Boards No Contact Rule No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC

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  • #18011
    • Total Posts: 17


    unfortunately no. He will be at his aunts for christmas in Lincoln so the earliest i get to meet him after the magic letter stint would be in January before the spring term begins. But that might not be a good time to meet him because the last I talked to him, he was feeling so excited to attend a church camp with that girl in Jan.So maybe after the camp, we get to meet..

    • Total Posts: 395


    She is his bestfriend tho. But if she was his bestfriend, she should advice him and make us be more closer right? But it seems like she doesnt give any care about it. As long as she want it and she got it. He is charming of course. Everybody proud of her because she has the handsome boyfriend. she tweet everything about him even that thing doesnt need to be update!

    What did he text me? Meaning? Before we broke up?

    Can i have your email? I can straight contact your email ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 17


    my email: [email protected] , maybe we can talk using hangouts on gmail or something.

    • Total Posts: 395


    I already email you. Yes we can contact at hangout too. Did you get my email?

    • Total Posts: 27

    Me and my ex made it past the honeymoon period and had 21 months of our life together. Our relationship was our longest and most serious ever, so when she decided to end it, it was really bad for me. She seemed okay but I know that inside she’s feeling all shitty and hurt too, just not as bad as me I guess.

    I really do wish we get together again someday. We were so right for each other. And I am thankful that I came across this forum, this board. It’s nice to know that there are people out there going through the same thing I am and that we can be there for each other too.

    • Total Posts: 303

    Men can also be touchy and flirty too -_- .In my case this guy is doing it all; giving her all the attention she needs and etc.

    I have not been the best of boyfriends but I have not been the worst and my heart has always been in the right place.

    • Total Posts: 303


    Same here…I feel a whole lot better to share it with people and to know we are all working towards the same goal. Most of our relationships ended around the same time too.

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yes i do believe men can be touchy and flirty in their own ways. I just dont understand why some men moved on so fast? If our memories were the best why he seems so easy to move on? He left me without giving me any chance to make it right. Its not fair. Right now he is happy and his gf is very happy to have him of course


    • Total Posts: 303


    You shouldn’t generalise really because in my situation my gf moved on the next day she broke up with me where as I still have not. I am find it hard to even look at other women because I keep finding attributes of them to match hers. The dumper usually moves on a lot quicker whereas the Dumpee goes through the 5 stages of grief (Denial, Bargaining, Anger, Depression and Acceptance : This is the order of stages I went through).

    The NC may not work at the end, it might if the dumper is unhappy and realises that he/she made a mistake or acted in rash. It also depends on what terms the couple broke up.

    I really hate uncertainty.

    • Total Posts: 395


    I know how it feels like. Hang in there. Im also in that stage. It really hurts when we see someone we love move on while we still cant. Yes i think no one like the uncertainty.

    Im always wondering about him during nc period. Sometimes im scared if i cant move on like he did

    • Total Posts: 303


    We will all definitely move on because we have to and it will happen naturally with time. But I just don’t want to. I really love the past, it was the best years of my life (I spent my entire undergrad years with her.) Things took a turn and hopefully it would all get back to normal.

    Also I think we should all start forcing ourselves to go on dates and meet other people. I am considering speed dating to start with.

    • Total Posts: 395


    Of course but i tried and i tried and i cant. In fact, i dont want to just like you :'( … We did have such great great time. Even our one hour date was full of excitement. For the 8 months, it was the best. He helped me to let me out from my old depression life. Thats why i love him and i want him so much because i believe i can do better and i can make things right. Its not like i cheat or lie to him.

    I tried to meet other people but i still cant forget about him. I cant even do any rebound a bit. Im so sad that he is very happy now

    • Total Posts: 303


    I was never depressed before I met her, in fact I got her out of her bored depressed life and showed her excitement. I never cheated on her but however I used to tell white lies; I have changed since then yet she doesn’t believe me ( I have never lied to her in over a year; white lies like giving the wrong approximation of time etc, it was nothing serious in my head.)

    I think what you need to do during the NC period is put on a show sort of. You need to somehow convey to him that you can be fun and exciting. By showing him you are having a great time he might get re-attracted to you. This is where we can use social media to help us. Remember not to overdo it, it has to be very subtle.

    • Total Posts: 395


    Ohhh my. I tried my best to improve myself in terms of physical And mental but seeing him so happy like just now, he posted his picture with his new gf. I was like… I dont know if i had a chance to be at least close to him since he has someone else. Im doing nc and he didnt text me at all. Sometimes i feel like i want to give up but deep inside, it hurts me and its not fair

    • Total Posts: 36

    ANC worked for me i dont love my ex anymore,but im seeing her time to time and spending time together..she is even calling me when se feels bad and wants to watch games or go walk with me and even talk,but i might get my feelings back and might start want more at some point because i feel atraction towards her but she knows it i told her and even tough that she wanna see me ๐Ÿ˜€

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