Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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    Thargus I am happy eheh πŸ™‚

    amy you are still going with no contact? When are you going to contact him?

    my ex is being weird. posting weird stuff on facebook. untaging a picture on his profile of us. posting songs. mixed stuff. can be bad or good. idk

    • Total Posts: 425

    I am- but mainly because I’m too scared to contact him!! It’s been 37 days now and I’m REALY really starting to miss him :'( I went through a phase of being really upset, then angry at him, and now I just miss him horrendously πŸ™ I’m so scared to xontact though incase I get hurt again! πŸ™ he’s been going out with all his friends at the weekends which has upset me a bit…but his housemate who he said would “never get a girlfriend” has just got one! So I’m hoping that will make him realise what he’s lost from me kind of thing…

    I don’t know πŸ™ I guess I do want to contact him but I keep holding out thinking he’ll contact me Nd that he’ll miss me enough to-but at the moment I’m starting to feel really shit that he doesn’t seem to at all. His sister saw him this wkend and I’m seeing her tomo, so will see if she says anything…I don’t know I just feel a bit torn πŸ™ sorry about the rant!

    Gosh Kaila that sounds really wierd!! Has he spoken to you at all since he’s done all this?

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    No he hasn’t. I hope nothing else happens or I don’t know if I can take it… He is thinking about me for sure but I don’t know if in a good or bad way. Like… I miss her why isnt she saying anything, or I don’t think I want to get back at all πŸ™

    Well, yes, be with her and see what she tells you πŸ™‚ they have a close relationship? If so be careful so that she doesn’t tell him you want to get back. But I think it’s good if you try to know how he feels

    I am really proud of you πŸ™‚ So much time

    • Total Posts: 425

    That’s really wierd! Especially If he isn’t talking to you…maybe ask him what’s up? How long have you done NC for?

    Yeah, I told her the other day that I didn’t want to get back with him and that I jut want him in my life.

    I’m beginning to find it really really hard though, I cried this morning which is the first time in 2 weeks that I have! I miss him so so much at the moment I’m wondering if it’s starting to hit him like it’s hit me πŸ™ I hope so!

    Last time I asked her about him (about 2 weeks ago) she basically said he still loved me and cared about me but he’s so busy at the moment, has no time for me and that we should be single for a bit because it’s unfair on me…at least it’s nothing I did I guess!

    • Total Posts: 273

    The thing is amy as well, there was not really much intimacy in the relationship. But there was a good reason for that. She used to bring up VERY often that shes been in a LOT of relationships, some bad, some good, but all of them has crashed and burned. She would never tell me what happened etc or if there was anything else, so I don’t know exactly what happened. She told me she used to be in a very bad place with herself too. Involving anti depressants etc, I wont go into that though. So for that reason the relationship went extremely slow. I never wanted to push her into doing something she wasn’t ready for, whenever she was ready I was ready. It would only push her away if I tried. We even spent a night together in the same bed In a hotel when I took her to tye harry potter studios for her birthday, and I didn’t push anything to happen. I often had and still do get the feeling she thought that I didn’t find her attractive.. But that was certainly not the case. She was genuinely the most beautiful girl I have met. And also one of the nicest people I have ever met. But she was never open about things to me in the relationship. If something was on her mind she would talk to her sisters or friends all the time and they would give her advice. I wish she had spoken to me at times so things would never have gone this way. Because I am devastated. I gave her everything including total respect for going that slow. And I hope she knew that. These are reasons I think I need to bring up the conversation see.. I just don’t know. Shes making a mistake, without sounding big headed. πŸ™

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    Yesterday I accidentaly liked one of his posts -.-‘ Now I know how people that come in here saying they broke no contact accidentally feel x) I hope he didn’t think I have been looking at his posts > . < well I don’t think it matters that much.
    It’s two weeks today my dear. Last time I was with him we went for a drink and I gave him his gift πŸ™‚

    Well I know how it is to be with someone that is busy. That is the case with me as well. More now than before even. But to me what matters is that we build a strong long lasting and healthy relationship. And nothing would be more important to me in the relationship than supporting him, motivate him and give him the time he needs to make his goals happen. I know I am totally in the right thinking and mentality now. But emotionally and when it comes to my life I am not where I would like to be. But I don’t think it wouldn’t not work our because of this.

    Is there something you changed about yourself or in your life? There is no harm in meeting up for a coffee some day but if you want to leave a good lasting impression you should let him curious and wanting to be with you again πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 463

    She txt me again today about bills, saying that there ready. So what should I do I was planing on sending a letter but now after her txt I’m not sure what to do, should I txt her back asking to meet up for coffee and sort bills out etc and forget the letter. Or meet up sort things out then send the letter any way I’m confused. Her txting me has thrown me a bit. I had a plan

    • Total Posts: 711

    what was your plan

    • Total Posts: 273

    Kaila I thing I tried too hard to make her happy. But this is my first serious relationship. Being honest.. Its my first relationship. It is still a learning curve for me and she knew that.. But still..

    • Total Posts: 425

    Kaila- it was nothing I changed in my life…more him in his :/ when he got back from being abroad, he started a new office job and at the weekends wouldn’t want to do much. He also said he wasn’t seeig his friends enough and I think he used me as an excuse πŸ™ I think he said he was too busy as one excuse to hide the fact he (for whatever reason) thought that three years was I long/meant we would have to get serious πŸ™

    I saw his sister though-we spoke briefly about him, and I said I would love to speak to him but feel he should contact first. She said he doesn’t want to because he thinks that as soon as he does I will want to get back with him (cocky sod!!) to which I replied to her ” I don’t want to get back with him-I just want him back in my life, I miss him a lot πŸ™ “. So I guess we will see. I may wait another week or so! I am getting upset now though. I miss him so much πŸ™

    Thargus that is good, and it sounds like you were a goo boyfriend. But you can be the best partner in the world and still have it unnoticed by your ex. I had the same feelings with mine-I stayed with mine for 11 months whilst he was abroad in America and I was in the UK. We texted each other ONCE (sometimes twice) a day, Skyped on e or twice a week, and I went out and visited him twice. I gave him freedom, trust, live, never got annoyed if he didn’t contact me-and we survived that year when no-one else thought we could. When he broke up with me I thought (and still do think!) that he lost someone who would never have done that for him….but he still went along and did it.

    What I’m trying to say I guess is that you could be the best partner and have them not realise. In this case, we just have to hope they do! But telling her this won’t solve Anything-she knows what your like (girls WILL remember this kind of thing-trust me it isn’t forgotten) but you saying this again might make it seem very needy from you πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 463

    Hi guys. Any advice welcome. I’m on day 20 of no contact. we were together for 5 years. I moved to a new city to be with her that’s when things started to go wrong I couldn’t settle had no friends and finding work was hard. I finally found a job but I felt uneasy. She helped me a lot to try and settle. I started to act out and we started to argue. She finished with me and moved out last sept. Within hrs she was back wanting to give it another go. Things were good for a while till I got a new job I got stressed and took it out on her. We broke up 5 weeks ago with hardly no contact since then. Bar a txt she sent me on day 8 of no contact about final bills. She hoped I was ok. I replied with thanks for letting me know. And I continuied no contact.
    I had planned to send a letter to her in a few days and then try and re connect. But she txt me today saying that the final bills were ready. I hope your ok.

    I’m confused as what to do, I’ll need to meet up so should I ask her for coffee and sort bills etc and give her my letter.
    I need help as what to do, pls can someone help me as the best situation

    • Total Posts: 711

    @amy111 He is being really cocky ahah. Let’s show him otherwise πŸ˜‰ do you guys have each other on social media? Now it would be a great time to improve yourself, change something about your appearance so that he thinks wow what the hell is going on with this girl? Can I have a piece of it? eheh and you will be what it seems like miles away from him already, in his mind πŸ™‚

    Thargus I think you really just have to wait now and see what she says about the play

    • Total Posts: 425

    @kaila yeah I do! I went out last week and lots of pics were uploaded and a couple of weeks ago I got offered a new job and got onto a teacher course! So I put both of them up to ☺️ Luckily his sister also told him I’m doing great, and that I’ve been getting lots of job offers etc so that made me v.happy!

    Yeah little cocky ****! He’s been visiting his friends around the country past 2 weekends so that he doesn’t have to come home-think he realises when he comes home at weekends now that without me they are pretty boring!

    I did get a bit upset yesterday though πŸ™ I’m friends with his ex and when we were speaking she was like “yeah he spoke to me about 2/3 weeks after the break up, liked my things on facebook etc…” He hasn’t done any of that with me πŸ™ they were only going out for 7 months ish (very different to our 3 years) but still πŸ™ why would he so soon talk to her and ignore me? πŸ™ she broke up with him last time but their relationship wasn’t good by the end (unlike ours wilhi h was super great until the minute he dumped me!)

    • Total Posts: 273

    ill wait and just see what she says about the play. to be honest, we aren’t even really talking, its just false friends. but i don’t understand that at all!
    the reason is she begged me to be friends with her, even her best friend.. and now shes reacting like this.. i don’t know what it means and it is driving me mad.

    • Total Posts: 711

    That’s weird about him liking his ex stuff. But maybe its out of friendship or something. Now that you arent together he is just liking her stuff like he normally would with any friend.

    That is good then πŸ™‚ Keep doing that and give it more time. Clearly now he is just living his freedom, give him a few more months.

    I am very nervous about my situation. Its 2 weeks of no contact and of course I miss him but thats not the worse part, I can handle it very well. Its the uncertainty. He as been posting stuff on facebbook related to me and hinting at being really down and sad. I dont know if I should take this time and say something or do more no contact. I am afraid if I dont like any of his stuff (until now I always “liked” his new profile pictures) or do anything like contact him, he wont either. Maybe because he has no courage or maybe because he might think I don’t want to talk to him or whatever. I am really afraid :/ please advise me im so worried and nervous

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