Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #36489
    • Total Posts: 273

    Do I bring up the conversation about us on our evening out at the end of it or? I’m so unsure

    • Total Posts: 273

    No. What am I thinking. I need to learn to not be botherd by this and get my confidence up again. She will be wondering why I’m not bothered eventually!

    • Total Posts: 463

    No don’t bring anything up, play it cool. U want to show her your not bothered by this. I know it’s hard but it will be for the best in the long run. Good luck.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Thargus, did you hear from her in the end?

    • Total Posts: 273

    she did reply a few days ago. all she said was “yeah. sorry ive been so lame texting the last few days. Very busy and work is f*****g stressfull as usual. the company got sold though, so maybe gd things are on the way. yeah right. how are you? hows your nan?”

    so i responded asking why she was stressed etc

    she replied today and all she said was “is the show this Thursday or next?” i replied next Thursday how come? and ive had no reply from that.

    • Total Posts: 273

    so she didnt even reply to my last text, she just wanted to kno when we are going. i dont know anymore.

    • Total Posts: 425


    Stay strong! just wondering – how soon after she replies to you are you replying?

    maybe if she replies one evening, wait until the next morning to reply? make her wonder why your taking so long (her mind will go “i wonder what hes doing?why hasnt he replied? has he gone out?)

    and definately dont bring you guys up during the evening! definately not a good plan – it seems from what your saying it might scare her off again, and you don’t want that

    remember it has to come mainly from her – she was the one who broke up with you yeah? You want her to want you back, not force her into a conversation that would be uncomfortable for you both and put you back to no contact again.

    play it sloooooow πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    i try to leave it an hour maybe 30 minutes or so.. i replied after 3 minutes this time just because it was a specific question. and okay.. its just quite demoralizing thats all.. im being told by everyone else that i NEED to talk with her about this. there’s so many things where it makes everyone think she still has feelings.

    • Total Posts: 273

    and you don’t understand how badly i want to just ring her or text her and ask her what is actually up ? why are you so quiet with me etc?

    • Total Posts: 425

    I think you should definately leave it more than an hour. You’re coming across too easy and available. Something that is valuable is not easily attainable – this works both ways for boys AND girls. trust me!

    I hate to say ignore everyone else – but ignore everyone else. She was the one who broke up with you, it HAS to come from her. Everyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter – they don’t know whats going on in her head. You can’t spring a conversation about you guys up on her – especially as she dumped you. If you want her back, you need to take time with it. If she wanted to get back with you, she would make it known. As a girl, and speaking from experience – if a girl wants you, her body language, the way she talks to you, wanting to speak and see you alot of the time…she will make it obvious, and thats your time to act. At the moment, it seems as though she isn’t ready to take that step, and you forcing a conversation on her like that isn’t going to make it better.

    Nooo I completely understand – talked to my ex everyday for 4 years, all day I want to ring him and message him and text him and have him back in the life. its so, so so painful :'(

    • Total Posts: 425

    your doing so well with contacting her though and at least your talking! don’t spring a conversation like that up – especially as she said to you work was stressful.

    Show her the type of boyfriend you could be, without saying you could be if that makes sense. Be there for her, listen to her, flirt with her, make her laugh….actions speak louder than words. You dont have to have ‘the conversation’ , just show her that you can be a boyfriend that she would want to have. like i said actions speak louder than words!

    • Total Posts: 711

    Argh. It’s so frustrating right. You have a meet up with her in 10 days right. And now she isnt saying anything… its really nervewrecking but I would say give it time

    • Total Posts: 425

    I agree with Kaila – if she isnt saying anything I wouldn’t spring about you guys up on her :/ give it time or it might scare her off

    • Total Posts: 273

    i think that segment of comments you two just gave is the best advice iv’e had to date haha. thank you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    thats fine! we’re all here to help each other – its always horrible when your trying to win back someone! at least we’re all in the same situation and its nice that we can rant to each other πŸ™‚

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