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  • #18676
    • Total Posts: 147

    @aryan My Ex updated something saying “So Happy” – Yeah she was so happy that both if her rebounds lasted less than two months and it appears that contact with either of those two guys is now very limited at best. Perhaps she doesn’t try to speak to either of them at all.

    I have learnt that things aren’t always what they seem after break ups. When things are going well I now get worried about receiving yet another set back, but when I have almost given up hope my Ex always reaches out to me. It’s very confusing. I know that she cares about me very much but I would still put the liklihood of her giving me another chance at 50%.

    I am trying to be jer friend first and foremost and remain the person I always promised her I would be. Sometimes that is not easy.

    Assume that it’s not going to happen and work on yourself. Once you feel strong enough after NC then always leave the door open for him. Reward any good behaviour or nice contact you receive from him but also distance yourself if you sense a fight brewing. Have the conversation with him about wanting to be friends with him and that you still care about him, but that both of you need to leave the past in the past. There is no point in you keep blaming eachother for the relationship split. At least that’s what I done after NC and explained that I wasn’t ignoring my Ex but that I just needed some time to focus on myself.

    • Total Posts: 395


    At least you know she cares about you. I dont know whether he cares about me or not. I think he doesnt.He keep post everything about her in public tho. Im still his friend in his fb and twitter. But i just dont update anything durIng NC. After i finish my nc, then i will contact him and update my social media.

    It hurts to see him being so happy. Im not sure he really happy or just pretend but im pretty sure he and her are having well conversation till now. He still doesnt contact me at all. I try my best to improve myself and keep busy but at the same time i want to enter his mind but i cant πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 147

    @aryan I have gone through stages in nearly each of the 6 months since I split with my Ex where I have questioned whether she actually really does care about me or not. August was an awful month for me which resulted in her saying that she didn’t want me in her life anymore and her not speaking to me for a period of two weeks towards the end of the month and early September. We then had a period of very limited contact (her choice rather than mine) before her requesting my help for some things and a few big arguments.

    The first 5 weeks or so after I dumped my Ex, towards the end of June were the easiest for me, even though they were difficult tines too. I hit rock bottom perhaps after approx 10 to 12 weeks after our split.

    It has only been more recently that I have begun to accept the fact that I might never get the chance of a new relationship with my Ex. I have also thought to myself should I really want her back if she is unable to communicate better with me and shows that she really wants to give things another go too? I haven’t given up hope and have tried to leave the door open to her but if I’m honest then I still don’t really think things will work or improve for me or her very quickly. I always knew that this relationship would probably hurt me but I still couldn’t help myself due to our previous friendship history and the attraction we feel for eachother.

    I would say that it is very unlikely that your Ex is actually as happy as he appears to be. If you are happy then you don’t really have to keep telling the world about it. You are just too busy leading your blissfully happy life.

    • Total Posts: 395


    I wish i can be as strong as you. I wish i could read his mind and his current feeling too about me. He wanted to remain friends only tho. Its odd that he doesnt even mention about this to me but shows it in public.

    I just keep remain silence, improve myself and keep busy. I do want him back so bad but he has someone else which is his bestfriend, i feel like my hope is very slim. He doesnt say anytiing to me. Hw has her i think. Thats why he doesnt text me

    • Total Posts: 1

    Wow! I love this post. You truly crasp the meaning of nc. I want what you have….awesome!!!

    • Total Posts: 1218

    NC, Day 13

    Well, I broke NC, and I kind of don’t care. I tried making a conversation but it didn’t work. Oh well. I’ve over thought a lot the past couple days. I feel like I’m going crazy, I want to give up, but I’ve put so much work and effort into this. I know what I’ve done wrong, I’ve fixed it and I’m still improving.

    Many people have said that my work will show soon, and that I need to be patient. I’m trying so very hard. And some have said to listen to my gut, which is telling me that we will get back together soon and here recently I’ve felt that something good is going to happen soon.

    I just broke down and cried a few mintues ago, I need advice

    • Total Posts: 151

    @Confused_Girl What happened when you broke NC? Did your ex say anything when you tried to start a conversation? It’s okay to have a cry if you need it.

    NC day 2 for me, I broke NC. I’m frustrated that I did it. I was only on day 9 or 10. Starting over with it.

    • Total Posts: 1218

    He didn’t say really say anything, I’ve realized a few minutes ago that he has is doing the push/ pull thing where they won’t talk to you for weeks.

    I don’t know what to do, I miss him so very much. I have a strong feeling that something good is going to happen though, and my gut still says that we will get back together. I have worked very hard for this, and now I don’t know what to do

    • Total Posts: 395

    My friends told me that I have to break my nc to reply his text since he text me during nc and they said they afraid if my ex bf will think that i dont care about him anymore and he will think that i move on

    What should i do? Should i break my nc 11 days?

    • Total Posts: 5

    My ex moved out about 6 weeks ago and we broke up 2 weeks ago and I did 11 days of NC then she contacted me and now tonight she txt me and while chatting she asked if it would be ok to go to the movies together early January. So that will be a good time of not seeing each other and I’m hoping the final few dates we went on, which were really fun will shorten her healing time, I guess we’ll soon see.

    Either way, very happy she was the one to ask to see me again πŸ™‚

    I know I could have said no and made her wait but Ill keep up Limited NC until then and that will be a good 6-7 weeks of not seeing her so I think that’s enough

    • Total Posts: 303

    17 days since starting NC.

    Hey everyone,

    I hope you are all doing. From what everyone has posted here I think the 13th day after starting NC is probably the worst πŸ˜› It is just an observation though. My 13th day was the hardest. Lately I have not kept track of my NC and started to continue with my life and daily routine.

    With a bit of snooping around I have observed that she has been seeking comfort from a friend (guy friend). This guy friend is supposed to be a mutual friend (more hers); but he really dislikes me hanging out with her out of jealousy. She however has no feelings for him. With a bit of over thinking I do fear that she is encouraged to keep the break up by her peers.

    Today I did feel like breaking NC as I felt what if she is missing me now but with time she would move on. As in by the time the NC period has ended she would no longer miss me. I have not broken it though. I am sticking to what I started, unless I receive a proper assured signal from her.

    Even once the NC period is over, what should I do? She reached out to me once which is ignored; will she reach out again? If she doesn’t should I make the move? I am going to use this time to prepare myself emotionally. I am not needy for her but I do miss her and her company.

    Once after you cross 50% of your planned NC period, things would get much easier.

    • Total Posts: 303


    I have been thinking the same way as you. My ex gf texted me last monday but I have ignored it. I am hoping that she does not think that I do not care about her and have moved on. But in way this is the point of NC. It is supposed to give them that thought.

    People always want they the don’t have or can’t have. You must be something that your bf can’t have.

    My ex is the type to accept and move on so I have to be really care on what I do.

    • Total Posts: 146

    Day 10 NC, tommorow 11.
    I almost broke it on friday, i wrote a text but deleted in and didnt send it. today one mutual friend was here and started talking how he was joking yesterday night when they were drinking, he said we wont be together anymore etc.. but he also said that he is hanging with them so much so he can forget and get over me… and lol i was mad at them, they keep informing him about me, that im sad and that i hope to be together again and blah blah..

    So okay, today i almost broke the NC again… every two days I want to give in and break the NC..So instead i update my FB status and write everything I want to say to him or how i feel. ofc i put the status visible only to me. i hate it, i hate that i am the only person who cant talk to him and i am the only person that actually KNOWS his real him, and actually really cares for his well being and if he is at peace and doing fine and is happy… this NC.. the only good thing here is that i no longer expect him to write anything to me … if he would write me i would probably respond. I am just scared so scared that when the NC is over he will totally loose any interest of me being around him, or that he will be used that i am no longer along his side…

    • Total Posts: 395


    I do read a lot of articles about NC. Some of them said its actually depends on you. If you are totally fine with all this breakup situation and you are totally fine if she has someone else and you are totally improve yourself in positive way, you can break your NC. Because you cAn fully handle your emotion level no matter what. If you are fine during 19 days, you can break it. There is a lot of articles said its fine to do till 21 days. If you are not ready, then you have to continue your nc.

    Yes i do understand. Thank you so much. Right now i try mybest to inprove as much as i can. Its really hard to see him with someone else till now. Its almost 8 weeks they been together. I know i cant have him right away. I just hope I have time to create friendship with him and have chance to be close with him again. I miss hum so much. I do feel you.

    • Total Posts: 151

    @Confused_Girl If he is worth it and you feel that you will get back together, then don’t give up now. Keep going. We are all here for support. πŸ™‚

    Stick with NC. I know it’s hard, but you are almost half way there!

    Great job on sticking to NC! That must be so hard to not text your ex back. Great going!

    Your mutual friends are telling him about you? No bueno. I would be angry. Good job sticking to NC. Keep it up!

    Day 3 of NC for me. I have to laugh at myself. Had I not broken NC I’d be on day 14 or 15 by now. Live and learn.

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