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  • #18602
    • Total Posts: 395


    Its almost the same with my situation. My ex bf with his bestfriend now as a couple right after we broke up and they have been together for 1 month plus. And they also hang out quite frequently since they are in same college but my ex bf doesnt tell me about this girl much before i started to do NC but they are quite express their sweetness and closeness in public such as fb and twitter. They tag each other and they comment each orher. Their friends always support their relationship (good feedback tho). Your ex do like this with her partner too?

    • Total Posts: 147

    @LAbound Sounds like your Ex has entered a second rebound relationship to me.

    I believe that my Ex has had two rebounds, the first of which I believe she really liked and I was never supposed to know about. That relationship could have perhaps worked out for her if the fella that I believe she was seeing hadn’t got overly jealous and obsessed with my Ex’s refusal to take his advice by not to having anymore contact. He went all weird and became a bit of an obsessed idiot. I am so glad that this bloke shown his true colours quite early on as I was really worried about my Ex and her daughter when I believe she was seeing this guy. I was told by my Ex that this bloke was a family friend but don’t really believe that at all, although I’ve never made a big deal about it. This relationship lasted less than two months (between late July and early September I think).

    My Ex then dated another man who she started seeing in October. She was upfront about this one telling me about him just a couple of weeks in to her.relationship with him. She said that she had already haf doubts about this relationship but liked the guy, even though she said that she had “no real connection with him” but “a great connection with me.” I played it cool with her for a couple of weeks or so but then went NC with her for 24 days after a disagreement with her. She dumped this fella during this period and contacted me saying that she needed my help with the guy I believe she had her first rebound relationship with after 18 days of NC.

    I think/hope that she has now realised how rare it is to find somebody you have a great connection with who thinks the world of you and wants the best for you.

    I’ve laid down rules that we don’t keep bringing up negative stuff that happened in the past. That is history now. We need to both start with a clean slate if we are to move on and at least salvage a friendship or something more out of the years that we have known eachother. I will just go quiet now if I think that she needs space or is trying to pick a fight with me.

    We have been talking to eachother and being nice to one another for about 10 days now since I ended our NC. I’m scared of setting myself up again for yet more hurt but I don’t want to give up hope totally as I do keep getting given promising signs from her (really nice to me, followed by anger when she says that I am her best friend suggests to me that she is a long way from being over me). I still have no idea if I can engineer the opportunity for us to spend some quality time together though and I have no idea if she will ever run the risk of dating me again as I know that I hurt her a lot when.I dumped her and still think that she may be some time from seeing past that still. I do believe that she still has some hope that we may end up back together at some point though. I think that I would be history by now and she would not want such regular contact with me if this wasn’t the case.

    In essence what I was trying to say was that just because your Ex is now dating the 2nd person she has seen since your split it doesn’t necessarily mean that this isn’t a rebound too. She will know if you are unhappy about who she is spending time with whether you hide it or not. Don’t read too much in to any relationships she might be having. If she still wants regular contact with you then she is not over you and the likelihood is that her current relationship will not last too long.

    • Total Posts: 562

    My ex hasnt added this guy to any social network. Which is odd.


    It’s funny that her first rebound showed his jealous side. I read just the other day that a good reason to stay in contact with an ex who is dating someone is so the ex shows jealousy and become unattractive to the ex.

    Thank you both for the feedback. Im just really worried that during NC she is going to find someone and forget me.

    I don’t even want to get started on sex. -_- pisses me off. Lol

    • Total Posts: 395


    Thats weird tho. Maybe they have communication at somewhere. Its ok. Me neither. Im afraid they will become more happy and he will forget about me. He really doesnt care about me now which is very hard for me.

    • Total Posts: 562


    My ex has shown and said she loves me as more than a friend. Was sending I love you babys and good night texts till I hit five days of NC. Then she quit.

    How are you so sure your ex doesnt care ??

    • Total Posts: 395


    Its already 9 days of NC. He doesnt text me at all. He doesnt call me. He doesnt find me in any ways. He doesnt text my bestfriend to check on me. All he do is keep tagging his gf in any funny cute video in fb, keep commenting his gf in fb (im sure in private msg too). While his gf is soo proud that her new bf is near with her. Hang out with him frequently and she keep update how happy she is and all positive feedback about him.

    Isnt that obvious? Hmmm. She is very happy now. No matter how harsh she is and the way she act like a boy, there is still a person who adores her and so charming which is my ex. People keep congrates her. I hate it. I hate the fact he is happy with her soo soon!

    • Total Posts: 562

    @arryan. Im sure that’s a rebound. Post your story for me. Id like to know. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 27


    Don’t worry, I’m sure the happiness is just to rub it in your face.
    Do yourself a favor, don’t go onto social media for awhile or just mute/block him.
    It’ll help alot, trust me, that’s what I’m doing now.
    If he knows or realizes that you’re not stalking or checking up on social media, he’ll stop being or showing that he’s “happy”.

    • Total Posts: 395


    Its a rebound even she is his bestfriend for 3 years?

    Well, me and my ex bf together about 8 months. We were really mutual, did things together, cuddling, hugging and kissing everytime we met. We were really close and like to chilling. We had fight in july till he feels like he really hurt but slowly evrytjing become ok and we cuddle and close again until october. There was a big fight. I had no intention to creat a problem. I just want to know how it feels about me and how serious we were. But he didnt give me the answer that i crave. He gave me like indirect answer which i was not satisfied. And i was like i try to force him and ask him again again and he pissed off like really pissed off. He said “yes! I tried to gain back my love towards you but we fight like this, my feelings are empty right now!”

    I lost it. I was shocked. Like….everything disappear so fast. We broke up at the end of october. He wanted to remain friends. Just friends. It hurts me. He doesnt give me any chance at all. I begged and i cried and i sick but he seems like he blame me for all this. And he doesnt give anything about it.

    A week after that, he put his picture with his bestfriend as wallpaper but when my friend asked him about it, he said they were just close in terms of friends.but things getting close and close

    Early november, they started to be more close, they tweet each other, they comment each other and they even being sweet on public. My ex bf getting cold and cold with me. But he will text me once a day to ask me how it goes. I try to do the rewind without nc, its almost ok but i become needy back and clingy

    Until one day, i gave him a nice video from youtube. A funny video so rhat he will laugh because he was sick. Unfortunately, he doesnt reply my sms. In fact, he post that video to his gf fb! I was totally pissed off! He didnt even say thank you to me! After that, i decided i want to do nc. A day after i sent the video he texted me and say “hey you” but i dont want to reply. I started the nc till now

    He doesnt even want to find me in any ways. In fact, they become happier and sweetier and full of romance even in public! He posted their pics, she posted everything about him. Its like… I dont even exist! They been together like 6 weeks now.

    So what do u think?

    • Total Posts: 151

    @LAbound It does seem odd that she didn’t add him to social networking sites, but maybe she isn’t that into him? From my own perspective, if I went on a few dates with someone and wasn’t feeling it, I wouldn’t add them either.

    I’m on 7 or 8 days NC. Broke it tonight to let my ex know about a financial situation of ours, but said nothing else. He immediately wrote back. I wish he hadn’t, was hoping he wouldn’t say anything. I feel sick now. He didn’t say anything bad, just that he hopes we can talk soon and to take my time. Ugh. I didn’t respond. Do I have to restart NC now?

    • Total Posts: 1

    I dont know what to do. I see my ex every day at school. 12th grader here! This sucks because we are in a SMALL club together too. How do i do no contact now?!?

    • Total Posts: 395


    Wear something bright, cheerful and maintain prettier 🙂

    • Total Posts: 147

    @aryan I think that you should ask yourself the following question. If you had moved on to another relationship this quickly then would you be so public about it?

    I wouldn’t. There is no way that I would want to show my immaturity by trying to rub an Ex’s face in how happy I appear to be in a new relationship so soon after a split.

    I agree with you that it is odd that he has started seeing his best friend, but if that girl was so special to him then you need to ask yourself why was hr seeing you instead of her in the first place?

    Stick with your NC, it’s still very early days yet.

    • Total Posts: 395


    Im so agree with your questions. God, i always asked that to myself. But im a girl so it might have not same intention with him or any guys. I didnt update that much to my social media if i moved on to another relationship. I mean im not that kind of person. I like to keep it slow and humble about it. When we were together, we like to keep it simple and not too loud in public. But when he with her, everything they like to show in public. He post her picture in instagram and also fb and twitter. I feel like are you serious with her? How could u move on so fast? And doesnt care how i feel at all? Its like i dont even exist.

    He used to say that he wont be with her because she is his bestfriend and she is not romantic and they like to fight and teasing each other. He said she has a lot of guy friends and he has a lot of girl friends. Thats why they comfortable and understand but he said he treat me different from them and he loved me. But that when before we broke up. Right now, im shocked. Because he choose her instead of giving me another chance. He even update a status “this is just perfect”… I was like… Wow… Im shocked he is so happy right now

    • Total Posts: 147

    @aryan My Ex updated something saying “So Happy

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