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  • #19171
    • Total Posts: 57


    I had those moments too. It just sucks that they always seem to bring the bad past back. Anyway, it will be a good thing for NC to have a refresh/restart of something new. And isn’t it one of the main reasons doing NC. Just keep working on yourself and when you’re ready you know what to do and how to handle it.


    Hey man, I know how it feels. There was a time during the first few months of my break up that I always dream about her. And to tell you, I wake myself up from that dream. And waking up is the hardest part, but eventually dreams stopped. You could read books or watch anything before going to bed it will help a bit.

    • Total Posts: 23

    I guess I’m struggling more and more because I think I realise the chances of a reconciliation are incredibly slim now. This guy she’s started seeing since we’ve broken up is a guy that she’s admired for the last 5 years (even during our relationship they still spoke often, even passionately at times as I’ve come to find out). The other thing is that pretty much every friend she’s spoken to has convinced her that she did the right thing, and that those two ‘make more sense’ than me & her 🙁

    I have TONS of questions for her that I know I shouldn’t ask, as that would burn the bridges completely, but the fact that thoughts & images of her absolutely flood my mind on a daily basis is pushing me to breaking point. It’s something that I desperately want to let go of but my mind simply won’t let me.

    The biggest pain is not knowing. Not knowing how she really feels about me, both now and during our relationship. Given the events of the last few weeks i’m honestly wondering why she even stayed with me for as long as she did, if this guy was always ‘the one’ she wanted to be with..

    I just feel pretty betrayed.. but I know that there was a really close connection between us, one that wasn’t simply faked. So, what on earth was she thinking?

    • Total Posts: 146

    @athens: ja i did the same i taurus and he is capricorn… but ya i do believe in horoscope… it might help, they way to their hearts back and so… hmmm i was sad also when i read we can be a really good couple and all… but the only thing he saw on our compatibilty was the differences how they can ruin the relatioonship….

    : Omg me too !!!” i have dreams about being with him and all. and then i wake up, back to reality its like i crash on reality.. SNAP. and there are those feelings again… </3

    • Total Posts: 146

    about dreams…if you remember what happened there and the things that were around you.. it might have a meaning.. when i dreamt of me and my ex burning some firewoods that were actually already on fire… i’ve read it means we/I wanna end/do something fast, which takes time and patience… i always try to find a meaning lol tho it might not be anything, but still….

    • Total Posts: 303

    I am feeling the way I felt at the very start after she broke up with. Anxious and scared. I have lost focus on my daily activities as well.

    One flaw of the NC is that we start it hoping to get back with our ex.
    The keyword is HOPE.

    Hope is a deadly thing, it can crush you really hard when things fail and leaves you with absolutely nothing. I am still hopeful to get back with my ex but I do not know how likely this will be. I know that she is resisting as much as she can. If she is going to rebound with that guy this week because she feels that I have moved on with my life this would hurt me a lot.

    I have a good feeling that she might think that I am seeing someone hence she feels the need to rebound. Should I try an convey to her that I am not seeing anyone and how should I do this?

    • Total Posts: 1

    Hello everyone!

    So here it goes, I’ve been doing NC indefinitely but today I stalked over my ex’s profile account and found out it was on public (before it was on private) then I looked over her tweets nothing much going on but one thing I hvae noticed is that all the tweets that we shared or the tweets that she tweeted to me before were all deleted. Honetly, I know I shouldnt be affected but it still stings like hell!
    Is it really over for us? Does she really get rid of me? What do you guys think? Please any response will do.

    Okay, i am not proud of this but every now and then when emotions getting the best of me I go stalk her profile (I know its quite obsessive of me to do this) and its just recent that she deleted every tweets that we have made. FYI its been 7 months since the break up.

    Guys, im going downhill again. Im losing hope already. Please help. Thank you.

    • Total Posts: 395


    Wow u r such a strong person! I know how u feel sometimes it hurts even more even u try to be stay as positive and have time for ur own. So u still doing ur nc? Hows ur day going? Is there any improvement? Ur ex gf is doing rebound and rebound? Is she a person who dont want to get lonely?

    My siruation feels like i dont have a chance. Yes he did text me 2 days ago asked me where have i been and i didnt reply. He still didnt text me and still look good with her. I dont know i have a chnce to have him 🙁

    • Total Posts: 57


    So I have researched on the astrology matches. And this is what I found my ex’s sign “shut one out and act like you never existed” and they said that once they’re done they’re done, and no going back to it. Now, i don’t know what to feel about that anymore.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Hey everyone

    @SodiumC @Tami420 @aryyan

    I just broke my NC :”(

    • Total Posts: 151

    Day 4 NC. I was feeling/doing pretty well over the weekend. Now I feel awful. I’m not tempted to contact, but feeling really down and lonely. I was thinking of joining up a dating site, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I just don’t want to talk to anyone else.

    I’ve been having dreams about my ex too. I had one over the weekend that made me feel really messed up. I dreamed that we met up on a date, but he took me to a haunted house and left me there. It was a pretty frightening dream, very gorey, Hellraiser type stuff. I managed to survive and escape but just barely. If that isn’t an analogy for our break up situation I don’t know what is.

    • Total Posts: 3

    I’m on day 9. I just woke up dreaming of him dating some1 else. I’m having trouble not to take phone n contact him. Its a sense of overwhelming fear. Not sure wat to do

    • Total Posts: 34

    Don’t know if my ex is in a rebound, read all the info but he says he has fallen for.her deeply after they hangout for a few weeks as friends then suddenly kissed. They have been together for 3 weeks, since the day he broke up with me.
    How can I tell if he really does love her or if it is a rebound and will end? ??? Help

    • Total Posts: 146

    @athens: yah well, i understand i’ve read the same about my ex … but dont read after the break up and how much chance you have to get them back..everyone is same, when they really wanna cut you off no matter what their zodiac sign is, they will do it need to just try to find a site where you can read about what to do when you want an ex back… I know i have to make him feel wanted and blah blah blah… break up with a capricorn, when he is one of the most sutbborn signs… alot of work. don’t focus on how ur ex decided not to be with you or anything like that. focus on how to get more chances of getting ur ex back.. i wont say its guaranteed but the more you know what to do about it, the better.

    : i will answer you on the link you pasted.

    • Total Posts: 146

    @hayz: probably its a rebound if he is with her after the break up… it wont last too long if its a rebound… just do the NC and wait for what happens.

    : take a look on the internet what dreams about ghost/ haunted houses mean. i always do that and mostly i can connect myself to whats said about it…

    • Total Posts: 34

    @tami420 thanks, I really hope it is… she was mine and his friend and they had been friends for 6 months or more and only since uni finished in November have they hung out more and he was always telling me what he was doing and if he was with her or other friends and that he crashed on her couch so nothing happened for ages. He just suddenly kissed her and now they are together and she posts photos of them on her fb and instagram which he likes but he has deactivated his fb since we broke up I think because he doesn’t want to deal with people asking what happened.
    We were supposed to move to his home country of Ecuador in a few weeks time too.

    I have done the no contact for 17 days now, do I just do the nc until they break up?
    I have been told she has no money so I don’t know how she can afford to go with him so I hope that will help split them up and when he is back home with friends and family he will soon realise all he has lost with me and how he did love me.
    I just worry in case they don’t break up or he still doesn’t want me after.
    So frustrating and heartbreaking as we had a great relationship up until 21 days ago then all changed since he kissed her. No warming at all.

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