Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #47479
    • Total Posts: 425

    Woo well done thargus! Proud of ya. She can’t have her cake and eat it! She wants the attention from you, because quite frankly, she isn’t getting it from anyone else. Once you stop that, it’ll make her wonder why you’re not at her every call. I think she’s being extremely unfair to you if I’m honest, and it sounds as if she doesn’t want to be with you, but doesn’t want you to be with anyone else/wants you to still like her!

    • Total Posts: 42

    Ok.. cool. Cause since I read the 30 day rule well I just thought I’d text her after a month to see how she was. But ok. All I can think about is her and another guy. If that happens.. I’ll just move on. She said it was time she wanted for once to be alone so.. I j wouldn’t want her after that. Hopefully lucks on my side. Thx!

    • Total Posts: 42

    Hope she misses me thoug. Cause she has shown 0 interest and after all we have been through. It’s crushing me.

    • Total Posts: 42

    So I posted this but idk what happened to it. I was at the gym and I apparently my ex was there and she said if I was ignoring here.. I was texting my friends and she said she waved and tried to get my attention. She said: (in Spanish) yeah you ignoring me? And I was like oh hey, I didn’t see you.. we asked about each other, she asked how I was doing and about school so I told her about me success in math class which is my kryptonite.. and how I got 100 on a test and she asked about my jobs and all that and I told her I had to drop one in order to keep studying. Then I quickly asked about her life, family, job and then told her it was nice seeing her and that I had to get back to my workout so I don’t cooldown.. It was hard not to look where she was cause she was right by me sometimes using machines kinda close to me or even far but I felt her stare only a few times. I never looked at her and tried not to, I was really focused on just working out hard. It was like 1 hour of having here there and I was like.. whatever. But then as I leave I didn’t notice her dad was waiting outside on his motorcycle to pick her up.. I hesitated cause I thought I left one of my personal belongings but then found it in my pocket.. I think if the father saw me he might have told her I was waiting for her or something. Oh well then I walked home and since we live basically like in the same condominium and 50 steps away I heard them pass by me and then I saw them but I pretended like I was on the phone .. idk why natural reaction lol. Guess nerves. But I played it cool and was just nice the way I am to everybody. Wonder how she too certain things cause she made a face like maybe I was trying to avoid her.. which I wasnt. I talked for a bit. I just wanted to get my workout on.. hopefully this was a positive thing. Sorry for all this long stuff.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Robertizle I wouldnt worry about her moving on , thats a natural worry!! Mine showed 0 interest at all in me – no calls, snapchats, likes on Facebook – zilch. it was as if he didnt even exist anymore – turns out the longer i ignored though the harder it was for him ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I think you did well ๐Ÿ™‚ keep the NC going. she wont move on, trust ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    amy i have a question, what would your opinion be if she was to turn around and be very unhappy/annoyed with me for being distant etc?

    • Total Posts: 273

    im most worried of that happening see.

    • Total Posts: 42

    Thanks amy I will trust she won’t move on.. her birthday is towards the end of this month though. Idk If I should do anything or at least say happy bday and take her out for a drink or coffee.. she acted super friendly like she always has with me.. Nice. She is genuinely a nice girl but idk. And I’ve seen her stalking on Snapchat.. and she accidentally liked a vid of mine on Instagram and then quickly unlike it. So idk how I should feel haha. It’s pretty funny but a complicated situation nontheless. I have a feeling that after 30 days if she hasn’t contacted me.. I should at least say whatsup or do what this website says but you said not to so I will take your word for it.

    • Total Posts: 42

    Thargus, She is the one who messed things up. What you did when you told her you had other plans was play with her insecurities and not give her what she wants so she won’t be angry or anything. And if she does get annoyed it is because she actually cares and you should let her keep wanting what she can’t have.. Amy knows better than I do but that’s my opinion. Ask guru Amy lol

    • Total Posts: 2

    Hi @amy111 I’ve just read all of your posts and I feel I am in a similar situation to you. Would love to reach out to you. Don’t want to jump in on someone else’s thread with my story. Would you be happy to talk to me?

    • Total Posts: 42

    Amy send me your email.. I think you should create another email cause you are the one with the most experience and we would all like to reach you individually. =)

    • Total Posts: 711

    Robert I think you should send her at least an happy birthday text and that was great advice for @Thargus. I feel she has been playing with you, she has no right in being angry or upset. If she is it’s because she cares and you should leave her wanting more. I would even say next time she invites, say you are busy again. This time don’t say for what. Get used to not giving her explanations. She has nothing to do with it – this is how she should feel. You are escaping her thru her fingers, she no longer has an hold on you, you are moving having other things to do without her

    • Total Posts: 69

    @Robertizle I have to agree what everyone else has said on your situation.

    Take @amy111 point on sending the letter. You’ll want a reply and if you don’t get one it’ll hurt more. Until I found out that my ex had joined Tinder the week after she broke up with me I was going to send one as I genuinely believed I had caused some issues and was going to apologise in the hope that she would get back in contact. Looking back it was mainly her (not playing the blame game since we all make mistakes).

    I wrote the letter but thankfully found out she’d been looking elsewhere immediately after she said she didn’t have time for a relationship… it now sits in my drawer at home, I won’t send it. Today was my end of 30 day NC, but reading what Amy wrote about silence and through her experience – I knew the best way of letting my ex becoming intrigued is by keeping a low profile on social media and by having No Contact whatsoever. I know she is intrigued too because she’s still looking at every single one of my snapchat stories and hasn’t deleted me off FB etc.

    • Total Posts: 10

    @Amy you give really sound advice.. is there any way i could contact you via e-mail please.. I would love your help.. i really need it

    • Total Posts: 10

    @kaila or @robertizle can i contact you guys through e-mail? i would really appreciate it

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