Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #36397
    • Total Posts: 273

    so my ex replied to me yesterday. this is what she said to me. “Yeah. Sorry ive been so lame at texting the last few days. Very busy and work is f*****g stressful as usual. The company got sold though, so maybe good things are on the way :). hahah yeah right. How are you? Hows your nan?”

    i replied saying ive had troubles in work also, to try and make her intrigued and that nan is a lot better, and also asking her why work has been stressful etc and i hope it isnt getting you down.

    ive had no reply still, i dont know what to make of this.

    • Total Posts: 273

    i feel as though she is just trying to let me go. i dont know. this is hard.

    • Total Posts: 463

    I’m on day 15 of no contact but I feel like I want to txt her. What do u guys think? Should I stay strong!

    • Total Posts: 273

    stay strong. make day 20 and post here again. set yourself milestones. once you reach them you will be proud of yourself. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 463

    I know I need to stay strong but I’m feeling low today. She hasn’t tried to contact me at all during my no contact period. She’s liked a few of my pics on Instagram and facebook. I’m worried about it. We were together for 5 years, we had ups and downs but we were madly in love. Now I feel lost without her

    • Total Posts: 273

    wow 5 years.. and there’s me feeling like this for just under 1 year. but it is normal to feel this way you HAVE to understand that. πŸ™‚ you are strong for getting this far even! i cant imagine how hard no contact is. but you are doing amazing. keep messaging on here, it makes everyone feel better. there is absolutely NO way that she would just loose or forget about you for being together than long. its easier said that done.. but DONT. WORRY. πŸ™‚

    but what do you think of the text she replied with? i dunno what to think about it.

    • Total Posts: 463

    I forgot she did txt me when I was a few days into no contact. It was about our final bills on our old flat. She hoped I was ok at the end of the txt. I replied with a simple ‘thanks for letting me know’ no I’m thinking maybe that was her way of trying to start a convo but I shot her down. What do u think?

    I would wait for a reply remember the 1 to 1 rule. If she’s txt u before she’s just probebly waiting before she replys.

    • Total Posts: 273

    it was most likely a perfect way for her to start a convo with you, but she also is probably understanding that you are finding it difficult and is giving you the space. that is why i would wait till about day 20 and see how you feel then πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 463

    I’m planing on doing the 30 days. No matter how hard it will be, I had planed to send a letter out to her on day 28/29

    Could u read it and tell me what u think, it’s only a rough draft.

    Here's my letter! What do u think?

    • Total Posts: 425

    Rusty red Definately keep no contact!
    I’m on day 36 of no contact and feel so much better about myself. It really helps you to control your emotions and be able to look at the situation from a head point of view, not the heart πŸ™‚

    Definately make yourself miletones like thargus said! Whenever I feel like texting mine I always post on here cos I know others are going through the same πŸ™‚

    I know how you feel though rusty red-although I was with my ex for shorter than you (3years), we spoke every dy for 4/4.5 years including our relationship πŸ™ it’s hard and I get upset thinking he could replace me…but Definately stay no contact πŸ™‚

    You will feel SO proud of yourself at every milestone! πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 425

    Also, start up a new hobby! I started boxing and body pump…great ways to let out emotional stress and hVe fun and take your mind off it πŸ™‚ plus it’s something to talk about when your ex starts talking to you again ☺️

    • Total Posts: 463

    Thanks @amy111. I have started to improve myself I’m going to circuit training classes, started to learn to play the ukulele. I’m trying my best to keep busy but sometimes I find it hard

    • Total Posts: 24

    I envy you guys… I find nc so difficult.. I want to text her everyday but make myself not to do it. Im on my 2nd nc day 11 now.. 3 more weeks.. it so damn hard!!

    • Total Posts: 425

    rusty red I know what you mean-during my first few body pump lessons I ran out crying!

    The way that helped me get through NC was (and it sounds horrible) you really have to stop thinking about the good times you had. I had to strip my room bare from photos and memories! And for your own sanity you have to think negative thoughts about them for a while…i stopped thinking about what I was missing from not having him, and instead wht he was missing from me πŸ™‚
    At first I was scAred of losing my feelings for him as I didn’t want to let go, but you really have to be strong enough to! Just think when you want to see them again and get back together, you want them to see a new and improved you! Which in turn might make them think a new, improved and exciting relationship is on the cards!

    Also just think-no contact is giving YOU the power πŸ™‚ you’ll feel more in power by resisting talking to them-because they will probably be expecting you to give in…prove them wrong and that your better πŸ˜‰

    I miss mine horrendous amounts πŸ™ but if I do I think “hey, will he be missing me?”

    • Total Posts: 425

    But NC does get easier (believe me-I didn’t when anyone said it to me first. I thought I was going to cry every day for the rest of my life!) but hold out and go out with friends etc πŸ™‚

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