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  • #24324
    • Total Posts: 303

    Yes it is an absolute mistake. I had no desire to contact.

    It was a thumbs up on mobile Facebook messenger. At the side you just press it and it sends.

    I was messenging multiple people at the time and it occurred.

    I should have archived her Convo.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Also thanks!!!!

    This doesn’t mean I have to restart NC right?

    • Total Posts: 197


    I would try not to think of NC as counting days. Just try to forget your ex and enjoy your life

    • Total Posts: 303


    I know what you meant but it serves as a quantified progress motivation.

    Like progressing in weights while training and etc.

    I think Ill continue my NC as I don’t think I can actually say that I broke it.

    My NC is pretty much indefinite unless I change my mind after completing at least 31 days.

    • Total Posts: 197


    I get it. I think what I was trying to say is when you’ve actually moved on and stopped caring about wanting her back, even just one day of NC will feel like 30 days.

    This is what I’m hoping to feel soon. But I must admit morning and nights are still problems for me, emotions just swoop in and I’m trying to find distractions to not let them get the best of me.

    • Total Posts: 303


    For me nights are alright but mornings are horrible.

    Have you given up hope of her ever returning?

    I am not sure where I stand yet, I think I have pretty much but there is a small part of me that says there is a tiny chance that one day she will return.

    • Total Posts: 197


    Well it’s interesting, doing NC and not being connected to her friends or any social media, I noticed my mind is filling in information off of what I know last.

    That being she didn’t want to be with me and she’s on Match, so my imagination has been running wild in a bad way. All I picture is her being incredibly happy with other guys or even one in particular and/or having too much fun to even have time to miss me.

    So going off that it makes me seem hopeless that she’ll come back and it’s taking its toll on my emotions randomly throughout the day.

    • Total Posts: 197

    Has anyone going through this seem the movie Swingers with Vince Vaughan? It’s a nice comedy about a guy who’s going through a break up with some useful advice. If anything, youtube the opening scene it’ll help some of us.

    • Total Posts: 8

    Hey!! Me and ex broke up 5 months ago we had 4yrs relationship. Since we broke up we have been into irregular contact. We have been in talking terms.. And we met several times as well and did hangout. And she has been tensed these few months coz, she has very important exam at the end of this month. I have been insecure bcoz of guy hitting on her and trying hard to impress her and be there for her as support. And she kinda enjoys when he flirts But, she said that, she is not interested in him, he is just a frnds. In these 5 months we have been in talking terms, but we had several arguments as well during this. I did several small NC. Yesterday we had argument again, now I wanna start proper NC, will it helps me? Am I too late?? but there is a thing, her exam is on 31st January, if I start NC now I will surely break it, coz i really wanna wish her for her exam… And then her bday is coming on 9th February.. I’m very much confused what to do… Please help me..

    • Total Posts: 32


    To me it sounds like you are in a pretty steady position with you both being on fairly good terms but I would definitely advise full on NC for at least 30 days even though its her Birthday and she has an exam. This will make her think about you and wonder what you are up to and may make her feel she is losing you which is not a bad thing as she may even make the first move to get back in contact. At the very least, try to go up untill her birthday as she may just contact you before that by the sounds of things.
    Take a moment to read this link, it may help…

    • Total Posts: 32


    Thanks for the reference of Swingers. I Have’nt watched that movie in years so watched the opening scene again and your right. it helped and its very good. Cheers

    Also as hard as it is…. try not to worry too much about your ex being on dating sites.
    Mine is too, even though when we broke up she said she wanted time on her own to “concentrate on her career”….ha, yeah right. Her profile on POF says “Actively seeking a relationship” and “Not saying I want to settle down and have kids or anything, but thats the end game!!”….. Knife to the heart dude, knife to the heart.

    BUT I am hoping she is just trying to fill a void and will realise she was happy with me all along. It may take a while but thats what Im hoping. And I’m not going to wait either. I am also going out and meeting other women. Even though at the moment I desperately want her back, My NC has definitely helped and I may meet someone better suited to me, or she may have some terrible experiences with other guys on the dating sites and come back to me.
    Dont get me wrong, I am still hurting deeply inside but without hope and positive thinking we will only fall lower and that will DEFINITELY NOT make our ex’s come back to us!

    • Total Posts: 34

    I agree dont message your ex when her exam is coming up or on her birthday, as hard as it will be its best not to contact her. Stick to the full 30 days or more.
    My ex of 13 months broke up with me during 6 months of us being in different countries but when due to be reunited again and move together to his home country. He kissed my so called friend and now they are together. 7 weeks ago this happened and it’s so hard for me. Not only is a break up hard but 10 times worse when your cheated on and even worse when the other person was supposed to be your friend and your in a different country to them and you had been so excited to see them and start a life together and our relationship so great and envied by others.
    Its hard the NC but its for the best. I have been NC for like 45 or more now. He is still with the girl and blocked me on instagram and fb and he flew to be with her in her home country the day after boxing day and is still there. I believe its a rebound and will end at ssome point.

    Stay strong.


    I find mornings and evenings hard too. Mornings I lie in bed thinking and nights I sit up reading stuff online and thinking weighing things up.
    I quit my job because I am moving to my ex home country still like we had planned and have been trying to stay busy and not think but its hard. I saw a psychic which helped a bit but still was hard, tried mediation that helps a bit at night and the mornings but what helped me most was a spiritual healer who kind of did something like Reiki, I have thought of my ex tonight but I haven’t felt emotional or had sad feelings, it feels like when the lady placed her hands on my head and I kept thinking to myself ‘please take away the pain and emotions’ that it feels like it has gone. It may be temporary but for the last 8 hours I have not had these hard painful thoughts, emotions or feelings that I have for 7 weeks.
    Some people aren’t in to spiritual stuff but I truly feel so much better and hope tomorrow is the same. It was free too.
    Check it out people and mediation. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 197

    Everyone check out this video. Skip to the 12 min mark. He talks about how the most effective way to get an ex is to walk away and never look back, not doing NC for 30 days and then re-initatiate.


    • Total Posts: 8



    Thanks you so much people.. Thanks you so much for concern and help, that’s true that sometimes strangers can mean a lot more than close ones do… I will surely try to do what you suggest. But, I’m at the same I’m very much insecured with the guy who is hitting on her, coz, sometimes he treats her like a girlfriend, using cheezy nick names and all.. Though she don’t do anything like that, she just reply to his msgs. But, he stills bothers me a lot. I can tell he is being very much fake by the way he talks.. He is pretending in front of her just win her heart… And I’m afraid that she might fall in his trap, coz i know her very well, she is very innocent and bad at understanding people..

    • Total Posts: 303

    I think a bit of hope is essential to help us keep calm.

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