Boards Reconciliation Need Some Advice

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  • #95438
    • Total Posts: 6

    Hey fellow readers,
    I need your input on things. I’ts been a month and a half since my ex and I broke up. Our relationship, I would say was the best. Before we started dating, we were best friends and he asked me out in the nerdiest kind of way and we started dating two months before senior year ended in high school which was in April of last year. Everything was great but we attended different colleges and we became busier but I noticed around November that he barely had enough time to do anything and I felt like I forced him to hang out with me one a week when he rarely had any free time at all but he said that wasn’t the case. However, I felt this and I became more needy and clingy because I realized he barely had enough time to be in a relationship and compared to how we were in high school, college was really a huge change for us and I must say I became paranoid and accused him of cheating because he rarely had time for me when really he was just busy and well… I drove him away from me. Also, I must say fear took over me too and ended up making me push him away too. So, around January he said he doesn’t feel like showing affection as much and that I’m not his type, which he should have known before dating me and he never mentioned that the first 7months we were together until now and it just confused me. It was more of an excuse he had and I just said maybe we need a little distance because you’re too busy now and he said maybe he does. He just kept asking me what I wanted to do because he was honestly confused on whether to break up or stay together because he didn’t want to force the relationship when I was here giving it my all like an 8 and he gave it with a 6. So, communication definitely changed towards the end and well I was my clingy self at the time and it hurt because he was considering breaking up. So, the day before my birthday because I couldn’t bear dragging the relationship just because I wanted to spend my birthday with him, I told him we need a break. And he’s just like okay, well whatever then I’ll be here and well the break only lasted a week and a half and he never called which he usually would do ,so it hurt and I just told him we should end it and he was fine with it so well here I am and I contacted him recently and he responded positively but it was short and i contacted him 2 days later and we had a longer conversation which was good but well I still wonder if I have a chance? He’s been in more relationships than me before and he probably knows the way of moving on faster than me, but well our relationship was the longest we’ve been in together and I just have hope that we can get back together. I learned the wrong things I did towards the end of the relationship and I hope we can work it out and stay together in the future. What do you guys think?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Big mistake to accuse him of cheating! Guys don’t like that at all. Acting clingy and requesting to meet once a week when you must have known he would be busy with school and studies put him off too. He doesn’t seem to want to reconcile, so for now, stop contacting him! I’m assuming you both have 3+ years of college. Attending different colleges can be draining perhaps because of distance. Maybe it took him a while to realize that you’re a needy type person and he can’t devote as much time to the relationship as he did before. You need to focus on your studies too, so give him space and maybe later you will be able to show him that you’re more considerate of his time needed for college homework etc.. People get busy with life, ya know? He also might want to spend time with friends and family. You aren’t married and you should NOT hog all his spare time!

    • Total Posts: 6

    Yeah I know. I realized the huge mistakes I made after it all happened. I don’t know why my mind was clouded at the time but I did the NC for a month and a half which was great because I learned to busy myself and started working out every day and bringing my grades up. I’m not looking for a relationship with him now because I still need time to work on myself but I hope I can be friends with him. It’ll take baby steps but I hope it’ll work out.

    • Total Posts: 138

    I wish you the best.

    • Total Posts: 265

    Hello, your relationship reminds me of my high school love. I was once with a boy who I felt nothing for, but still was with him. I then cheated on him and then he forgave me. I thought I fell inlove with him. However, it was like this sick love. I turned into a needy, desperate, and jelouse girl. I drove him away too. I turned into a girl he didn’t see a future with. He dumped me. That was the first time a guy did that. Still to this day it was the only time a guy dumped me. I was so so hurt. At that time the only way to forget him was being with others. I wrote him a letter that he never replied. I loved him so much, and I learned so much after the break up. Thats it, it was all a lesson learned for me. I didn’t believe in the “getting back with an ex.” I screwed up big time.
    I continued my life. And found another garbage to fall in love with. Excuse my language. I then left him because it was long distance relationship. Then I started with another garbage. I loved all those men so so much. Although, that last one cheated. I cheated too and stood with the guy I cheated with. And he ended up being my high school sweetheart and the one I want back. We had an 8 year relationship that just ended on March.

    Im sorry for writing my whole story but I hope you see. That life continues and you will know when you really need someone back. Moving on its very hard at first but gets easier once you meet another boy. My advice to you its to continue to win him back. Also, try to change and show him all that you changed. Be the girl he sees a future with. I’m rooting for you. I do believe in second chances, and he might give you one. By the way, moving on will always hurt, no matter the time you spent together. Lots of patience to you. I wish you the best.

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