Boards Reconciliation My ex made contact

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  • #48553
    • Total Posts: 86

    @CreeD firstly you aren’t exactly finished with your self development since you’re so revolved around what she is thinking and tbh you need to have a better perspective by understanding why exactly the break up happened rather than having theories and work on bettering those first

    And have a read of my reply above and let me know what you think and @SolidTurd let me know if you agree too

    • Total Posts: 1

    Ahhh, I think the post above is a little harsh. However, it would have taken courage for her to suggest you drop by and see her and you didn’t accept so I don’t think she will ask again. So if you do want to get back with her, I think you are going to have to be the one to suggest a meet up – but in a way that doesn’t come across as chasing her. Perhaps leave it a few days or until your next visit or until you move and drop a text along lines of “I’m in town this weekend if that offer to come by and see you you is still open?” That reminds her that it was her idea (so you don’t look chasing) and sounds casual. If she can’t make the day you suggest, at least the door is open again and from there I would imagine you could arrange a coffee eg “OK, no worries, how about we pencil something in for another time?” It is worth reflecting on why you didn’t accept her invite though – are you scared, are you into the tension of playing the game, do you genuinely want to reconcile? Probably the only way to test your own feelings is to actually see her – either the magic will happen or it won’t. Good luck!

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