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  • #18033
    • Total Posts: 303


    I don’t really know what to say; I am sorry though. I understand because if my ex start officially dating the other guy I would go nuts and be shattered! I would be so broken and in pain.

    But at that moment my plan would be to make a sudden trip to anywhere in the world. I would do anything to run as far as possible and just not stop. You are very strong though, much more than I am. This is the time you should be nice to yourself, treat yourself to some spas, holidays etc.

    • Total Posts: 395


    It seems like i look strong but inside? Oh my. Im heartbroken and pAinful. Seeing him smiling so happy and besides him is not me but other person, i feel like i want to shut myself.

    Yes i try to improve myself from head to toe. Mental and physical during nc. I just hope he will realized that i was a special person in his life till now and i just hope he will miss me when im no around. Sigh. Hope

    • Total Posts: 55

    I feel so broken right now. I’m not on NC but on Limit Contact because there are some things we need to fix. Although I know she feels that I’m not as clingy compared to our break-up before this one. I feel like she’s happy with the way things are right now and really does not want me back.

    Another reason why I feel sad is that I think I would not be able to make her miss me because in a matter of 2 weeks we’ll be going back to work and she’ll see me everyday even before she goes to sleep and after she wakes up because we live in one room given to us to our employer and we don’t have any choice.

    I badly want her back in my life.

    She said she lost her feelings because we have been recently fighting over things, whether it be big or small.

    PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME. Right now I really just feel like I want to die.

    • Total Posts: 55

    Whenever we see each other I try as much as I could to show her that I’m not affected with our break-up. But I think the more I show her that, I think the more she becomes happy with her decision thinking that she sees us both fine even after the break- up.

    I know NC/LC is for “getting over” the person and try to change yourself, but let’s admit it. The change is not sometimes actually for ourselves but we force ourselves to change to the person we love so they would accept us. Please help me. I have no one to talk about this one.

    • Total Posts: 303


    Your situation is not that bad really and I am quite confident you can get her back. I have been through what are you in before you can easily take advantage of the situation to get back with her. For now try to stay calm and distract yourself with something such as gym, sports etc.

    I will write more later…just at work atm.

    • Total Posts: 146

    NOOOOOW im struggling even more with the NC..i have to pass by his house everyday (we live less than 1 km = 0.63 miles apart), seeing his car where we started hanging out,being friends, getting to know each other…… first intimacy moments(lol) half of our moments were in his car, the other half in my house/room. that makes it so hard for me being in my room seeing him on my bed,on the chair he used to sit on.I still smell him on his side of the bed..i wonder if he feels the same when he sits in his car and im not in it like usually . he is also sick, laying and sleeping all day and i feel the urge to tell him to get better soon,i am holding back from contacting him,its the 5 day NC….

    we all know how much it hurts, we are in this together… no matter how much you want to contact ur loved one its better if you dont… I hope for us all we will get our loved ones back !!!

    • Total Posts: 303


    From my personal experience you have the opportunity to rekindle. For the 2 weeks you two are away do your NC! Then when you do get back to the place start being extra nice to her; depending on her reaction then you will have to change your course of action. NC is not the way to go for you I am afraid.

    • Total Posts: 27

    I guess there are weeks that make you feel so hopeless and there are weeks that make you feel okay. But really, do any one of us actually have days or weeks where you feel great? I don’t. I need so much strength just to get through one day.

    • Total Posts: 151

    @Ccltj009 – Sometimes just getting through another day is reason enough to celebrate. I’m not yet to the place of even feeling “okay.” Hang in there friend.

    Only 5 days of NC for me. The first day or two of NC were very difficult for me. The last few, not so much, only because I’m going through the anger stage. I’m too angry to want to talk to my ex at the moment. I’m having fantasies about getting rebound guys just to spite him. Not mature, I know, but that’s where I am at this point.

    • Total Posts: 27


    It’ll get easier, trust me. I’m at day 13, almost 2 weeks. It’s killing me but it’s killing me a lot less than it did when I first broke up 6 weeks ago and I couldn’t control myself.

    For me, I’m really afraid that NC will not work. But I really need to focus on myself right now. I miss her like crazy but like I said, it get easier, less painful.

    • Total Posts: 27

    Oh yes, my ex has a huge competition coming up. Do I maintain NC or can I wish her good luck?

    • Total Posts: 303


    Yes, maintain it.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Hi Everyone,

    I need some advice or your thoughts.

    Yesterday night my ex rang me but I didnt answer as I wanted to honour my no contact. I was a bit puzzled though because I wanted to know why she called.

    Anyway I figured that she might ask other people about my whereabouts so I asked couple of my friends to tell her about me. One my my mate is going through the same problem as me where his girlfriend broke up with him; he is a bit obsessive at the moment. My ex is friends with his ex and he is my friend.

    So this friend of mine contacted her and discussed his problems with my ex ( I really hate him now for that!!!) because one of the thing my ex told him is “I understand that you are feeling really upset, and it can drive people to behaving in extreme ways, but if you push her, she will feel uncomfortable and not want to hang out at all. I suggest that you take some distance from her. Don’t act too pushy and let her come to you. I really think you should take at least a year to try to forget though. Its not attractive to be desperate, especially for someone as independent as her.”

    Now does this mean my NC is extended for ONE YEAR? WOAH!!!

    Things just got fucked up!

    I am on day 12 of NC.

    From the timestamps; I deduced that ny ex rang me after she finished the conversation with him.

    Do I still have any hope for reconciliation it her after the 31 period NC?

    • Total Posts: 17


    Yes you do have hope for reconciliation. She was giving an example when she said it takes a year to forget a person. its not about continuing NC for a year. Its about wanting him to move on i believe…

    Oh and help me people! i want to inform my ex that I am going to send him items he requested from me so that he wont get someone else to buy it for him(because I already spent alot on the items). Should I break nocontact for this matter?

    • Total Posts: 303


    The best thing to do is to give the items to a friend of his or a friend of yours or a mutual friend of you both (try not to use a mutual friend unless you have to); to get it delivered to him. It might also send a message to him that you are moving on from him and wont give him a chance to talk to you. Do not what so ever break no contact unless it is a life or death situation.

    Also about my post earlier, my ex does want me to move on too but she never said a year. The last time I met her she said it several times. She also asked him several times if I was seeing anyone.

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