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  • #17992
    • Total Posts: 395

    Sometimes i read the other post and feel like i doubt the NC a bit. Since my ex bf found someone else and been together a month plus, i dont know whether this NC can make him miss me even a bit. I do things to make me feel better and improvise during nc but i do hope he miss me when im no longer around him. Or else, maybe he doesnt miss me because he has someone else who always Being around him which is his new gf i guess? Or maybe they still in honeymoon stage?

    Nc – almost 6 days

    • Total Posts: 303


    We used to stay close together before moving into this new city and we also studied together. In London we live a bit further (about 20mins apart). I am working in a company and she is studying at University so the chances of us bumping into each other is very minimal; I won’t say that there absolutely no chance for it though. All our mutual friends are scattered as well.

    In my situation; she is got a crush on him and he likes her too but they are not going out. A few things my ex told me is a bit confusing; There was once where she texted me saying that she is not interested with anyone and another time we spoke she said she is not dating anyone. Once I went to her University to collect some documents from a team there (I normally don’t have a reason to go there; so this was just a one-off thing) I saw those two together having a meal in a private study room and he was really flirtatious and touchy. She spotted me and it wasn’t a good thing; whenever I think back I regret being there. Later that night she said she thinks he is unsuitable for her and then said she probably only thinks that because we just broke up.

    They see each other a lot during class, they go to society clubs together and they travel back home together. I am completely out of the picture at the moment. My ex is quite independent, determined and stubborn.

    We have broken up twice before this. Once because she was too young and scared of commitment and the other was last January where I pushed away by being mean to her ( I was stressed out and this time as I was going to a a phase; she still held that as a grudge against me.)

    I think in your case your ex would definitely comeback to you. That new girl does not seem like a sure thing anyways.

    • Total Posts: 17


    I did not read your previous message, sorry about that. Oh so you mean you got a job close to her school then?
    I myself made plans for the future with my ex. I am bound to go for a study abroad program to the UK in January and I chose a school closest to my ex. I know this sounds really complicated. My ex went over to the UK only 3 months ago and I wasnt expecting him to find a partner so quickly. Now, I completely dread going to the UK knowing that I am going to be all alone without him , not like what I planned earlier where we spend all our weekends and Easter holidays together. ugh 🙁

    • Total Posts: 303


    I do not work close to where my ex studies; it is in the same city though just about 30mins away. I do however live a bit closeby to where she studies and live as well.

    I know how you feel. Sometimes I just want to run away! Far away but I am trapped at the moment. I have made some travel plans with couple of friends starting from March.

    Is your ex studying in the UK? Also may I ask when did you 2 break up?

    • Total Posts: 27

    I think the thing that drive us crazy during the NC period is that we have no way of finding out if our ex is really happy or not. My ex seems like she’s happy but during trainings, her coach would tell me that she isn’t performing well at all.

    • Total Posts: 303


    Anyway can be happy where ever they are. But the question is are they as happy as they were when you two were together.

    Here is a paragraph I found (might be helpful if things don’t go the way we want):

    The people who leave us and break us leave voids in our hearts that we can’t fill in. Try as we might, it’s just always going to be there. We just need to grow so that the void becomes smaller. We fill ourselves with love and joy until that void is so tiny, you don’t really remember it or feel its effects anymore unless you’re reminded. It will be one of those “Oh, that little void. Yeah, I remember, but it doesn’t matter anymore.”

    Just remember to never stop falling in love and never let those little voids in your heart stop you from finding “The One” out there.

    • Total Posts: 27

    It’s a really nice paragraph and yeah, it does speak the truth.

    All I know is I want to be okay, I want to be better. The pain that is coursing through my veins right now is just temporary I know.

    I really hope NC is the right way to go for me.

    • Total Posts: 303

    I feel the same! I still want to reconnect with my ex. The pain of feeling empty is overwhelming. The pain of the thought that she actually did it, is agonizing. So I doing what I can to lift myself up. I have given myself a guilt free period where I do what I want that normally I won’t (I am not rebounding or sleeping around, but more towards eating w.e I want or spending etc). Once I start feeling normal I will return to my usual self.

    • Total Posts: 17


    Ohmy, thats terrible, i despise touchy and flirtatious people at the moment.. the girl my ex is obsessed is just as playful and touchy. which makes me feel disgusted..that girl and my ex goes to church together as well, and they go for social gatherings together too. Its bound to happen for them anyways since they are studying the same course.
    yes, my ex is studying in the UK. He left our hometown a few months back and he told me he didnt love me and broke up 4 weeks ago. I did feel him drifting away from me two weeks before he broke up with me though.


    hang in there sweetie. do u check his fb/twitter for updates on his life? when did he break up with u?

    @Ccltjoo9 and to all the other lovely people who have faith that their partners will come back to them
    I found this on instagram which I agree with.

    “maybe we’ll meet again, when we are slightly older and our minds less hectic, and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me”

    I feel that even if NC and that magic letter that we’re about to send fail to work, it doesnt matter. Because we will always be able to be happy with different people we are about to pursue in the future.Maybe its best if we let our partners venture and find new partners for awhile. They will understand themselves better and reflect on the good times they’ve had with us or even reflect and correct their not-so-desirable attitudes. I feel that most relationships have a limited period, they mostly last for a 2-3 year period and fail after that.

    I do not think that I could stay with my ex for another 6 more years until we reach the ideal age for marriage. I secretly hope that maybe we will meet again a few years down the road at that perfect age for marriage and eventually become lifetime partners. Sorry for sounding so negative, but I truly feel that long relationships do not last because the honeymoon phase fades after that.

    • Total Posts: 303


    I think the phase after the honeymoon phase is the best part! It is when everything is real.

    I have just been thinking what if our exes know each other. As in your ex is the one my ex left me for and my ex is the one your ex left you for! Its a small word with a lot of possibilities!

    • Total Posts: 17


    I hope not!!! My ex is not studying in London, so nope..

    • Total Posts: 395


    Oh dear. Same! My ex bf’s gf is very touchy and playful. Like every thing about him, she will update and tweet and tag him. I dont know what is her intention actually. But why she has to update every little thing? Sigh.

    No i didnt check him but his status and update always pop out on my timeline. He seems very happy. He drifted from me and of course he doesnt text me at all till now.

    Im not sure when im gone (6 days NC almost) will he missed me a bit?

    • Total Posts: 303


    Oh phew!!! Well yeah my ex is not very forward and touchy anyway. Also your ex should be back to your home town for the Christmas Holidays, it would probably be a good time to explore possible options.

    • Total Posts: 395


    We broke up at the end of october. He been with her started early november

    • Total Posts: 17


    ugh.. i really despise these people who are sooo flirtatious and touchy towards people who are supposedly already attached! Its because of these flirty girls that men cant stay with us which also explains the increasing divorce rates. omg sorry i sound so hateful :/

    what did he text you? can i have your email, so we can have closer contact?

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