seems to be going to well. But I dont know, after everything she said to me (you can read on my topic).

    Anw, trying to deal with the NC. I wish she would miss me and realise that with me it was nicer or soemthing, despite the distance.

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